eMagiz Documentation Portal

Version 5.1 by Erik Bakker on 2022/04/21 13:41
Warning: For security reasons, the document is displayed in restricted mode as it is not the current version. There may be differences and errors due to this.

Failed to execute the [velocity] macro. Cause: [The execution of the [velocity] script macro is not allowed in [xwiki:Main.WebHome]. Check the rights of its last author or the parameters if it's rendered from another script.]. Click on this message for details.


Within this portal, we gather all relevant materials on eMagiz. Popular categories are microlearnings, fundamentals, release blogs, store documentation, and many more. Store Information and many more. By having all information stored and maintained in one central location you can easily navigate and find information related to the eMagiz Product

The basics

To make the most out of your experience, log-in and:

Extend your knowledge

To extend your knowledge about the functionalities of the eMagiz platform we highly recommend using the microlearnings while developing in eMagiz. Furthermore, we recommend taking a look at our training offerings and certification paths.

To browse through the 200+ eMagiz microlearnings that are available for you, head over to the Extensions Repository.

Create your integration

Go beyond the documentation and create your integrations within eMagiz 

eMagiz will guide you into creating the integration through a structured approach consisting of five phases.