Changes for page Home

Last modified by Erik Bakker on 2024/09/24 16:08

From version 3.1
edited by eMagiz
on 2022/04/12 15:58
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To version 2.1
edited by eMagiz
on 2022/04/12 15:57
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20 + <p align="center"><font size="5" face="verdana" color="green"><b>eMagiz Platform Documentation Portal</b></font></p>
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24 + <font size="4" face="verdana" color="black">Positioning of eMagiz as a Lowcode, Enterprise Integration Platform as Service:</font>
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26 +<font size="3" face="verdana" color="black">
27 + <ul>
28 + <li><font size="3" face="verdana" color="green"><b>Low-Code</b></font>: no development skills required</li>
29 + <li><font size="3" face="verdana" color="green"><b>Enterprise</b></font>: services full enterprise – all integration patterns</li>
30 + <li><font size="3" face="verdana" color="green"><b>Integration</b></font>: connecting all types of software applications</li>
31 + <li><font size="3" face="verdana" color="green"><b>Platform</b></font>: all-in-one development, execution and governance</li>
32 + <li><font size="3" face="verdana" color="green"><b>as a Service</b></font>: cloud based with automated cloud hosting</li>
33 + </ul>
34 + </font>
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37 + <font size="4" face="verdana" color="black">In the following pages you will find various topics to support your activities in eMagiz.</font>
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39 + <ul>
40 + <li><a href="/docs/referenceguide/"><font size="3" face="verdana" color="black">Technical reference guide for Integration Model Components</font></a></li>
41 + <li><a href="/docs/microlearning/index_academy_all"><font size="3" face="verdana" color="black">eMagiz Academy</font></a></li>
42 + <li><a href="/docs/howto/"><font size="3" face="verdana" color="black">User Guides</font></a></li>  
43 + </ul>
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50 + <td colspan="4"><font size="5" face="verdana"><b>eMagiz Integration Types</b></font></td>
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55 + <td><b>API Gateway</b><p align="center"><img src="../img/API_Gateway.png" alt="API Gateway"/></p></td>
56 + <td>
57 + An API gateway allows to speed up your API development and lift your integration landscape to a next level. eMagiz support this integration patterns inside the iPaaS platform and provides a powerful solution for API Management features. API gateways are often used to channel synchronous request from other applications, and provide responses back to these applications in the form of data of other outcomes that allow the business process to continue. Inside microservices architectures, messages are processed using standard protocols and formats with all the required security (authentication & authorization).
58 + eMagiz has the API Gateway functionality with a Release To Market (RTM) version available. In de course of Q2, the API Gateway will be made GA including the required documentation and training. Please see for more information and read more about API Gateway in the Key Concepts section.
59 + </td>
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62 + <td><b>Messaging</b><p align="center"><img src="../img/Messaging.png" alt="API Gateway"/></p></td>
63 + <td>Organizations use many applications to support their business processes, and in regular landscape all of these applications are required to exchange data with each other to complete business processes. Some of the required data might be outside the organization. The messaging integration pattern allows to process messages that contain data in a secure, reliable manner. Whether that is processed synchronously or asynchronously – both are handled in the Messaging in eMagiz. Nearly all message formats and exchange protocols are supported. Please see for more information and read more about Messaging in the Key Concepts section.
64 + </td>
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67 + <td><b>Event Streaming</b><p align="center"><img src="../img/EventStreaming.png" alt="API Gateway"/></p></td>
68 + <td>
69 + Event Streaming allows to publish data to potential subscribers of that data. Modern microservices architectures are in need for a generic data exchange so that micro services can be more easily changed, the associated user interface updated with no need to change the complete application landscape or user interface. eMagiz provides means to manage these event mesh in solid, but easy way. Please see for more information and read more about Event Streaming in the Key Concepts section.
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