R11 Docker - Double lane
Last modified by Erik Bakker on 2023/09/13 07:27
Service affecting R11 template that improves stability of AWS EFS mounts in running instances when a reconnect to EFS is triggered.
We upgrade in two steps to use the new R11 release of the cloud template. Of these two steps, the intermediate step is non-service affecting, and the final step is service affecting.
It improves the stability of the AWS EFS mounts in running instances when a reconnect to EFS is triggered.
- Updated mount configurations of EFS to adhere to provider's standards.
- Ubuntu version update including latest security patches.
- This upgrade is service-affecting, as all instances have to be recreated.
Update Steps
- Use the intermediate template (non-service affecting) (duration: 10 minutes)
- This step will upgrade the backup machines hosted in the second Availability Zone in your Cloudslot.
- The network drive containing the Artemis queue store and your Elastic IPs will remain.
- Use the final template (non-service affecting) (duration: 10 minutes)
- This step will update your cloud slot configuration to allow an MQTT broker with failover settings.
- User actions after applying the final template:
- Check if all runtimes are reachable by Deploy Architecture.
- Check if all flows have been installed according to the active release.
- Check if messages pass through the model by verifying a critical message flow in external systems.