Changes for page 189 - Private Eye
Last modified by Carlijn Kokkeler on 2024/05/22 13:43
From version 23.1
edited by Erik Bakker
on 2022/11/21 13:13
on 2022/11/21 13:13
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There is no comment for this version
To version 24.1
edited by Erik Bakker
on 2022/11/21 13:22
on 2022/11/21 13:22
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There is no comment for this version
Page properties (1 modified, 0 added, 0 removed)
- Page properties
- Content
... ... @@ -2,24 +2,19 @@ 2 2 3 3 Please find out more on our [[Release blog>>Main.Release Information.Release Blogs.188 - Close Encounters.WebHome||target="blank"]]. 4 4 5 -=====New features===== 6 -* Design - Store: It is now possible to import Transformations and Data Models from the store into a model. 7 -** The Design Store can also be opened from the Mapping and Data Model screens. 8 -** The Design Store now offers search options for store items, including Transformations and Data Models. 9 -** When importing a Store item with a Transformation or Data Model, a new merge tool is available to link the Store Items data model to the users' data model or to add new attributes/entities to the user data model. 10 -** When importing a Store item with a data model that has been previously linked, the links are automatically restored, allowing for easy updating of store-based Integrations and easier installation of multiple Store items with the same data model. 11 - 12 12 =====Minor changes===== 13 13 14 -* Create - Flow Designer: Code mapping is now available for models migrating to the 3rd generation runtime 15 -* Create - eMagiz Mendix Connector exit: Download buttons are added for non-legacy eMagiz Mendix connectors. 16 -* Create - Overview: You will now see your errors within a flow but on the Create - Overview. To activate this, open your flow, and the number of errors you have in it, if any, will update so that next time, you don't have to navigate inside the flow to check how many alerts you have. 7 +* General: Code mapping is now available for models migrating to the 3rd generation runtime. 8 +* General: Added functionality that allows you to search by pressing "Enter" on various pages across the platform. 9 +* Store: Renamed several display names across the Store functionality to get better clarity on what it can be used for. 10 +* Deploy - Deployment plan: When a runtime is being deployed which is constantly crashing and thereby causing problems the restart of the runtime is limited to just 5 times. After 5 times the runtime will remain in the stopped state. 11 +* Deploy - Releases: The activate release functionality gained a performance improvement for models that use the 3rd generation runtime. 17 17 18 - 19 19 ====Bug fixes==== 20 -* Design - Store: Importing store items from response messages doesn't cause issues anymore. 21 -* Design - Store: Importing response messages and transformation to API integration is possible. 22 -* Design - API Gateway: The order of attributes in gateway messages was sometimes different than in the generated Open API document. (#783) 23 -* Create - Flow Designer: Ensure that the copy and pasting experience works for all flows. 24 -* Create - Flow Designer - Store: We fixed the maintaining selection of flow fragments from the store. 25 -* Manage - Exceptions of error messages: The count of error messages per exception class is now displayed. (#744) 14 +* Flow designer: Newly generated flows were configured with incorrect XSD or XLST resource locations under specific circumstances. (#718) 15 +* Deploy - Architecture: Prechecks for cloud template upgrades failed unexpectedly under particular circumstances. (#703) 16 +* Manage - Runtime statistics: Data measurements of eMagiz-Mendix Connector runtimes are not missing anymore. 17 +* Manage - Error Dashboard: Solved a problem that caused a user to see a general error when opening the Manage Dashboard while running a 3rd generation runtime architecture. 18 + 19 +====Remarks==== 20 +* Mendix Runtime has been upgraded to Mendix 9.19.0.