Wiki source code of 188 - Close Encounters

Version 27.1 by Erik Bakker on 2022/11/21 14:16

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1 The release brings several improvements to our 3rd generation runtime and its interaction with the portal. On top of that, we have several feedback items and bug fixes.
3 Please find out more on our [[Release blog>>Main.Release Information.Release Blogs.188 - Close Encounters.WebHome||target="blank"]].
5 =====Minor changes=====
7 * General: Code mapping is now available for models migrating to the 3rd generation runtime.
8 * General: Added functionality that allows you to search by pressing "Enter" on various pages across the platform. (#785)
9 * Store: Renamed several display names across the Store functionality to better clarify what the functionality does for you.
10 * Deploy - Deployment plan: When a runtime is being deployed, which is constantly crashing and thereby causing problems, the restart of the runtime is limited to just five times. (#720)
11 ** After five times, the runtime will remain in the stopped state.
12 * Deploy - Releases: The activate release functionality performance for models that use the 3rd generation runtime is improved.
14 ====Bug fixes====
15 * Create - Flow designer: Resetting the JMS server sometimes resulted in invalid connection settings for connecting to the failover JMS server. (#717)
16 * Create - Flow designer: Newly generated flows were configured with incorrect XSD or XLST resource locations under specific circumstances. (#718)
17 * Deploy - Architecture: Prechecks for cloud template upgrades failed unexpectedly under particular circumstances. (#703)
18 * Manage - Runtime statistics: Data measurements of eMagiz-Mendix Connector runtimes are not missing anymore.
19 * Manage - Error Dashboard: Solved a problem that caused a user to see a general error when opening the Manage Dashboard while running a 3rd generation runtime architecture.
21 ====Remarks====
22 * Mendix Runtime has been upgraded to Mendix 9.19.0.