Changes for page 204 - Found It
Last modified by Carlijn Kokkeler on 2024/05/22 13:39
From version 84.1
edited by Erik Bakker
on 2023/05/26 08:40
on 2023/05/26 08:40
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There is no comment for this version
To version 100.1
edited by Erik Bakker
on 2023/08/01 15:02
on 2023/08/01 15:02
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There is no comment for this version
Page properties (2 modified, 0 added, 0 removed)
- Page properties
- Title
... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ 1 - 198-GreatMigration1 +202 - New Equilibrium - Content
... ... @@ -1,23 +1,36 @@ 1 - Another coupleofweekshave passed,so itistimeforanewrelease.Wehave focused in thisperiodonimprovingthe migrationprocesstowards thenext-generationrchitectureaswellas how theuser experienceand interactionwiththenext-generationarchitectureworks.1 +In the last sprint cycle, we focused on finishing our work on the release properties functionality introduced in this release. On top of that, we have some additional smaller feedback items and bug fixes coming out of the Hackathon for you. 2 2 3 -Please find out more on our [[Release blog>>Main.Release Information.Release Blogs. 198-GreatMigration.WebHome||target= "blank"]].3 +Please find out more on our [[Release blog>>Main.Release Information.Release Blogs.202 - New Equilibrium.WebHome||target= "blank"]]. 4 4 5 +=====New features===== 6 + 7 +* Deploy - Releases: We removed two unnecessary release options: “Set release properties” and “Check properties. “ You can quickly update your properties via the Release properties overview. 8 +* Deploy - Releases: Before activating or deploying a new release, you should fill in all properties that relate to your deployment. If there are any properties without value, we will show them to you. Then you can update them and continue your deployment. 9 +* Deploy - Properties: This tab 'Properties' for managing properties is deprecated as of Release 202. As a result, it cannot be used anymore to manage properties. You can manage your properties via the 'Releases' overview. On this overview, you can select the wrench icon on the 'Create phase release' to find the property management overview. For more information about the management of properties and the related features, click on the right-bottom corner on 'Help and check out our documentation. 10 +* Deploy - Cloud Template: We have introduced new functionality for our next-generation architecture to host a MQTT broker in a failover (i.e., double lane) architecture. Please check out the cloud template [[release notes>>Main.Release Information.Cloud Templates.WebHome||target="blank"]] for more information. 11 + 5 5 =====Minor changes===== 6 6 7 -* Create-3rdgenerationruntimemigration:Youwillbenotifiedby a pop-up whenthe migrationiscomplete.8 -* Create-3rd generation migration:MigratingaJMSserverto the3rd generationruntime will migratebackup JMS servers too.9 -* Create-Flow designer:Added a validationforHTTPoutbound gateways andHTTP outboundchannel adaptersthat willcreatean alertf both Encoding mode and aRESTtemplateisetfor thecomponent.10 -* Deploy - Releases:We improvedthe performance of preparinganddeployingreleases, by optimizing thealgorithm thatdecides ifruntimeimages needsto berebuildor not.11 -* Deploy - Releases: Weimprovedresourcevalidationwhenpreparingreleases.Youwillgetnotifiedwhen a flow resourcewasupdated inoneflow, butnot in anotherflow inyourrelease.Only appliesthirdgeneration runtimes.12 -* Deploy - Architecture: Whenpressing"ApplytoEnvironment"in Deploy -> Architecturethere isno hard dependencies anymore onthe (active) release whenrunningin the next generation architecture.This makes it morelearandtangiblewhat function isnecessary for whatgoal.13 -* Manage - Alerting: Updated the eMagiz control towerwith animprovedway to determinewhethermetrics foraruntime are missing.14 -* General: Updatedthemonitoringstack so alerts canbepaused, reducingthealertsthatarereceived duringeMagizinfradeployments.14 +* Store - Export: "Store exporter" users can test their exported store items immediately without waiting for approval. (#1001) 15 +* Deploy - Releases: The infographic has been updated. 16 +* Deploy - Release Properties: Required properties are checked if they contain nested properties and are not missing values. 17 +* Deploy - Property release: Names of properties can be created/removed/edited. 18 +* Deploy - History: We deprecated the old page History, which displays the property changes in your model. The properties' history is on the Deploy phase's History page. 19 +* Deploy - Architecture: Changes made to AWS Slot settings are recorded in history. (#966) 20 +* Manage - Monitoring: Improved performance of 3rd generation runtime dashboards. 21 +* Infrastructure: Tightened security policies for a more secure infrastructure. 15 15 16 16 ====Bug fixes==== 17 17 18 -* General: Increased the performance of the eMagiz Control Tower, which should significantly reduce the occurence of the 'failed to send to elastic' log message in your models. 19 -* Deploy - Architecture: The docker commands now correctly propagate to the java process, making sure containers stop, start and restart as intended when running runtimes in a hybrid situation. Please check out the runtime [[release notes>>Main.Release Information.Runtime Images.WebHome||target="blank"]] for additional information. 25 +* Design - Import: Import into design from the store is possible, even if the integration is not in Create yet. 26 +* Create - Flow Designer: Improved validation on XPath header enricher. (#1005) 27 +* Create - Flow Designer: We fixed an issue that your flow fragment metadata disappeared when you canceled your changes of the existing flow fragment in your new version of the store item. (#989) 28 +* Create - Flow Designer: In some cases, when copying/pasting components into a flow, validation alerts would be displayed that did not belong to a component. This problem is now fixed. (#955) 29 +* Create - Flow Designer: We fixed an issue that prevents dragging and dropping an annotation from the left panel after a search from the search box. The speed of creating the dialog to enter the component’s name is also improved. 30 +* Create - Flow Testing: Properties will not disappear from the list when canceling changes on a default property value. (#913) 31 +* Create - Flow Testing: Users with view rights can edit test case names, descriptions, and property values. (#973) 32 +* Deploy - Architecture: The runtimes will display the number of connected flows, not "Zero." 33 +* Deploy - Architecture (Runtime Settings): Moved the delete button to the right side of the page and fixed the bug in the help text. 34 +* Deploy - Releases: We fixed an issue that prevented you from seeing a comparison message when hovering over an exit gate flow of the API pattern if you compare two release versions in Deploy. (#839) 35 +* Deploy - Releases: We improved the loading buttons of releases on the right pane by Order (Ascending). 20 20 21 -====Remarks==== 22 - 23 -* Infrastructure Upgrade: We have updated the underlying version of one of our applications to 9.24.2.