Changes for page 204 - Found It
Last modified by Carlijn Kokkeler on 2024/05/22 13:39
From version 84.1
edited by Erik Bakker
on 2023/05/26 08:40
on 2023/05/26 08:40
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To version 88.1
edited by Erik Bakker
on 2023/06/06 08:36
on 2023/06/06 08:36
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There is no comment for this version
Page properties (2 modified, 0 added, 0 removed)
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- Title
... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ 1 -19 8-GreatMigration1 +199 - Home Improvements - Content
... ... @@ -1,23 +1,20 @@ 1 - Anothercouple of weeks have passed, so itistime foranewrelease.Wehavefocusedin this period on improving themigrationprocesstowards the next-generation architectureas wellashowtheuserexperienceandinteraction with the next-generationarchitecture works.1 +In the last sprint cycle, we focused on improving various aspects of the portal functionality. Among others, we focused on the next-generation architecture, the store, security, and certificate management. 2 2 3 -Please find out more on our [[Release blog>>Main.Release Information.Release Blogs.19 8-GreatMigration.WebHome||target= "blank"]].3 +Please find out more on our [[Release blog>>Main.Release Information.Release Blogs.199 - Home Improvements.WebHome||target= "blank"]]. 4 4 5 5 =====Minor changes===== 6 6 7 -* Create-3rd generation runtime migration:Youwillbenotifiedbyapop-up when the migration iscomplete.8 -* C reate-3rdgenerationmigration:MigratingaJMSserverto the3rdgenerationruntime willmigrateckupJMSserverstoo.9 -* Create-Flowdesigner:AddedavalidationforHTTPoutboundgateways andHTTPoutboundchanneladaptersthatwill create anlert ifbothEncodingmodeandaRESTtemplateissetforthe component.10 -* Deploy - Releases:Weimproved the performance ofpreparinganddeploying releases,byoptimizingthegorithmthatdecidesifuntimeimagesneeds to berebuild ornot.11 -* Deploy - Release s:Weimproved resource validation whenpreparingreleases.Youwillgetnotifiedwhenalow resourcewaspdated inoneflow,butnotinanotherflowin yourrelease. Onlyapplies to third generationruntimes.12 -* Deploy-Architecture: When pressing"Applyto Environment"inDeploy -> Architecturethere isnoharddependenciesnymoreon the (active) releasewhen running inthenext generation architecture. Thismakes it moreclear and tangible what function isnecessary for what goal.13 -* Manage - Alerting: Updatedthe eMagizcontroltowerwithanimproved waytodeterminewhethermetricsfor aruntimeare missing.14 -* General: Updated themonitoring stacksoalertscan be paused,reducingthealerts thatrereceived duringeMagizinfra deployments.7 +* Design - Message mapping: It is now possbile to create a message mapping to an imported system message from the store. 8 +* Deploy - Cloud Templates: New Cloud Templates are available for single-lane and double-lane environments. Please check out the cloud template [[release notes>>Main.Release Information.Cloud Templates.WebHome||target="blank"]] for more information. 9 +* Deploy - Architecture: In the details view of a machine, you can now see the Static IP that was assigned to this machine by the eMagiz cloud. This way, you no longer have to contact your partner manager to retrieve this information. To use this functionality, please ensure you upgrade (automatically) to the latest cloud template. (#899) 10 +* Deploy - User management: Added a new overview pop-up to manage your event streaming users with expiring access certificates. You will also receive a notification email approximately three months before event streaming users' access certificates expire. 11 +* Deploy - Release: Unused runtime images will be automatically removed after successful machine deployments. This can be disabled by changing the machine step in your deployment plan. 12 +* Manage - Monitoring: HTTP statistics page now displays all the resources. (#960) 13 +* Manage - Alerting: congestion control will be enabled by default with ten alerts per ten minutes, and the user cannot see or change it. 14 +* General - Infra: Changed the library for storing metadata in the eMagiz Control Tower. 15 15 16 16 ====Bug fixes==== 17 17 18 -* General: Increasedthe performanceof theMagiz Control Tower,which shouldgnificantlyreducetheoccurence ofthe'failed tosendtoelastic'logmessage in yourmodels.19 -* Deploy-Architecture:The dockercommandsnowcorrectly propagateto thejava process,makingsurecontainersstop,start and restartasintendedwhenrunningruntimes in ahybrid situation.Pleasecheck out theruntime[[releasenotes>>Main.ReleaseInformation.RuntimeImages.WebHome||target="blank"]] for additional information.18 +* Create - Store: Spring Reserved words containing * are not incorrectly replaced with the flow prefix. (#864) 19 +* Manage - Monitoring: Not all log messages were visible in the manage phase when an application failed to start. Note that this functionality requires a newly deployed release. (#937) 20 20 21 -====Remarks==== 22 - 23 -* Infrastructure Upgrade: We have updated the underlying version of one of our applications to 9.24.2.