Changes for page 204 - Found It

Last modified by Carlijn Kokkeler on 2024/05/22 13:39

From version 93.1
edited by Erik Bakker
on 2023/06/22 13:26
Change comment: There is no comment for this version
To version 76.2
edited by Erik Bakker
on 2023/05/09 13:47
Change comment: Update document after refactoring.



Page properties
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1 -200 - Uncharted Territories
1 +197 - Pay Attention
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1 -In the last sprint cycle, we focused on improving various aspects of the portal functionality. Among others, we focused on the next-generation architecture and others.
1 +Here is our first release of this quarter. We have delivered additional minor (bug) fixes in this release and released the Live Flow testing feature. The last is a real improvement during the development process of a flow. Furthermore, you will find several enhancements in working in nextGen environments.
2 2  
3 -Please find out more on our [[Release blog>>Main.Release Information.Release Blogs.200 - Uncharted Territories.WebHome||target= "blank"]].
3 +Please find out more on our [[Release blog>>Main.Release Information.Release Blogs.196 - The Last Post.WebHome||target= "blank"]].
4 4  
5 -=====Minor changes=====
5 +=====New features=====
6 6  
7 -* Create - Flow Designer: it is possible to select multiple components by area selection on the area with a scrollbar.
8 -* Create - Flow designer: The new best practices have updated Kafka components' default values. Updated values are:
9 -** For Kafka templates:
10 -*** Batch size: 200000
11 -*** Linger: 300
12 -** For Kafka message listener containers
13 -*** Fetch min. amount: 100000
7 +* Create - Flow Testing: Till now, Flow Testing allowed to test eMagiz flows by defining a testing point on the start (and end) point(s), running them, and comparing the actual and expected messages. In this release, "Live Mode Testing" is introduced, making testing communication with an actual "live" endpoint possible. As a result, an "HTTP outbound gateway" can be set in "Live Mode." When you do this, the HTTP outbound gateway will send its request to the endpoint. Consequently, the response will be handled by the flow in the flow test so you can determine whether the actual endpoint behaves as expected.
14 14  
15 -{{warning}}The existing Kafka components in your flows will automatically be updated with the new best practice values. To make deploying these changes more effortless for you, we will create a new version of your flows after updating the values (versions will be created in the name of model contacts) and transfer them to the Deploy phase. You can then create and deploy a new release with updated flow versions.{{/warning}}
9 +=====Minor changes=====
16 16  
17 -* Deploy - Cloud Templates: New Cloud Templates are available for single-lane and double-lane environments. Please check out the cloud template [[release notes>>Main.Release Information.Cloud Templates.WebHome||target="blank"]] for more information.
18 -* Deploy - Architecture: We removed the deprecated reminder popup to update your cloud slot template. The automated upgrade feature replaces it alongside the "Upgrade" functionality in Deploy - Architecture.
19 -* Deploy - Deployment plan: We updated the right pane of the deployment plan to make it more compatible with the new runtime generation. Now, you can see all related logs regarding your deployment. By default, we only show some necessary logs, such as error logs, warning logs, and started runtime information logs. You can use the filter logs icons at the top of the list to show more information.
20 -* Deploy - Deployment plan: We updated the logic within our deployment plan functionality. The deployment step that disables all enabled triggers from the Manage phase disables triggers till you exit the deployment plan overview. That means that those triggers will be re-enabled after you move away from the deployment process or close the browser. Furthermore, there is no deployment step configuration to "enable" triggers anymore.
11 +* Design - Store: You can encounter a warning message when you import a transformation from the store because your imported transformation requires information from the related store fragment. To avoid a non-functional transformation in the Create phase, you should include that store fragment. Afterward, we will update your default flow component transformer to make it work correctly.
12 +* Design - Store: We updated importing to help you avoid an error while importing store items that will break your message definition in some cases.
13 +* Design - Store: We fixed an issue that you import the message definition(s), and a specialized DataType of imported message definition(s) is not matched with the exported message definition(s). Now, they are matched, and your transformation won't get issues.
14 +* Create - Store: We automatically excluded resources that are not good enough from the exporting wizard. Then you will find it easy to recognize a problem and avoid creating unusable store items.
15 +* Create - Flow designer: CDM edit right is applied to the message definition in Create phase. You can only change the CDM message definition, Gateway message definition, or even Event streaming message definition with the proper rights. (#690)
16 +* Create - Flow designer: Model resources tab removed on the resources page when adding a resource to a validating filter. (#921)
17 +* Create - Flow designer: Improve the responsiveness of the resources tab on the right panel.
18 +* Create - Flow Designer: Resources in the "Unused resources" section can be marked as used when components refer to the resources through property placeholders or in custom SPeL expressions.
19 +* Create - API Gateway: We fixed an issue where an optional query parameter would cause failed requests if that parameter was not supplied, so please reset your entry flow to apply the fix.
20 +* Create - API Gateway: We fixed an issue where API-Key secured requests would fail with error code 500 instead of code 401 if no API-Key was supplied. Please reset your entry flow to apply the fix.
21 +* Create - Resources: When viewing a resource, its full name will be shown, removing the need to download the resource to obtain its name. (#922)
22 +* Deploy - Releases: We reduced the time it takes to prepare a release before it can be deployed. The process of building runtime images has been optimized.
23 +* Deploy - Releases: We have improved editing properties in releases for runtimes that are 3rd generation compatible.
24 +* Deploy - Architecture: The topics are now ordered alphabetically, and the runtimes will now get the same order as design architecture (after 'apply to environment') (#543)
25 +* Deploy - Architecture: We improved the auto-healing feature of AWS machines. The new generation JMS server runtimes always start before other runtimes are run.
26 +* Manage - Explore: A new queue delete button is added. This button is only visible to authorized personnel.
27 +* Administration -User management: Company contact can edit permissions of models that fall under child companies. (#895)
28 +* Administration - Overview: Contracts page removed. (#907)
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22 22  ====Bug fixes====
23 23  
24 -* Deploy - Architecture: We improved timeout settings to give Stop, Restart, and Reset runtime actions enough time to execute. (#957)
25 -* Design - Store: Importing into "Design" from the store is possible, even if the integration is not in Create yet.
26 -* Manage - Monitoring: Detailed HTTP statistics will now show the correct user in case of API key authorization in more cases. Note that this functionality requires a newly deployed release. (#956)
27 -* Manage - Manage Dashboards: The screen loading speed is significantly improved for all models. This is most noticeable for larger models. (#964)
32 +* Create - Flow designer: Improved help texts of various flow components related to key-/truststores and their usage. They better explain what you need them for and mention essential security considerations.
33 +* Create - Flow designer: Various minor (cosmetic) fixes and changes in the edit pages of some flow components to make them more consistent with similar pages.
34 +* Deploy - Releases: We fixed an issue where after removing containers from a machine, during the execution of the deployment plan, the removed containers are not recognized as change, causing the 'Deploy machine' step to be skipped. (#514)
35 +* Manage/Event streaming statistics. For some models, (some) topic data did not show in the graphs. (#940)