Changes for page 204 - Found It
Last modified by Carlijn Kokkeler on 2024/05/22 13:39
From version 95.1
edited by Erik Bakker
on 2023/06/22 13:26
on 2023/06/22 13:26
Change comment:
There is no comment for this version
To version 103.1
edited by Erik Bakker
on 2023/08/29 11:07
on 2023/08/29 11:07
Change comment:
There is no comment for this version
Page properties (2 modified, 0 added, 0 removed)
- Page properties
- Title
... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ 1 -20 0-UnchartedTerritories1 +204 - Found It - Content
... ... @@ -1,20 +1,18 @@ 1 -In the last sprint cycle, we focused on improvingvariousaspectsofthe portalfunctionality.Amongothers, wefocusedon thenext-generationarchitectureandothers.1 +In the last sprint cycle, we focused on the scalability and stability of our infrastructure. On top of that, we will release several minor changes with a potentially significant impact. 2 2 3 -Please find out more on our [[Release blog>>Main.Release Information.Release Blogs.20 0-UnchartedTerritories.WebHome||target=3 +Please find out more on our [[Release blog>>Main.Release Information.Release Blogs.204 - Found It.WebHome||target="blank"]]. 4 4 5 5 =====Minor changes===== 6 6 7 -* Create-Flow Designer:it is possibleto selectmultipleomponentsby areaselectiononheareawitha scrollbar.7 +* Deploy - Containers: Removed generation of unnecessary properties from the 3rd generation event streaming containers. 8 8 9 +====Bug fixes==== 9 9 10 -* Deploy - Cloud Templates:NewCloud Templatesare availableforsingle-laneand double-laneenvironments.Pleasecheck out the cloud template[[releasenotes>>Main.ReleaseInformation.Cloud Templates.WebHome||target="blank"]]for more information.11 -* Deploy-Architecture:Weremovedthedeprecatedreminder popuptoupdateyourcloudslottemplate. Theautomatedupgradefeaturereplacesit alongsidethe"Upgrade"functionalityin Deploy - Architecture.12 -* Deploy - Deployment plan: Weupdatedtheghtpaneof thedeployment plan to makeit morecompatible with thenewruntimegeneration.Now, you canseeallrelatedlogsregarding your deployment.By default, weonlyshowsomenecessary logs,suchaserror logs, warninglogs,andstartedruntimeinformationlogs. You can usethe filterlogsiconsatthe topofthe list to show moreinformation.13 -* Deploy-Deployment plan:We updated the logic within ourdeployment planfunctionality. Thedeploymentstepthat disablesall enabled triggersfromthe Managephase disablestriggers tillyouexitthedeployment plan overview. That meansthat those triggerswill be re-enabled afteryoumoveaway fromthedeploymentprocess orclosethebrowser.Furthermore,thereis nodeploymentstep configurationto "enable" triggers anymore.11 +* Deploy - Releases: Container images are rebuilt correctly after changing a container’s IaaS. (#970) 12 +* Manage - Error messages: Error messages with a lengthy message history will also be displayed. This change only impacts containers that work on the 3rd generation architecture. 13 +* Deploy - Releases: When a user activates a release containing nested properties and the property is not created, we show it now as missing. We add the property placeholder after the user tries to activate the release. 14 +* Manage - Error messages: Error messages with a stack trace larger than 32kb will also be displayed. This change only impacts containers that work on the 3rd generation architecture. 14 14 15 -==== Bugfixes====16 +=====Infra and image changes===== 16 16 17 -* Deploy - Architecture: We improved timeout settings to give Stop, Restart, and Reset runtime actions enough time to execute. (#957) 18 -* Design - Store: Importing into "Design" from the store is possible, even if the integration is not in Create yet. 19 -* Manage - Monitoring: Detailed HTTP statistics will now show the correct user in case of API key authorization in more cases. Note that this functionality requires a newly deployed release. (#956) 20 -* Manage - Manage Dashboards: The screen loading speed is significantly improved for all models. This is most noticeable for larger models. (#964) 18 +* Image: A fix is released with this new image to ensure that specific error messages (see above) will also be displayed in Manage.