Changes for page 204 - Found It
Last modified by Carlijn Kokkeler on 2024/05/22 13:39
From version 96.1
edited by Erik Bakker
on 2023/06/22 13:26
on 2023/06/22 13:26
Change comment:
There is no comment for this version
To version 107.1
edited by Carlijn Kokkeler
on 2023/09/18 11:17
on 2023/09/18 11:17
Change comment:
There is no comment for this version
Page properties (3 modified, 0 added, 0 removed)
- Page properties
- Title
... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ 1 -20 0-UnchartedTerritories1 +204 - Found It - Author
... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ 1 -XWiki. ebakker1 +XWiki.CarlijnKokkeler - Content
... ... @@ -1,27 +1,17 @@ 1 -In the last sprint cycle, we focused on improvingvariousaspectsofthe portalfunctionality.Amongothers, wefocusedon thenext-generationarchitectureandothers.1 +In the last sprint cycle, we focused on the scalability and stability of our infrastructure. On top of that, we will release several minor changes with a potentially significant impact. 2 2 3 -Please find out more on our [[Release blog>>Main.Release Information.Release Blogs.20 0-UnchartedTerritories.WebHome||target=3 +Please find out more on our [[Release blog>>Main.Release Information.Release Blogs.204 - Found It.WebHome||target="blank"]]. 4 4 5 5 =====Minor changes===== 6 6 7 -* Create - Flow Designer: it is possible to select multiple components by area selection on the area with a scrollbar. 8 -* Create - Flow designer: The new best practices have updated Kafka components' default values. Updated values are: 9 -** For Kafka templates: 10 -*** Batch size: 200000 11 -*** Linger: 300 12 -** For Kafka message listener containers 13 -*** Fetch min. amount: 100000 14 14 15 - {{warning}}The existing Kafka components in your flows will automatically be updated with the new best practice values. To make deployingthese changes more effortless for you, we will create a new version of your flows after updating the values (versions will be created in the name of model contacts) and transfer them to the Deploy phase. You can then create and deploy a new release with updated flow versions.{{/warning}}8 +====Bug fixes==== 16 16 17 -* Deploy - Cloud Templates:NewCloud Templatesare availableforsingle-laneand double-laneenvironments.Pleasecheck out the cloud template[[releasenotes>>Main.ReleaseInformation.Cloud Templates.WebHome||target="blank"]]for more information.18 -* Deploy-Architecture:Weremovedthedeprecatedreminder popuptoupdateyourcloudslottemplate. Theautomatedupgradefeaturereplacesit alongsidethe"Upgrade"functionalityin Deploy - Architecture.19 -* Deploy - Deployment plan: Weupdatedtheghtpaneof thedeployment plan to makeit morecompatible with thenewruntimegeneration.Now, you canseeallrelatedlogsregarding your deployment.By default, weonlyshowsomenecessary logs,suchaserror logs, warninglogs,andstartedruntimeinformationlogs. You can usethe filterlogsiconsatthe topofthe list to show moreinformation.20 -* Deploy-Deployment plan:We updated the logic within ourdeployment planfunctionality. Thedeploymentstepthat disablesall enabled triggersfromthe Managephase disablestriggers tillyouexitthedeployment plan overview. That meansthat those triggerswill be re-enabled afteryoumoveaway fromthedeploymentprocess orclosethebrowser.Furthermore,thereis nodeploymentstep configurationto "enable" triggers anymore.10 +* Deploy - Releases: Container images are rebuilt correctly after changing a container’s IaaS. (#970) 11 +* Manage - Error messages: Error messages with a lengthy message history will also be displayed. This change only impacts containers that work on the 3rd generation architecture. 12 +* Deploy - Releases: When a user activates a release containing nested properties and the property is not created, we show it now as missing. We add the property placeholder after the user tries to activate the release. 13 +* Manage - Error messages: Error messages with a stack trace larger than 32kb will also be displayed. This change only impacts containers that work on the 3rd generation architecture. 21 21 22 -==== Bugfixes====15 +=====Infra and image changes===== 23 23 24 -* Deploy - Architecture: We improved timeout settings to give Stop, Restart, and Reset runtime actions enough time to execute. (#957) 25 -* Design - Store: Importing into "Design" from the store is possible, even if the integration is not in Create yet. 26 -* Manage - Monitoring: Detailed HTTP statistics will now show the correct user in case of API key authorization in more cases. Note that this functionality requires a newly deployed release. (#956) 27 -* Manage - Manage Dashboards: The screen loading speed is significantly improved for all models. This is most noticeable for larger models. (#964) 17 +* Image: A fix is released with this new image to ensure that specific error messages (see above) will also be displayed in Manage.