Wiki source code of 206 - Situational Deployment

Last modified by Carlijn Kokkeler on 2024/05/22 13:38

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Carlijn Kokkeler 112.1 1 In the last sprint cycle, we focused on improving our deployment plan. On top of that, we made several improvements to the store.
eMagiz 1.1 2
Carlijn Kokkeler 112.1 3 Please find out more on our [[Release blog>>Main.Release Information.Release Blogs.206 - Situational Deployment.WebHome||target="blank"]].
Erik Bakker 35.1 4
Erik Bakker 104.1 5
Carlijn Kokkeler 131.1 6 ====Minor changes====
Erik Bakker 93.1 7
Carlijn Kokkeler 117.1 8 * Design - Channels: Moving already attached channels in the flow designer has been made sligthly easier. (#845)
Carlijn Kokkeler 130.1 9 * Create - Framework: The framework used in the flow designer has been updated, improving performance.
Carlijn Kokkeler 126.1 10 * Deploy - Architecture: The description users see when adapting the topic retention size has been changed to be less confusing.
Carlijn Kokkeler 125.1 11 * Deploy - Deployment plan: The algorithm for genarating a default deployment plan is improved to keep JMS downtime and alerting to a minimum. (#1009)
Carlijn Kokkeler 120.1 12 * Deploy - Deployment plan: A change in the memory settings of a container triggers a redeployment of the container. (#993)
Carlijn Kokkeler 113.1 13 * Deploy - Properties: We removed the deprecated tab Properties in the Deploy phase.
Carlijn Kokkeler 117.1 14 * Deploy - Release properties: The description of a property can be changed by editing the property. (#1064)
Eva Torken 114.1 15 * Deploy - Release: The start/stop/restart machine deployment steps are now also executed correctly for AWS and on-premises machines.
Carlijn Kokkeler 113.1 16 * Deploy - Release: When a release is removed, the related unused images in the on-premises machines will be removed as well.
17 * Deploy - Release: Performance improvements have been implemented for loading releases in Deploy.
Carlijn Kokkeler 117.1 18 * Manage - Alerting: If alerting has been paused manually, it will not be activated automatically after a release deployment. (#1024)
Carlijn Kokkeler 124.1 19 * Manage - Alerting: Inactivated users should be removed from all alert settings (including “disabled“ settings) to avoid undesirable notifications.
Carlijn Kokkeler 117.1 20 * Manage - Monitoring: Graphs showing problematic runtimes, queues and requests have been updated to be sorted by “Process CPU usage”, “Messages in queue” and “Unsuccessful requests” by default respectively for 3rd generation runtimes. (#1069)
21 * Manage - Monitoring: The 3rd generation runtime dashboards have been changed to show data on UTC time zone by default. (#1070)
22 * Manage - Monitoring: Variables in the 3rd generation runtimes HTTP statistics detail pages are now sorted case insensitive. (#1063)
Eva Torken 114.1 23 * Administration - My account: When an account password change request is made, even when this fails, a mail is sent to the account owner to inform on the action.
Carlijn Kokkeler 113.1 24 * Administration - My account: When changing a password, it is compared to a list of known database breaches for security. A warning is shown when the password is found in a database.
Erik Bakker 93.1 25
Erik Bakker 37.1 26
Carlijn Kokkeler 118.1 27
Carlijn Kokkeler 109.1 28 ====Bug fixes====
Erik Bakker 104.1 29
Carlijn Kokkeler 116.1 30 * Design - Store: We fixed an issue that blocked you from importing Store content in the Design phase. The message definitions and message mappings are now imported correctly as the original content in the item of the Store.
Carlijn Kokkeler 113.1 31 * Design - Store: We fixed an issue that the orders of message definition elements were changed after being imported.
32 * Design - Store: We fixed an issue that importing a store item with synchronous message definitions went wrong. Now, the imported message definitions should be the same with the exported message definitions.
Carlijn Kokkeler 117.1 33 * Design - Store: We fixed an issue that static copies were missing when importing store items. (#888)
34 * Design - Store: Users who are not the model owner no longer see the eMagiz Store disclaimer popup, instead they see a popup containing a message. (#1027)
Eva Torken 114.1 35 * Create - Errors - We fixed an issue that, when migrating to Gen3, the error channel to “errorChannel” is only created for the first inbound in an entry flow.
Carlijn Kokkeler 113.1 36 * Create - Styling: The styling of the left component panel has been restructured, solving a rare bug which would break the styling of certain functionalities.
Carlijn Kokkeler 119.1 37 * Deploy - Cloud Template: An issue with disk performance in the last cloud template update has been resolved in this release. Please check out the cloud template [[release notes>>Main.Release Information.Cloud Templates||target="blank"]] for more information.
Carlijn Kokkeler 115.1 38 * Manage - Monitoring: It is now possible to search on messages using partial search words in Manage Monitoring. For example, a search for Uptime can be done by searching for "up" "time" "ptim".
Erik Bakker 101.1 39
Carlijn Kokkeler 108.1 40
Eva Torken 114.1 41
Carlijn Kokkeler 109.1 42 =====Infra and image changes=====
Carlijn Kokkeler 108.1 43
Carlijn Kokkeler 122.1 44 * Infra: New logging feature enabling us to make better choices in deprecating old encryption standards.