Changes for page 211 - Log Luminary

Last modified by Carlijn Kokkeler on 2024/05/22 13:36

From version 174.1
edited by Carlijn Kokkeler
on 2023/12/21 16:18
Change comment: There is no comment for this version
To version 175.1
edited by Carlijn Kokkeler
on 2023/12/21 16:27
Change comment: There is no comment for this version



Page properties
... ... @@ -7,25 +7,22 @@
7 7  * Deploy - Runtime overview: We added a new overview in the Deploy phase, called 'Runtime Overview', which shows the information of all runtimes on running machines in an overview.
8 8  * Deploy - Deployment plan: Before executing the deployment plan to deploy machines, a pop-up will be shown with a list of the affected runtimes.
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14 14  =====Minor changes=====
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16 16  * Deploy - Deployment: The missing properties overview has been updated to show the runtimes and flow versions of missing property values.
13 +* Deploy - Deployment: The version of runtime images used to prepare your containers for deployments will be the same across all environments. This holds for releases that are deployed and promoted to a next environment.
17 17  * Deploy - Architecture: Pending changes that have a high risk level are now shown in red bold in the pop up that appears after clicking 'Apply to environment'.
15 +* Manage - Alerting: You can now add external recipients to your environment directly, like internal users.
16 +* Manage - Monitoring: It is now possible to select the MQTT broker in the queue metrics dashboards.
18 18  * Manage - Monitoring: We improved crash handling so that log messages clearly show when and why a container failed to start.
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24 24  ====Bug fixes====
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26 26  * Deploy - Deployment plan: We fixed an issue where an error was given when trying to display an error message regarding deployment plan execution errors. This has been fixed by now showing a generic error in the deployment plan and logging the full error in the Deploy history.
27 27  * Manage - Monitoring: We fixed a bug where no new log messages were showing up, even though they were produced by the container.
23 +* Manage - Monitoring: The message throughput graph in the Manage phase will now show the correct data, independent from the selected time internal.
24 +* Deploy - Cloud templates: An issue has been fixed where a cloud template upgrade would be rolled back unjustly due to failed runtime checks.
25 +* Deploy - Deployment: Apply to environment will now be blocked when trying to deploy Gen3 runtimes on a Gen2 model.
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