212 - Failover Fiesta

Last modified by Carlijn Kokkeler on 2024/05/22 13:36

In the last sprint cycle, we focused on providing new cloud templates that improve auto-healibng. Moreover, components and deployment steps have been created to support a failover setup. Lastly, bug fixes regarding message mapping and topic data models have been done.

Please find out more on our Release blog.

New features

  • Deploy - Cloud Templates: New Cloud Templates are available for single and double environments to introduce improved auto-healing. Please check out the cloud template release notes for more information.
  • Create - Flow Designer: New components have been created to support a failover setup. More information can be found here.
  • Deploy - Deployment plan: Two new deployment step types are introduced to incorporate failover actions during deployment. More information can be found here.

Bug fixes

  • Design - Message Mapping: We have improved our merging functionality within our Store offering to avoid unexpected results after merging.
  • Design - Topic Data Model: It is possible to generate a JSON Example of a topic whose schema has nested elements.