216 - Hack Heaven

Last modified by Carlijn Kokkeler on 2024/05/22 13:35

As part of our alignment week, we also had a hackathon event focusing on a wide array of reported feedback on the portal. The majority of the release blog will be focused on this. In addition, we launched new functionality that makes it easier to transform to JSON, select infra flows in a release, and deploy multiple agents to a single machine that adheres to specific conditions.

Please find out more on our Release blog.

New features

  • When deploying the on-premise agent for an on-premise machine, users now have the option to select "Multiple environments" when the selected OS type is Windows. This will solve an issue where deploying multiple machines from different environments (machines from Deploy architecture) to the same on-premise machine (the 'physical' machine) running Windows Server 2022 as an operating system was impossible. We have now implemented a fix allowing users to run these multi-environment setups on their Windows Server 2022 machines.
  • Deploy - Architecture: Changing the memory of a runtime should now be done via the machine "details" screen. On top of this logic is added to check the overall health of the machine. This check is reevaluated on every change made on runtime level related to memory.

Minor changes

  • Capture - Generic: When deleting a system, tenant, or integration, more information is provided on what you are deleting (#1174)
  • Create - Transformation: An optional list in JSON will only create a list if there are items for that list. Otherwise, no list will be made by default. (#941)
  • Create - Flow designer: Property pop-ups now contain the property name as a text where you can copy the property's name. (#1175)
  • Create - Flow designer: When specifying a cron trigger in an inbound component, the validity of the cron is checked to ensure that no issues with the expression occur after deploying the flow version. (#1165)
  • Create - Settings: The warning pop-up is shown when you try to migrate your JMS server to 3rd Generation runtime, and other containers that need to be migrated first show the list of other containers. (#1248)
  • Deploy - Releases: Some usability improvements were implemented in Deploy > Releases. Users can now select the flow version of the infra flows (for each pattern respectively) by right-clicking the light-green eMagiz platform component (much like in Create). When the infra flow version has been edited in a release, the platform will color light blue to signify this change in the infra version. The context menu containing the versions also shows a caption to show what exact component has been right-clicked and whose flow versions are showing (i.e., entry, exit, onramp, offramp)
  • Deploy - Architecture: When architectural changes are pending in Deploy → Architecture, the screen will not allow edits and show a message that changes are pending. (#1079)
  • Deploy - Architecture: Pending changes will now block continuing after pressing "Apply to environment" instead of when pressing "Apply Changes" in the next screen. (#606)
  • Deploy - Architecture: Applying to environment or saving your machine is not possible If there is more memory configured than available. (#1144)
  • Deploy - Architecture: Changing the memory of a runtime should now be done via the machine "details" screen. On top of this logic is added to check the overall health of the machine. This check is reevaluated on every change made on runtime level related to memory. (#545)
  • Manage - Monitoring: A progress bar is added when users have long searches on "Log entries". (#1133)
  • Manage - Alerting - Triggers - New: It can now filter across Queues, Topics, Recipients, and Runtimes when adding a new trigger. (#1089)
  • Manage - Alerting - Alerts: It is now possible to filter the alerts based on the status. (#1176)
  • Catalog: Topics are now sorted alphabetically (#1231)

Bug fixes

  • Generic: Styling fix has been implemented for the text editor area in some places: Q&A forum (posts and answers), Edit store item pop-up (documentation field), and the Flow > Other > Documentation input field in the pop-up. (#1246)
  • Generic: The help text for the protocols field on the Jetty server and the SSL Web service message sender is clearer and shows possible options. (#1247)
  • Create - Transformation: The 'View' and 'Edit' buttons under parameters are the default behavior when you are editing. (#1241)
  • Create - Transformation: if one attribute rule from "string" to "nonEmptyString" has a filter with type "If exists" and with an empty check, then no warning about type incompatible will be generated. Clicking the "Refresh" button in the right panel for the current transformation with the false positive warnings will clean them. (#689)
  • Create - Flow designer: Components in the left panel of the flow designer are now alphabetically sorted by their name. (#1164)
  • Deploy - Property Overview: Resized window so that all property names are not cut off halfway. (#1081)
  • Deploy - Runtime Overview: Sorting on status is possible. (#1240)
  • Deploy - Releases: We fixed a minor styling issue when you edit the release by adding/removing the operations to the system in the API pattern. The cursor "Red stop sign" and "Green plus" are showing correctly now. (#788)
  • Monitoring - Event streaming statistics: graphs can show up to 30 days.