Changes for page 225 - Pop-up Party
Last modified by Bouke Reitsma on 2024/07/18 09:55
From version 259.1
edited by Carlijn Kokkeler
on 2024/06/05 09:30
on 2024/06/05 09:30
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To version 262.3
edited by Danniar Firdausy
on 2024/07/02 13:14
on 2024/07/02 13:14
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There is no comment for this version
Page properties (3 modified, 0 added, 0 removed)
- Page properties
- Title
... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ 1 -22 2-Flee Frustration1 +224 - Summer Sonata - Author
... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ 1 -XWiki. CarlijnKokkeler1 +XWiki.dfirdausy - Content
... ... @@ -1,17 +1,17 @@ 1 - In thelast sprint cycle,wehaveworkedto allowcrontrigggersforhours,days andmonths prependedbya0. Moreover,changesinDesignthat willcreateordelete runtimes,or impactyourodelarchitecture, will triggera warningbeforebeingput intoeffectinDesignArchitecture.Wevealsodoneseveralbug fixes,for example,usersare notlogged outfrom theportalanymore whiledeploying.Furthermore,usersarenow blockedfromdeployingatthesametimeonthe same environment. Find out abouttherestbelow!1 +During the recent sprint cycle, our focus has been on enhancing flow testing performance, resulting in up to threefold faster execution times. Additionally, we've refined platform usability based on community feedback, which includes enhancements to help text functionality, various pop-up pages, and the user interface for debugging integration flows. Find out all features and fixes below. 2 2 3 -Please find out more on our [[Release blog>>Main.Release Information.Release Blogs.22 2-Flee Frustration||target="blank"]].3 +Please find out more on our [[Release blog>>Main.Release Information.Release Blogs.224 - Summer Sonata||target="blank"]]. 4 4 5 5 ====New features==== 6 -* Design - Architecture: If a user makes changes in Design that will create or delete runtimes, or impact your model architecture, that user will be warned about this before it is put into effect in Design Architecture. 6 +* Design - API management: Model contacts are now able to select a default SwaggerUI environment from the API management settings in Design phase. The environment selected here will be the first and the default value of SwaggerUI server dropdown. (#438) 7 +* Capture - Settings: It is now possible to filter the message types in Capture on whether they are used. (#1281) 8 +* Manage - Monitoring: Wiretaps and debugging sessions will now collect messages for 10 minutes, this used to be 5. Note that the JMS server needs to be updated in order to also store the messages for 10 minutes instead of 5. For this, a new [[runtime image>>doc:Main.Release Information.Runtime Images.V310.WebHome||target="blank"]] is available. Moreover, helptexts have been added for clarification. 7 7 8 8 ====Bug fixes==== 9 -* Design - Architecture: The number on the JMS container correctly displays the amount of queues present in Design. (#1284) 10 -* Create - Flow Designer: Property values displayed in the Flow Designer and property values of your active release are now synchronized correctly. (#1053) 11 -* Deploy - Architecture: We have improved machine health calculations to prevent the creation of a machine with invalid memory configurations. (#1282)4 12 -* Deploy - Deployment plan: Users are blocked from being logged out during deployment execution, so that triggers are re-enabled after the deployment plan has been executed. (#1293) 13 -* Deploy - Properties: Cron triggers now allow for hours, days and months prepended by a 0, for example 05. 14 -* Deploy - Releases: Users are blocked from deploying at the same time on the same environment on the [[current runtime>>doc:Main.eMagiz Academy.Fundamentals.fundamental-runtime-generation3||target="blank"]] architecture. (#1293) 11 +* Create - Flow Designer: The SMB outbound gateway with the GET command did not work, this has been resolved. For this, a new [[runtime image>>doc:Main.Release Information.Runtime Images.V310.WebHome||target="blank"]] is available. Moreover, helptexts have been added for clarification. 12 +* Create - Flow designer: We fixed a transformation tooling issue where it was not possible to view an XSLT in certain cases. 13 +* Create - Flow Designer: In rare occurences, when a TaskScheduler was used, a deadlock situation could occur due to thread starvation. The number of threads available to the TaskScheduler has been increased to resolve this issue. For this, a new [[runtime image>>doc:Main.Release Information.Runtime Images.V310.WebHome||target="blank"]] is available. Moreover, helptexts have been added for clarification. 14 +* Create - Flow Designer: The recommended SpEL expression used for contructing a multipart/form-data HTTP request was no longer valid. The [[documentation>>doc:Main.eMagiz Academy.Microlearnings.Expert Level.Data||target="blank"]] has been updated with the new standard and the updated expression is now part of our default test suite. (#1215) 15 +* Create - Properties: Support has been added to provide the SFTP session factories with a known_hosts in string format rather than file format, so it is easier to setup SFTP. For this, a new [[runtime image>>doc:Main.Release Information.Runtime Images.V310.WebHome||target="blank"]] is available. Moreover, helptexts have been added for clarification. 15 15 16 16 17 -