Changes for page 225 - Pop-up Party
Last modified by Bouke Reitsma on 2024/07/18 09:55
From version 260.1
edited by Bouke Reitsma
on 2024/06/06 09:20
on 2024/06/06 09:20
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There is no comment for this version
To version 272.1
edited by Carlijn Kokkeler
on 2024/07/16 15:20
on 2024/07/16 15:20
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There is no comment for this version
Page properties (3 modified, 0 added, 0 removed)
- Page properties
- Title
... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ 1 -22 2-FleeFrustration1 +225 - Pop-up Party - Author
... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ 1 -XWiki. BoukeReitsma1 +XWiki.CarlijnKokkeler - Content
... ... @@ -1,17 +1,26 @@ 1 - In the last sprint cycle, we have worked to allow cron trigggersfor hours,days and months prepended by a 0. Moreover,changes inDesignthatwill create or delete runtimes, or impact yourmodel architecture, will trigger a warning before being putinto effect in Design Architecture. We have also done several bug fixes, for example, users are not logged out from the portal anymore while deploying. Furthermore, users are now blocked from deploying at thesame time on the same environment. Find out about the rest below!1 +During our recent sprint cycle 2 2 3 -Please find out more on our [[Release blog>>Main.Release Information.Release Blogs.22 2-FleeFrustration||target="blank"]].3 +Please find out more on our [[Release blog>>Main.Release Information.Release Blogs.225 - Pop-up Party||target="blank"]]. 4 4 5 5 ====New features==== 6 -* Design - Architecture: If a user makes changes in Design that will create or delete runtimes, or impact your model architecture, that user will be warned about this before it is put into effect in Design Architecture. 7 7 8 -====Bug fixes==== 9 -* Design - Architecture: The number on the JMS container correctly displays the amount of queues present in Design. (#1284) 10 -* Create - Flow Designer: Property values displayed in the Flow Designer and property values of your active release are now synchronized correctly. (#1053) 11 -* Deploy - Architecture: We have improved machine health calculations to prevent the creation of a machine with invalid memory configurations. (#1282) 12 -* Deploy - Deployment plan: Users are blocked from being logged out during deployment execution, so that triggers are re-enabled after the deployment plan has been executed. (#1293) 13 -* Deploy - Properties: Cron triggers now allow for hours, days and months prepended by a 0, for example 05. 14 -* Deploy - Releases: Users are blocked from deploying at the same time on the same environment on the [[current runtime>>doc:Main.eMagiz Academy.Fundamentals.fundamental-runtime-generation3||target="blank"]] architecture. (#1293) 15 15 8 +====Minor changes==== 9 +* Design - Architecture: If a model does not have a license for a pattern, the model contact now has the option to delete the process container of that given pattern. (#1297) 10 +* Design - Settings: When pressing Apply settings in Design Settings, a confirmation screen will now be shown to present the changes that will be taken into effect for each environment. (#787) 11 +* Deploy - Releases: A warning will be shown when a release is activated on production with a new runtime image version which has not been tested on acceptance before. 12 +* Create - Flow Designer: Added support for the Infinispan Cache Manager to perform clustering through JGroups' GossipRouter. For this, a new [[runtime image>>doc:Main.Release Information.Runtime Images.V311.WebHome||target="blank"]] is available. 13 +* Create - Flow Designer: Improved the error message when configuring an Infinispan Cache Manager with 'TCP-ping' transport type, when the list of peer hosts are passed in invalid format. For this, a new [[runtime image>>doc:Main.Release Information.Runtime Images.V311.WebHome||target="blank"]] is available. 14 +* Create - Resources: When bumping a new version of flows that are using a resource, you can specify which version type you want to create, Major, Minor or Patch version. You can also give more information in a description. (#1326) 15 +* Create - Flow Designer: Support objects are now shown in two sections, namely 'Support objects' and 'Unused support objects'. (#795) 16 +* Deploy - Architecture: For clarity purposes, a confirmation pop-up will be shown when deleting routes. 17 +* Manage - Explore: The 'Open debug queue' button in the queue browser enables the user to directly open the debug queue when it exists instead of having to search for it. 16 16 17 17 20 +====Bug fixes==== 21 +* Design - Message mapping: We fixed an issue where a pop-up was shown with an incorrect error while editing the message mapping of a synchronous flows. (#1357) 22 +* Create: The internal server error pop-up is not received anymore when moving to Create in a model which has an Event Streaming license but is not using it. (#1159) 23 +* Create - Flow Designer: Editing a namespace used in a message definition automatically updates the message definition & transformations. 24 +* Create - Flow Designer: The SMB inbound channel adapter failed to retrieve files when the remote directory pointed to a path with multiple directories in it, unless they were seperated with \ instead of /. This has been resolved, meaning that remote directories that contain multiple folders in its path can (and should) contain / again. For this, a new [[runtime image>>doc:Main.Release Information.Runtime Images.V311.WebHome||target="blank"]] is available. 25 +* Manage - Monitoring: The initial committed heap memory of runtimes has been lowered to better match actual usage. For this, a new [[runtime image>>doc:Main.Release Information.Runtime Images.V311.WebHome||target="blank"]] is available. 26 +* All - Updated transitive runtime dependencies to prevent potential conflicts on the classpath for extended images. For this, a new [[runtime image>>doc:Main.Release Information.Runtime Images.V311.WebHome||target="blank"]] is available.