Changes for page 225 - Pop-up Party
Last modified by Bouke Reitsma on 2024/07/18 09:55
From version 34.1
edited by Erik Bakker
on 2022/12/06 16:05
on 2022/12/06 16:05
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To version 35.1
edited by Erik Bakker
on 2022/12/06 16:11
on 2022/12/06 16:11
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There is no comment for this version
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- Content
... ... @@ -1,24 +1,29 @@ 1 1 The release brings a private store to our community and makes the latest runtime image available for our customers running on the 3rd generation architecture. Furthermore, we introduce several improvements to our 3rd generation runtime and its interaction with the portal. 2 2 3 3 Please find out more on our [[Release blog>>Main.Release Information.Release Blogs.189 - Private Eye.WebHome||target="blank"]]. 4 + 4 4 =====New features===== 5 -* A new runtime image for customer models running on the 3rd generation runtime. Please find out more on our [[Release blog>>Main.Release Information.Runtime Images.V110.WebHome||target="blank"]].6 +* A new runtime image for customer models running on the 3rd generation runtime. Please find out more on our [[Runtime Image release notes>>Main.Release Information.Runtime Images.V110.WebHome||target="blank"]]. 6 6 8 +=====Major changes===== 9 + 10 +* Manage - Explore: The Queue browser is a new feature that enables you to explore the queues on your jms-server and view (and delete) the message on them. It is only available if you migrated your JMS server to the 3rd generation runtime. 11 + 7 7 =====Minor changes===== 8 8 9 -* General: Code mapping is now available for models migrating to the 3rd generation runtime. 10 -* General: Added functionality that allows you to search by pressing "Enter" on various pages across the platform. (#785) 11 -* Store: Renamed several display names across the Store functionality to better clarify what the functionality does for you. 12 -* Deploy - Deployment plan: For 3rd generation runtimes we have changed the restart behavior in case of startup problems. This means that when a runtime is being deployed, which is constantly crashing and thereby causing problems, the restart of the runtime is limited to just five times. (#720) 13 -** After five times, the runtime will remain in the stopped state. 14 +* Create - Event Streaming: Event streaming is now available for models migrating to the 3rd generation runtime. 15 +* Create - Transformation: source filter on attribute with empty field is more readable in read-only mode. (#732) 16 +* Create - Migration: Improved compatibility checks related to the 3rd generation runtime migration. 17 +* Deploy - Check properties: Informative error messages when saving or creating a property. (#576) 18 +* Deploy - Deployment plan: We improved the deployment plan to avoid crashing the server when executing a deployment plan. 19 +* Deploy - Architecture: Added reset feature for 3rd generation runtimes. 14 14 15 15 ====Bug fixes==== 16 -* Create - Flow designer: Resetting the JMS server sometimes resulted in invalid connection settings for connecting to the failover JMS server. (#717) 17 -* Create - Flow designer: Newly generated flows were configured with incorrect XSD or XLST resource locations under specific circumstances. (#718) 18 -* Deploy - Deployment plan: Before when you tried to deploy a Release via the Deploy functionality the widget could crash randomly. With this fix we ensured the widget will always load correctly. (#362) 19 -* Deploy - Architecture: Prechecks for cloud template upgrades failed unexpectedly under particular circumstances. (#703) 20 -* Manage - Runtime statistics: Data measurements of eMagiz-Mendix Connector runtimes are not missing anymore. 21 -* Manage - Error Dashboard: Solved a problem that caused a user to see a general error when opening the Manage Dashboard while running a 3rd generation runtime architecture. 22 +* Create - Settings: We fixed an issue where changing the connection type did not update all relevant flows. 23 +* Create - Flow designer: Newly generated flows were configured with incorrect resource locations under specific circumstances. 24 +* Deploy - User management: Fixed an issue where 'Apply to environment' would take very long to finish. 25 +* Deploy - Deployment plan: While generating a default plan, flow type steps will not be created for OSGi runtimes that run on a Docker machine. (#798) 26 +* Deploy - Architecture: Cloud slots now wake up without potential need to apply to environment. 22 22 23 23 ====Remarks==== 24 24 * Mendix Runtime has been upgraded to Mendix 9.19.0.