Wiki source code of 228 - Monitoring Mania

Last modified by Carlijn Kokkeler on 2024/08/26 16:09

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Carlijn Kokkeler 306.1 1 During our recent sprint cycle, we have done several improvements to the monitoring graphs in Manage. Moreover, we have done several improvements in deploy architecture and flow testing. Please find out all our changes & bug fixes below.
eMagiz 1.1 2
Carlijn Kokkeler 303.1 3 Please find out more on our [[Release blog>>Main.Release Information.Release Blogs.228 - Monitoring Mania||target="blank"]].
Erik Bakker 35.1 4
Carlijn Kokkeler 272.1 5 ====Minor changes====
Carlijn Kokkeler 304.1 6 * Community - Release Notes: The legacy release notes tab has been removed.
Carlijn Kokkeler 309.1 7 * Create - Flow Designer: The styling of the "File Item Reader Message Source" component configuration pop-up has been improved. (#1152)
Carlijn Kokkeler 304.1 8 * Create - Flow Testing: Test messages can now be edited or removed while in the edit mode of the flow testing functionality.
Carlijn Kokkeler 307.1 9 * Deploy - Architecture: The SSL section in runtime settings has more elaborate helptext. (#1277)
10 * Deploy - Architecture: A pop-up with a warning will be shown when containers are configured with less memory than recommended. (#1423)
Carlijn Kokkeler 309.1 11 * Deploy - Architecture: The helptext of volume mappings has been improved. (#1405)
Carlijn Kokkeler 304.1 12 * Deploy - Deployment Plan: The deployment plan steps with type 'Failover' are now deprecated, meaning they can no longer be added to a deployment plan.
Carlijn Kokkeler 307.1 13 * Deploy - History: We added logging for when properties are deleted from the unused properties screen. (#1428)
14 * Deploy - Missing Properties Overview: Setting the value of a missing property will now automatically remove it from the missing properties overview. Besides that, search and sort functionality have been added to the missing properties overview. (#1436)
Carlijn Kokkeler 304.1 15 * Manage - Monitoring: We have done many improvements to the Monitoring graphs. Find out all improvements in our [[release blog>>Main.Release Information.Release Blogs.228 - Monitoring Mania||target="blank"]]. (#866)
Carlijn Kokkeler 288.1 16
17 ====Bug fixes====
Carlijn Kokkeler 304.1 18 * Create - Flow Designer: We removed legacy properties in connections through the eMagiz Mendix connector. This means that you will not get blocked anymore when deploying to Production. (#1065)
19 * Create - Flow Designer: The copy paste functionality in the flow designer does not change the configuration of existing flow components anymore. (#1392)
Carlijn Kokkeler 307.1 20 * Create - Flow Testing: It is now possible to reuse the test messages created in other flows within the routing and vice versa. (#1274)
Carlijn Kokkeler 304.1 21 * Deploy - Architecture: We fixed a bug where new machines could be deployed with exceeding memory. (#1295)