Search: "deploy architecture"

Last modified by Rico Kieboom on 2022/04/11 14:18

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237 - Fabulous Flow

Last modified by Erik Bakker on 2025/01/31 11:52
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. (#1544) XML to EDI transformer EDI to XML transformer XML to UN/EDIFACT transformer UN/EDIFACT to XML transformer Deploy - Architecture: To prevent out-of-memory events, the calculation of each runtime's memory limit is updated for all runtimes deployed on a Windows machine.
Bug fixes Design - Message (CDM) Definition: The possibility of importing anything from the store in Design is now blocked when the system has no technical name yet. (#1456) Create - Add Integrations: When removing the last integration from a system in create, the container infra flows are also removed from the create phase release. (#1559) Create - Flow Testing: Users can navigate to all pages for the logs in their flow test. (#1532) Deploy - Releases: The flow version for the Create release on the Deploy phase is synced for that specific flow automatically when the user resets the flow in the Create phase. (#1523) Deploy - Architecture: Searching in the start/stop flows overview, and the queue browser can now be done from any page in the overviews. (#1511) Manage - Alerting: If the message in a log or error contained a Windows line break (\r\n), and a log or error alert was configured that matched it, an alert would be generated, but no email would be sent out.
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. (#1544) ** XML to EDI transformer ** EDI to XML transformer ** XML to UN/EDIFACT transformer ** UN/EDIFACT to XML transformer * Deploy - Architecture: To prevent out-of-memory events, the calculation of each runtime's memory limit is updated for all runtimes deployed on a Windows machine. * Manage - Statistics: We have updated our monitoring graph technology, including minor styling updates across the different current-generation monitoring dashboards. ====Bug fixes==== * Design - Message (CDM) Definition: The possibility of importing anything from the store in Design is now blocked when the system has no technical name yet. (#1456) * Create - Add Integrations: When removing the last integration from a system in create, the container infra flows are also removed from the create phase release. (#1559) * Create - Flow Testing: Users can navigate to all pages for the logs in their flow test. (#1532) * Deploy - Releases: The flow version for the Create release on the Deploy phase is synced for that specific flow automatically when the user resets the flow in the Create phase. (#1523) * Deploy - Architecture: Searching in the start/stop flows overview, and the queue browser can now be done from any page in the overviews. (#1511) * Manage - Alerting: If the message in a log or error contained a Windows line break (\r\n), and a log or error alert was configured that matched it, an alert would be generated, but no email would be sent out.

202 - New Equilibrium

Last modified by Carlijn Kokkeler on 2024/05/22 13:39
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The properties' history is on the Deploy phase's History page. Deploy - Architecture: Changes made to AWS Slot settings are recorded in history. (#966) Manage - Monitoring: Improved performance of 3rd generation runtime dashboards.
Create - Flow Testing: Properties will not disappear from the list when canceling changes on a default property value. (#913) Create - Flow Testing: Users with view rights can edit test case names, descriptions, and property values. (#973) Deploy - Architecture: The runtimes will display the number of connected flows, not "Zero." Deploy - Architecture (Runtime Settings): Moved the delete button to the right side of the page and fixed the bug in the help text.
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The properties' history is on the Deploy phase's History page. * Deploy - Architecture: Changes made to AWS Slot settings are recorded in history. (#966) * Manage - Monitoring: Improved performance of 3rd generation runtime dashboards.
The speed of creating the dialog to enter the component’s name is also improved. * Create - Flow Testing: Properties will not disappear from the list when canceling changes on a default property value. (#913) * Create - Flow Testing: Users with view rights can edit test case names, descriptions, and property values. (#973) * Deploy - Architecture: The runtimes will display the number of connected flows, not "Zero." * Deploy - Architecture (Runtime Settings): Moved the delete button to the right side of the page and fixed the bug in the help text. * Deploy - Releases: We fixed an issue that prevented you from seeing a comparison message when hovering over an exit gate flow of the API pattern if you compare two release versions in Deploy. (#839) * Deploy - Releases: We improved the loading buttons of releases on the right pane by Order (Ascending).

Exercise - Apply to environment

Last modified by Erik Bakker on 2023/08/04 13:41
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{{container}}{{container layoutStyle="columns"}}((( With this exercise, we learn how to use the "apply to environment" functionality in Deploy -> Architecture. This functionality is a key component in sending changes to our eMagiz cloud to actualize these changes.
To complete this exercise you need to execute the following steps: * Navigate to Deploy -> Architecture * Enter "Start Editing" mode and open the context menu (by clicking on the white area of the canvas) * Select the certificate option and fill in the following things: ** CN Name ** Client Name * Save your changes on certificate level * Open the context menu again and select the route option. * Fill in the following things: ** DNS Left most label ** Port ** Runtime(s) ** Certificate to use * Save your changes == 3.

201 - Be Informed

Last modified by Carlijn Kokkeler on 2024/05/22 13:40
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. (#983) Deploy-User management: The user that makes a change is recorded in history instead of the user that applies to the environment. (#979) Deploy-Architecture: Upon pressing the “Apply to the environment” button, a confirmation page is shown.
These changes can be applied to the environment or reverted. (#828) Changes made in Deploy Architecture with an effect on your running environment will only be listed when they are made after this release.
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. (#983) * Deploy-User management: The user that makes a change is recorded in history instead of the user that applies to the environment. (#979) * Deploy-Architecture: Upon pressing the “Apply to the environment” button, a confirmation page is shown.
These changes can be applied to the environment or reverted. (#828) ** Changes made in Deploy Architecture with an effect on your running environment will only be listed when they are made after this release. ** Changes with a direct effect will not be listed (for example, restarting a machine).

205 - World Explorers

Last modified by Carlijn Kokkeler on 2024/04/18 13:11
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//__Show values on the runtime level in Deploy Architecture__// We have improved the values shown on the runtime (i.e., container) level in Deploy Architecture so you can better assess whether the memory configuration is still suitable for your deployed solution.
{{/info}} == **Bug Fixes** == //__Gain the ability again to configure certificates in Deploy Architecture again__// In restricting the configuration options on the certificate level in one of our latter releases, it became impossible for normal users to add and edit certificates within Deploy Architecture. To resolve this problem we have now released a fix to resolve this issue, giving people the ability again to add and edit certificates under Deploy Architecture. //__Ensure that differing container configurations deploy the correct configuration__// When you run in a multi-runtime configuration and change the actual flows that need to run on container A vs. container B, it happened before that all flows were still being deployed on all runtimes.

179 - Friction Hunters

Last modified by Carlijn Kokkeler on 2024/05/22 13:47
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. (#643) Create - Transformation: For new transformers the default output data type is set to the destination attribute data type. Deploy - Architecture Planned cloud upgrades can be executed manually before the plan date.
This does not happen anymore and long messages can be written with no further inconvenience. (#635) Create - Message type: The message type’s display will be updated when you change the its display name in Capture phase or Design phase. (#656) Create - System Message: Improved creation of enumeration for xml definition attributes so that the enumeration is automatically coupled to the attribute. (#200) Deploy - Architecture: For new machines, size changes in design architecture were not applied to deploy architecture, until after the first deployment. (#521) Deploy - Manage: Leaving the API statistics page does not result in error messages. (#541) Design - Message Mapping: Fix the bug which crashes the widget if the browser is resized from another tab (which doesn't contain the widget). (#655) Create - Transformation: Fix the bug which crashes the widget if the browser is resized from another tab (which doesn't contain the widget). (#655) Design - Integrations: For the data pipeline integration, errors of message mapping will be ignored. (#592) Remarks Capture - Settings: Tags: Added Save button for when creating/editing a tag. (#247) Mendix Runtime has been upgraded to Mendix 9.12.3.
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. (#643) * Create - Transformation: For new transformers the default output data type is set to the destination attribute data type. * Deploy - Architecture * Planned cloud upgrades can be executed manually before the plan date.
This does not happen anymore and long messages can be written with no further inconvenience. (#635) * Create - Message type: The message type’s display will be updated when you change the its display name in Capture phase or Design phase. (#656) * Create - System Message: Improved creation of enumeration for xml definition attributes so that the enumeration is automatically coupled to the attribute. (#200) * Deploy - Architecture: For new machines, size changes in design architecture were not applied to deploy architecture, until after the first deployment. (#521) * Deploy - Manage: Leaving the API statistics page does not result in error messages. (#541) * Design - Message Mapping: Fix the bug which crashes the widget if the browser is resized from another tab (which doesn't contain the widget). (#655) * Create - Transformation: Fix the bug which crashes the widget if the browser is resized from another tab (which doesn't contain the widget). (#655) * Design - Integrations: For the data pipeline integration, errors of message mapping will be ignored. (#592) ====Remarks==== * Capture - Settings: Tags: Added Save button for when creating/editing a tag. (#247) * Mendix Runtime has been upgraded to Mendix 9.12.3.

Securing a hosted web service with certificates on-premise

Last modified by Danniar Firdausy on 2024/09/18 14:06
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* Configuration of the SSL configuration (HTTPS, TLS, and client certificates) is done in Deploy -> Architecture * Certificate is generated via the support department (with or without CSR) or the client * No actions are needed on the flow level, only in the Deploy Architecture * You need a valid truststore and keystore to make it work == 3. Securing a hosted web service with certificates on-premise == To secure a web service that runs on-premise with the help of certificates, we need to navigate to Deploy -> Architecture. Here, we have the "Runtime settings" option that allows us to configure SSL options, such as HTTPS, TLS, and client certificates).
[[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@intermediate-securing-your-data-traffic-securing-a-hosted-webservice-with-certificates-on-premise--truststore-config.png]] Once configuring your endpoint, clients must provide a client certificate to exchange data. === 3.4 Deployment === To update your configuration, you need to create a new release and deploy it to actualize the changes made for TLS, HTTPS, and client certificate configuration. === 3.5 Recap === Important things to remember are: * Configuration of the SSL configuration (HTTPS, TLS, and client certificates) is done in Deploy -> Architecture * Certificate is generated via the support department (with or without CSR) or the client * No actions are needed on the flow level, only in the Deploy Architecture * You need a valid truststore and keystore to make it work == 4.

Update rollback complete state - Cloud Template

Last modified by Erik Bakker on 2024/09/03 11:00
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Situation == Pressing the 'Apply to Environment' button in Deploy Architecture led to an 'Update rollback complete' state. == 2. Problem == The problem in this case was that two routes were pointing at the same port configured in Deploy Architecture. == 3. Analysis == === 3.1 Reproduction === N/A === 3.2 Analysis === We started off by checking the CloudFormation in AWS.

177 - River Crossing

Last modified by Carlijn Kokkeler on 2024/05/22 13:48
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Create - Settings: Added support for gen3 upgrade/downgrade when splitting the gateway exit gates depending on the destination container. Deploy - Architecture: Creating routes with a port number that is not unique per machine are blocked. (#647) Model - Permissions: Model contacts can toggle their CDM edit rights. (#642) Bug fixes Login - MFA: Fix for enter key was not working on MFA screen to verify your MFA code after entering the code incorrectly first time. (#651) Homepage: Improved performance of loading the questions which contain high quality images. (#496) Design - Architecture: Topic storages' configured size can not be increased more than what you are contractually allowed to use. (#635) Create - Flow Designer After un-transferring integrations that share a combined entry flow, all of their auto-generated components are removed from the entry connector. (#488) Performance is improved significantly We fix an issue that you cannot start or stop the flow designer when you have been opened the transformation screen. Create - Transformation: refresh button has been reintroduced Deploy - Architecture: The machines have been sorted by their configurated order. (#468) Remarks Mendix Runtime has been upgraded to Mendix 9.12.2.
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. * Create - Settings: Added support for gen3 upgrade/downgrade when splitting the gateway exit gates depending on the destination container. * Deploy - Architecture: Creating routes with a port number that is not unique per machine are blocked. (#647) * Model - Permissions: Model contacts can toggle their CDM edit rights. (#642) ==== Bug fixes ==== * Login - MFA: Fix for enter key was not working on MFA screen to verify your MFA code after entering the code incorrectly first time. (#651) * Homepage: Improved performance of loading the questions which contain high quality images. (#496) * Design - Architecture: Topic storages' configured size can not be increased more than what you are contractually allowed to use. (#635) * Create - Flow Designer ** After un-transferring integrations that share a combined entry flow, all of their auto-generated components are removed from the entry connector. (#488) ** Performance is improved significantly ** We fix an issue that you cannot start or stop the flow designer when you have been opened the transformation screen. * Create - Transformation: refresh button has been reintroduced * Deploy - Architecture: The machines have been sorted by their configurated order. (#468) ==== Remarks ==== * Mendix Runtime has been upgraded to Mendix 9.12.2.

R7 Docker - Single lane

Last modified by Erik Bakker on 2023/06/06 08:12
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Update Steps Use the final R7 template (non service affecting) (duration: 4 minutes) User actions after applying the final template: Check if all runtimes are reachable by Deploy Architecture. Check if all images have been installed according to the active release.
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**Update Steps** * Use the final R7 template (non service affecting) (duration: 4 minutes) * User actions after applying the final template: ** Check if all runtimes are reachable by Deploy Architecture. ** Check if all images have been installed according to the active release. ** Check if messages pass through the bus by verifying a critical message flow in external systems.
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