Search: "deployment plan"
Last modified by Rico Kieboom on 2022/04/11 14:18
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222 - Flee Frustration
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. (#1053) Deploy - Architecture: We have improved machine health calculations to prevent the creation of a machine with invalid memory configurations. (#1282) Deploy - Deployment plan: Users are blocked from being logged out during deployment execution, so that triggers are re-enabled after the deployment plan has been executed. (#1293) Deploy - Properties: Cron triggers now allow for hours, days and months prepended by a 0, for example 05.
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. (#1282) * Deploy - Deployment plan: Users are blocked from being logged out during deployment execution, so that triggers are re-enabled after the deployment plan has been executed. (#1293) * Deploy - Properties: Cron triggers now allow for hours, days and months prepended by a 0, for example 05. * Deploy - Releases: Users are blocked from deploying at the same time on the same environment on the [[current runtime>>doc:Main.eMagiz Academy.Fundamentals.fundamental-runtime-generation3||target="blank"]] architecture. (#1293)
172 - Automation Activation
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Among these improvements, we have improved the performance of the deployment plan, and we made sure that you can analyze your XML validation errors from the Manage Dashboard once more.
…==**Import definition with multiple namespace from the store**== On top of that, we have made it possible that when you import a message definition from the store that contains multiple namespaces (typical for EDI), eMagiz will automatically import all namespaces and link the namespaces to the correct entities and attributes of your system message. == **Bug fixes ** == See below for all bug fixes that are solved with this release //__Deployment plan improvements__// Previously, when you tried to execute your deployment plan (especially in larger environments), this could take a while. Both in terms of opening and managing the deployment plan. With this release, we have made structural changes that will improve the opening and execution of the deployment plan.
195 - Easter Party
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With this release, we have changed this behavior so that this only happens when the flow you remove is an API-related flow and not when it is a messaging or event streaming flow. //__Stop deployment plan when a property is missing__// Currently, the execution of your deployment plan continues when eMagiz notices a missing property.
…This allows you to fill in the properties, and once filled in, you can continue with the remainder of the deployment plan. //__Cap stack trace of error messages and log entries__// To prevent that enormous stack traces of error messages and log entries need to be processed by various systems, we have now limited what is kept so only the relevant information is shown to the user. == **Fancy Forum Answers** == As always, this is a gentle reminder to ask questions via the Q&A forum.
189 - Private Eye
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//__Deployment plan is updated correctly when completly migrated to the 3rd generation runtime architecture__// We have fixed a bug that generated an incorrect default deployment plan once you were fully migrated to the 3rd generation runtime.
192 - Small Step
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//__Make preparation step in deployment plan visible__// For deployment on the 3rd generation runtime to work, the portal needs some preparation work. We have now made this step explicit and part of the deployment plan. {{warning}}Make sure to update your deployment plan accordingly to ensure that the preparation step is not forgotten{{/warning}} //__3rd generation runtime debugger feedback__// We have improved the user experience of the 3rd generation runtime debugger with this release by solving various feedback items we noticed in the first adoptions of the functionality.
188 - Close Encounters
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The complete list is as follows. * Deploy → Deployment Plan * Deploy → Properties → History * Deploy → User Management → Roles * Manage → Error Messages → Error Messages * Manage → Error Messages → Flows with Error Messages * Manage → Error Messages → Exceptions of Error Messages * Manage → Log Entries * Manage → Alerts * Manage → Triggers * Manage → Tags – Cant find (only Gen2) * Manage → Notifications * Manage → Notification Settings * Manage → Data Usage → History * Manage → Code mappings → All tabs == **Bug fixes ** == //__Loading problems of Deployment plan execution overview__// We have fixed a problem that could cause issues when trying to show the deployment plan execution overview after pressing the Deploy button in Deploy -> Releases. == **Fancy Forum Answers** == As always, this is a gentle reminder to ask questions via the Q&A forum.
185 - Get ready
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. * The Docker Cloud templates are now also connected to the eMagiz support infrastructure providing cloud instance level alarms === **Improvements** === * Performance Deployment plan When running a Deployment plan on a large environment, the browser would consume a significant amount of CPU.
206 - Situational Deployment
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Should you have any questions, please get in touch with [[>>]]. == **Deployment Plan** == //__Improved deployment plan to make the process better and more predictable__// The algorithm for generating a default deployment plan is improved to keep JMS downtime and alerting to a minimum. When stopping a machine, the JMS server is stopped last, and when executing the deployment plan, the JMS server is deployed first. This way, the JMS server is troubled minimally, and all processes are stopped before being deployed again.
…//__Store disclaimer__// Users who are not the model owner no longer see the eMagiz Store disclaimer popup, instead they see a popup containing a message that states that the model owner should accept the disclaimer. == **Feedback Items** == //__Alerting manual pause__// A few releases ago we changed the behavior of alerting in the deployment plan. Now each time when a deployment plan is executed the alerting will be automatically re-enabled when the deployer closes the deployment plan or closes the web browser.
197 - Pay Attention
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//__Improved user feedback while executing a deployment plan__// This release introduces additional feedback to the user when the deployment plan is executed. This is noticeable when a step cannot be executed properly.
208 - Controlled State
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//__Random stuck in deployment plan execution__// We addressed an issue where the execution of the deployment plan would occasionally become stuck or halted unexpectedly. == **Fancy Forum Answers** == As always, this is a gentle reminder to ask questions via the Q&A forum.