Search: "deployment plan"

Last modified by Rico Kieboom on 2022/04/11 14:18

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199 - Home Improvements

Last modified by Carlijn Kokkeler on 2024/05/22 13:40
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This can be disabled by changing the machine step in your deployment plan. Manage - Monitoring: HTTP statistics page now displays all the resources. (#960) Manage - Alerting: congestion control will be enabled by default with ten alerts per ten minutes, and the user cannot see or change it.
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This can be disabled by changing the machine step in your deployment plan. * Manage - Monitoring: HTTP statistics page now displays all the resources. (#960) * Manage - Alerting: congestion control will be enabled by default with ten alerts per ten minutes, and the user cannot see or change it. * General - Infra: Changed the library for storing metadata in the eMagiz Control Tower.

172 - Automation Activation

Last modified by Carlijn Kokkeler on 2024/05/22 13:49
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Minor Changes Deploy - Releases: Improved performance for deploying releases using the deployment plan. Capture - Requirements Designer: The requirements designer got a visual refresh.
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. ==== Minor Changes ==== * Deploy - Releases: Improved performance for deploying releases using the deployment plan. * Capture - Requirements Designer: The requirements designer got a visual refresh.

192 - Small Step

Last modified by Carlijn Kokkeler on 2024/05/22 13:42
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In this overview, you can see the progress of the preparation step when you execute the deployment of a release. Note that a new deployment plan is needed to make this work. Bug fixes Create - Flow Designer: We applied a new settings for the jms flow where the jms flow will try to shrink the journal files to 50 so it does not end up with a high amount of jms files which take too long to read.
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In this overview, you can see the progress of the preparation step when you execute the deployment of a release. Note that a new deployment plan is needed to make this work. ====Bug fixes==== * Create - Flow Designer: We applied a new settings for the jms flow where the jms flow will try to shrink the journal files to 50 so it does not end up with a high amount of jms files which take too long to read.

208 - Controlled State

Last modified by Carlijn Kokkeler on 2024/05/22 13:37
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Bug fixes Deploy - Deployment: We fixed an issue that the deployment plan got stuck or stopped randomly sometimes.
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====Bug fixes==== * Deploy - Deployment: We fixed an issue that the deployment plan got stuck or stopped randomly sometimes. * Deploy - Deployment: We resolved an issue where sometimes older containers get deployed, while eMagiz shows the new containers are deployed. * Manage - Monitoring: Improved message processing in infra components that should reduce the occurrence of log messages failing to be sent in Gen3 models.

201 - Be Informed

Last modified by Carlijn Kokkeler on 2024/05/22 13:40
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. (#958) Create - Migrate to 3rd Generation: Components used in Gen 2 flows that can be used in Gen 3 will not block migration. (#982) Deploy - Deployment plan: We fixed an issue that the list of installing flows did not show in the left pane when you deploy a release version to install/start/stop some flows into your runtimes. (#990) Deploy - User Management: As a user with view-only rights in Deploy/User management, you can now double-click on a user to open its details. (#972) Manage - Manage Dashboards: The screen loading speed is significantly improved for all models.
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. (#982) * Deploy - Deployment plan: We fixed an issue that the list of installing flows did not show in the left pane when you deploy a release version to install/start/stop some flows into your runtimes. (#990) * Deploy - User Management: As a user with view-only rights in Deploy/User management, you can now double-click on a user to open its details. (#972) * Manage - Manage Dashboards: The screen loading speed is significantly improved for all models.

227 - Fix Frenzy

Last modified by Carlijn Kokkeler on 2024/08/14 09:18
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Deploy - Releases: We fixed a bug where runtimes that did not change appeared in the deployment plan in the list of flows that will be restarted. (#1379) Deploy - Releases: We have resolved a bug that prevented you from deploying anything on a newly created model.
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. * Deploy - Releases: We fixed a bug where runtimes that did not change appeared in the deployment plan in the list of flows that will be restarted. (#1379) * Deploy - Releases: We have resolved a bug that prevented you from deploying anything on a newly created model. * Deploy - Runtime Overview: We fixed a bug such that the runtime overview now shows the correct container version. (#1310) * Manage - Alerting: We have implemented a fix that allows you to activate and test queue triggers per environment when you are migrating your model to the current runtime architecture.

233 - Policy Polish

Last modified by Carlijn Kokkeler on 2024/11/06 14:06
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Deploy - Architecture: Several improvements for our failover functionality have been done: We have improved the warning message for the balance failover deployment plan step, making it more clear how to solve this issue should it occur during your deployment.
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. * Deploy - Architecture: Several improvements for our failover functionality have been done: ** We have improved the warning message for the balance failover deployment plan step, making it more clear how to solve this issue should it occur during your deployment. ** We have added the option to manually initiate the failover balancing process, saving you from having to execute your deployment.

Deploy a release

Last modified by Erik Bakker on 2024/02/20 08:31
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Key concepts == This microlearning centers around the execution of a Deployment plan. The deployment plan is a series of steps that need to be executed on any TAP environment to make the release defined active inside the eMagiz runtimes.
Execute a Deployment plan == Provided there is a deployment plan, the execution is initialized from the Releases section.
Key takeaways == * The execution of a deployment plan is a smooth process to avoid manual deployments of flows * Be aware of the specific considerations involved * Tune the deployment plan continuously to make it better all the time. == 5.

Deploy a release

Last modified by Erik Bakker on 2024/11/24 09:32
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{{container}} {{container layoutStyle="columns"}}((( In this microlearning, we’ll focus on how to execute a Deployment plan within eMagiz. A Deployment plan is a sequence of steps required to apply updates and make a release active in your TAP environment.
Key concepts == This microlearning centers around the execution of a Deployment plan. The deployment plan is a series of steps that need to be executed on any TAP environment to make the release defined active inside the eMagiz runtimes.
Execute a Deployment plan == Provided there is a deployment plan, the execution is initialized from the Releases section.

179 - Friction Hunters

Last modified by Carlijn Kokkeler on 2024/05/22 13:47
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. (#572) When a cloud slot change is pending, you will be notified. (#606) Deploy - Deployment plan: Details of a deployment step are now visible for users with view rights. (#590) Deploy - Properties: We add more information in history to show containers or connectors where you changed the properties.
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. (#606) * Deploy - Deployment plan: Details of a deployment step are now visible for users with view rights. (#590) * Deploy - Properties: We add more information in history to show containers or connectors where you changed the properties.
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