Changes for page Academy

Last modified by Erik Bakker on 2024/09/24 16:12

From version 43.1
edited by Erik Bakker
on 2022/04/21 16:08
Change comment: Added object
To version 56.1
edited by Erik Bakker
on 2022/04/25 15:43
Change comment: There is no comment for this version



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11 + <div class="ez-academy__body">
12 + <main class="master">
13 + <h2 class="title">eMagiz Academy Microlearnings</h2>
14 + <p>
15 + <font size="4" face="verdana" color="black">
16 + Welcome to the eMagiz Academy section. In this section you will find all the relevant learnings for eMagiz. Below the three main entry points which will assist you to find the right content for your work.
17 + <br>
18 + </font></p><ul><font size="4" face="verdana" color="black">
19 + <li><b>1. Fundamentals</b> - It contains an overview of the most important platform components on a conceptual level</li>
20 + <li><b>2. Microlearnings</b> - It contains all microlearnings with applied knowledge for each of the platform's features. There are four levels of microlearnings ranging from novice to expert. Further, microlearnings are categorized by roles Developer, Architect, and Support Engineer</li>
21 + <li><b>3. Use Cases</b> - a group of microlearnings that will address a specific integration solution in the platform</li>
22 + <li><b>4. Migration Paths</b> - It contains all migration paths to move from a specific state to the newest state on the platform. Examples are migrations of the eMagiz Mendix connector or moving from the Root cloud to the eMagiz Cloud.</li>
23 + <li><b>5. RCA Knowledge Base</b> - It contains a subset of Root Cause Analysis performed on platform and model issues reported to us. By providing these anonymized versions, we intend people will browse through them when they are confronted with a problem.</li>
24 + </font></ul><font size="4" face="verdana" color="black">
25 + <br>
26 + Last updated - March 2022
27 + </font>
28 + <p></p>
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32 + <h4 class="title">Fundamentals</h4>
33 + </div>
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51 + <h4 class="title">Microlearnings</h4>
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69 + <div class="card__body" style="background: url(../../img/microlearning/academy_index/usecases.svg) center no-repeat; background-size: 15%;">
70 + <h4 class="title">Use Cases</h4>
71 + </div>
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83 + <label for="" class="card__footer-label">8</label>
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88 + <div class="card__body" style="background: url(../../img/microlearning/academy_index/migration-paths.svg) center no-repeat; background-size: 15%;">
89 + <h4 class="title">Migration Paths</h4>
90 + </div>
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107 + <div class="card__body" style="background: url(../../img/microlearning/academy_index/rca-knowledgebase.svg) center no-repeat; background-size: 17%;">
108 + <h4 class="title">RCA Knowledge Base</h4>
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