eMagiz Licensed features

Last modified by Danniar Firdausy on 2024/08/20 09:29

This fundamental provides a comprehensive list of features offered by eMagiz, including data sink, static IP, delta service, SFTP service, robots, VPN/DirectConnect, and Softcrow.

Should you have any questions, please get in touch with academy@emagiz.com.

1. Prerequisites

  • Take a closer look at the Fundamentals for Messaging, API Gateway and Event Streaming

2. Key concepts

eMagiz contains an overview of the licensed items and features of the platform. You can find them under Administration -> Licenses and will display for the accessible companies the models and it's licensed items. Below a screenshot of such a page of a sample environment. This fundamental will describe the list of additional features list on the top right quadrant of the page.


3. Licensed features

Below is the list of all items.

3.1 Data sink

Data Sink refers to the capability to sink (or store) messages into a storage location and a specific tag to the message that can be used to retrieve that same message again. Once that message is stored, it can be found in the Data Sink user interface that is part of the iPaaS Portal (my.emagiz.com). Messages can be seen there, and the actual content of the message can be viewed. The search option is only available on the tag used to sink that specific message * not on the content of the message itself. Traceability and compliance are the primary use cases for this functionality.

Please consult this microlearning for more information.

3.2 Static IP

The static IP feature allows fixating the IP address of the Cloud slot for external access. In typical cases, the IP address of an eMagiz Cloud environment is dynamic or will change frequently due to Cloud formation actions. This feature will fix the IP address via an alternative approach and is suited for situations where external parties need to secure access to and from the eMagiz Cloud (private) slot.

3.3 Delta service

The Delta Service is used in conjunction with Data pipelines, where eMagiz stores process meta-data so that only the added, changed, and deleted records can be transmitted to the next step of the integration. eMagiz uses H2 database technology, which is part of the eMagiz runtime.

3.4 SFTP Service

eMagiz can offer clients access to an SFTP Service in the eMagiz Cloud that they can leverage for file-based integrations. Clients' connected parties can put their files on that SFTP Server, and eMagiz flows can read and drop files to SFTP services. eMagiz Support manages access credentials and will provide the required access and sizing constraints.

Please consult this microlearning for more information.

3.5 Robots

For Robots, eMagiz offers RPA technology that allows one to scrape data from websites. That data is then transmitted to other systems or services and leveraged. There are concrete use cases for detecting vehicles, carriers, and carriers' arrival times. Once this information is known, it can be used to optimize supply chains in Transport and logistics.

3.6 VPN / DirectConnect (DC)

In specific cases, eMagiz offers the ability to create secure & dedicated connections to client infrastructure as an additional layer of securing traffic between Cloud and client infrastructures. eMagiz provides a wide range of specific security measures, as can be read in the security guide. A VPN service can be created from the dedicated client Cloud environment (please see the link below to fundamental eMagiz Cloud). Furthermore, eMagiz offers the option of a direct connection, which means that the connection between the eMagiz Cloud and the client infrastructure is channeled via physical connection lines (as opposed to internet-based connections).

Please consult this microlearning for more information:

3.7 Softcrow

eMagiz offers the ability to provide an escrow+ service to clients, whereby not only the source code of the entire eMagiz platform but also the data backups and cloud resources are deposited to an external service. That external service will provide access to these services in case eMagiz as a company stops all its activities. An external service provider handles this provision and secures source code, data, and uninterrupted cloud service.


4. Key takeaways

  • The eMagiz platform contains several add-on features that are explained in each of the above points
  • Access to the features can be granted via specific agreements between clients and eMagiz

5. Suggested Additional Readings