Changes for page Get Certified

Last modified by Erik Bakker on 2024/07/26 16:59

From version 59.1
edited by eMagiz
on 2023/01/25 10:23
Change comment: There is no comment for this version
To version 48.1
edited by Erik Bakker
on 2022/12/22 13:51
Change comment: There is no comment for this version



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1 -XWiki.eMagiz
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18 18  |1|Objective|Learn the basic function of the platform
19 19  |2|Format |Class-room training - hands-on & training demo
20 20  |3|Duration |6 to 8 hours
21 -|4|Preparation |2 hours on specific [[Microlearnings from the Crash course>>doc:Main.eMagiz Academy.Microlearnings.Crash Course.Crash Course Platform.WebHome||target="blank"]]
22 -**a)** Read Introduction & Capture Microlearning’s – section 0.1 to 0.7 (approx. 30 mins)
23 -**b)** Read Design Microlearning’s – section 0.8 – 0.17 (approx. 45 mins)
24 -**c)** Read Create Microlearning’s: 0.19 / 0.23 / 0.25 / 0.32 (basic understanding – approx. 25 min)
21 +|4|Preparation |2 hours on specific [[Microlearnings from the Crash course>>doc:Main.eMagiz Academy.Microlearnings.Crash Course.Crash Course Platform.WebHome||target="blank"]] **a)** Read Introduction & Capture Microlearning’s – section 0.1 to 0.7 (approx. 30 mins) **b)** Read Design Microlearning’s – section 0.8 – 0.17 (approx. 45 mins) **c)** Read Create Microlearning’s: 0.19 / 0.23 / 0.25 / 0.32 (basic understanding – approx. 25 min)
25 25  |5|Audience |First time users of eMagiz. eMagiz Developer, eMagiz Architect and eMagiz Support Engineer roles
26 26  |6|Subjects |Learn the basic of Capture to Create to create a first model using a case desription. Understand Flow testing, and use real example messages to understand the best practices. Learn to create a Release and how to deploy
27 27  
28 -=== 2.2 Feature training===
25 +=== 2.2 Microlearnings ===
29 29  
30 -|1|Objective|Learn & apply the most important feature for users productivity such as Data Sink, Store, Flow Testing and Message redelivery.
31 -|2|Format|Class-room training including case
32 -|3|Duration|4 - 6 hours
33 -|4|Preparation|2 to 4 hours of reading the following Microlearnings:
34 -1.
35 -2.
36 -3.
37 -4.
38 -5.
39 -a.
40 -b.
41 -6.
42 -7.
43 -8.
44 -9. Flow Testing microlearnings are already part of the crash course platform and are therefore expected to be known already
27 +|1|Objective|Access to full set of knowledge set of eMagiz
28 +|2|Format |Self-paced training & exercise
29 +|3|Duration |Several hours depending in level. Each microlearning will take between 5 and 10 minute
30 +|4|Preparation |Crash Course training
31 +|5|Audience |eMagiz Developer, eMagiz Architect and eMagiz Support Engineer roles
32 +|6|Subjects |Subjects are numerous and split by Novice, Intermediate, Advanced and Expert level. Furthermore, indication for what role the microlearning is intended for is provided.
45 45  
46 -|5|Audience|Users that have worked with eMagiz for minimal 3 weeks. It is an excellent addition to the Platform training
47 -|6|Subjects|Understand the concepts of Messaging, API Gaeteway and Event Streaming. Other topics are eMagiz Store, Message redelivery, Flow Testing, Data Sink and Architecture
48 -
49 49  === 2.3 API Gateway training===
50 50  
51 -|1|Objective|After the training, the student is able to understand the basic concepts of the API Gateway and make an informed decision towards whether a new integration can follow this concept. Understand the configuration of the API Gateway inside the eMagiz platform and understand how to configure backend operations to support the passthrough use case & how to authenticate
36 +|1|Objective|Learn the basic function of the API Gateway
52 52  |2|Format |Class-room training - hands-on & training demo
53 53  |3|Duration |4 hours
54 -|4|Preparation |1 hour on the Academy section for [[Crash Course API Gateway>>doc:Main.eMagiz Academy.Microlearnings.Crash Course.Crash Course API Gateway.WebHome||target="blank"]]
55 -|5|Audience |Users that need to make configurations in eMagiz for an API Gateway. To regard as an add-on training for the Crash course which needs to be completed first
39 +|4|Preparation |1 hour on the Academy section for [[Crash Course Event Streaming>>doc:Main.eMagiz Academy.Microlearnings.Crash Course.Crash Course API Gateway.WebHome||target="blank"]]
40 +|5|Audience |Users that need to make configurations in eMagiz for an API Gateway. To regard as an add-on training for the Crash course
56 56  |6|Subjects |Learn the configuration of an API gateway operation from Capture to Create, and the specifics for the flows types required for an API Gateway. Understand User management in eMagiz
57 57  
58 58  === 2.4 Event Streaming training===
59 59  
60 -|1|Objective|After the training, the student can understand the basic concepts of the Event Streaming pattern and make an informed decision towards whether a new integration can follow this concept. Understand the configuration of the Event Streaming pattern inside the eMagiz platform. Understand how to configure topics to support the passthrough use case, how to authenticate, how to handle user management, and how to handle transformation use case with the help of Event processors
45 +|1|Objective|Learn the basic function of the Event Streaming pattern
61 61  |2|Format |Class-room training - hands-on & training demo
62 62  |3|Duration |4 hours
63 -|4|Preparation |1 hour on the Academy section for [[Crash Course Event Streaming>>doc:Main.eMagiz Academy.Microlearnings.Crash Course.Crash Course Event Streaming.WebHome||target="blank"]]. Furthermore, these 2 modules are also relevant to read prior to this training.
64 -1.
65 -2.
66 -
67 -|5|Audience |Users that need to make configurations in eMagiz for Event Streaming. To regard as an add-on training for the Crash course which needs to be completed first
48 +|4|Preparation |1 hour on the Academy section for [[Crash Course Event Streaming>>doc:Main.eMagiz Academy.Microlearnings.Crash Course.Crash Course Event Streaming.WebHome||target="blank"]]
49 +|5|Audience |Users that need to make configurations in eMagiz for Event Streaming. To regard as an add-on training for the Crash course
68 68  |6|Subjects |Learn the configuration of Event Streaming integration in eMagiz. Understand the basic notion of topics, deployment of topics and User Management. Learn the capability of event Processors for transformations
69 -
70 -=== 2.5 Support Engineer training ===
71 71  
72 -|1|Objective| Allow support engineers and functional owners to understand the status of the eMagiz integration model. Or to analyse message traffic traversing through the system
73 -|2|Format |Class-room training - hands-on & training demo
74 -|3|Duration |4 hours
75 -|4|Preparation |2 to 4 hour on the Academy section for These microlearnings can serve as an introduction of eMagiz and this training
76 -High level platform features:
77 -Fundamentals
78 -
79 -
80 -
81 -
82 -The following microlearnings are relevant for deeper understanding of support related matters
83 -Error messages
84 -
85 -
86 -Runtime statistics
87 -
88 -Alerting
89 -
90 -Queue statistics
91 -
92 -Monitor Event Streaming
93 -
94 -Monitoring of Logs
95 - (Only 319.1 and 319.2)
96 -Message redelivery
97 -
52 +=== 2.5 Developer training===
98 98  
99 -|5|Audience |Users that need to manage an eMagiz integration model in production To regard as an add-on training for the Crash course which needs to be completed first
100 -|6|Subjects |Learn the key graphs in the Manage phase based on the nextGen architecture.
101 -
102 -=== 2.6 Developer training===
103 -
104 104  |1|Objective|Learn to become more self-sufficient in the Design an Create
105 105  |2|Format|Handson class-room training or self-paced sessions
106 106  |3|Duration|6 - 8 hours
... ... @@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
108 108  |5|Audience|Users have completed the Crash Course and want more hands-on training beyond the current implementation/project
109 109  |6|Subjects|Gain more insight into the Design phase including data modelling, transformations and patterns specific configurations. Setup Design Architecture and enhance integrations in the Create phase
110 110  
111 -=== 2.7 Discovery training===
61 +=== 2.6 Discovery training===
112 112  
113 113  |1|Objective|Learn how to discover the required information for the Capture and Design phase
114 114  |2|Format|Class-room training including case
... ... @@ -117,7 +117,7 @@
117 117  |5|Audience|Users that have worked with eMagiz for minimal 2 months and have completed the Basic Certification
118 118  |6|Subjects|In this training, users will be taken through a series of consultancy practices how to get the right information that is required for the Capture & Design phase. Ultimately, the information needs to be store in the Capture & Design phase but there is a path and best practice how to get to that information
119 119  
120 -=== 2.8 Integration pattern training===
70 +=== 2.7 Integration pattern training===
121 121  
122 122  |1|Objective|Learn to each of the integration patterns from a conceptual perspective
123 123  |2|Format|Class-room training including case
... ... @@ -139,7 +139,8 @@
139 139  |(% style="width:45px" %) a|(% style="width:350px" %)Crash Course Platform |(% style="width:350px" %) Crash Course Platform|(% style="width:350px" %) Crash Course Platform|(% style="width:350px" %) Crash Course Platform
140 140  |(% style="width:45px" %) b|(% style="width:350px" %)Crash Course Messaging|(% style="width:350px" %) Crash Course API Gateway|(% style="width:350px" %) Crash Course Event Streaming|(% style="width:350px" %) All Crash Course
141 141  |(% style="width:45px" %) c|(% style="width:350px" %)Novice Microlearnings platform + pattern specific|(% style="width:350px" %) Novice Microlearnings platform + pattern specific|(% style="width:350px" %) Novice Microlearnings platform + pattern specific|(% style="width:350px" %) Novice Microlearnings platform + pattern specific
142 -|(% style="width:45px" %) e|(% style="width:350px" %)1 - 2 months experience|(% style="width:350px" %) 1 - 2 months experience|(% style="width:350px" %) 1 - 2 months experience|(% style="width:350px" %) 1 - 2 months experience
92 +|(% style="width:45px" %) d|(% style="width:350px" %)Intermediate Microlearnings platform + pattern specific|(% style="width:350px" %)Intermediate Microlearningsplatform + pattern specific|(% style="width:350px" %) Intermediate Microlearnings platform + pattern specific|(% style="width:350px" %) Intermediate Microlearnings platform + pattern specific
93 +|(% style="width:45px" %) e|(% style="width:350px" %)2 - 4 months experience|(% style="width:350px" %) 2 - 4 months experience|(% style="width:350px" %) 2 - 4 months experience|(% style="width:350px" %) C2 - 4 months experience
143 143  |(% style="width:45px" %) f|(% style="width:350px" %)Completed Platform training|(% style="width:350px" %) Completed Platform training|(% style="width:350px" %) Completed Platform training|(% style="width:350px" %) Completed Platform training
144 144  |(% style="width:45px" %) g|(% style="width:350px" %)Positive recommendation|(% style="width:350px" %) Positive recommendation|(% style="width:350px" %) Positive recommendation|(% style="width:350px" %) Positive recommendation
145 145  |(% style="width:45px" %) h|(% style="width:350px" %) Optional: Completed Developer training|(% style="width:350px" %) Optional: Completed Developer training|(% style="width:350px" %) Optional: Completed Developer training|(% style="width:350px" %) Optional: Completed Developer training
... ... @@ -168,9 +168,8 @@
168 168  ((((% border="2" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="10" %)
169 169  |=(% style="width: 45px;" style="background-color:grey" %)#|=(% style="width: 241;" style="background-color:grey" %)Messaging|=(% style="width:350px" style="background-color:grey" %)API Gateway |=(% style="width: 350px;" style="background-color:grey" %)Event Streaming
170 170  |(% style="width:45px" %) a|(% style="width:350px" %) Basic Certification Messaging |(% style="width:350px" %) Basic Certification API Gateway|(% style="width:350px" %) Basic Certification Event Streaming
171 -|(% style="width:45px" %) c|(% style="width:350px" %)Intermediate Microlearnings platform + pattern specific|(% style="width:350px" %) Intermediate Microlearnings platform + pattern specific|(% style="width:350px" %) Intermediate Microlearnings platform + pattern specific
172 172  |(% style="width:45px" %) b|(% style="width:350px" %) Advanced Course Messaging + platform|(% style="width:350px" %) Advanced Course API Gateway + platform|(% style="width:350px" %) Advanced Course Event Streaming + platform
173 -|(% style="width:45px" %) e|(% style="width:350px" %) 4 - 8 months experience|(% style="width:350px" %) 4 - 8 months experience|(% style="width:350px" %) 4 - 8 months experience
123 +|(% style="width:45px" %) e|(% style="width:350px" %) 6 - 8 months experience|(% style="width:350px" %) 6 - 8 months experience|(% style="width:350px" %) 6 - 8 months experience
174 174  |(% style="width:45px" %) g|(% style="width:350px" %) Positive recommendation|(% style="width:350px" %) Positive recommendation|(% style="width:350px" %) Positive recommendation
175 175  )))
176 176