Monitoring Partition Size and Consumer Lag

Last modified by Danniar Firdausy on 2024/08/21 09:21

This exercise will provide practical guidance on interpreting the event streaming statistics overview, specifically around partition size and consumer lag.

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1. Prerequisites

  • Completed previous exercises and microlearnings
  • Access to an eMagiz model with an Event Streaming license
  • At least one configured topic on which something produces data and some other thing consumes data

2. Exercise

Navigate to Manage -> Monitoring -> Event Streaming Statistics for the model you selected to execute this exercise. Here, analyze the partition size and consumer lag on at least one topic.

Given that the implementation of the prerequisites can differ, the results of what you see can also differ. We use example data that is part of our Sales Demo model to feed the Vehicle Event topic. An event processor subsequently determines whether a vehicle alert needs to be generated based on the type of event. This accounts for the difference in partition size between both topics. An event processor is a consumer group, and due to the high volume of messages placed on the Vehicle Event topic, we see that a consumer lag is reported.

3. Solution

In this short movie, you will find the workout of this exercise. Please take a moment to review this one and compare it to your solution.