Pick Up and Drop Files

Last modified by Erik Bakker on 2024/02/27 08:43

This exercise will guide you in practicing with picking up and dropping files.
Should you have any questions, please contact academy@emagiz.com.

1. Prerequisites

  • Completed the previous microlearnings of this crash course

2. Exercise

Below the exercise for this part of the crash course is given. This assignment can be completed with the help of your (Academy) project you have created/used in the previous assignment.

2.1 Pick up File

Build an entry that retrieves files from an external source and ensures that the data is delivered on the onramp queue.

2.2 Drop File

Build an exit that drops files on a local directory.

3. Solution

In this short movie, you will find the workout of this exercise. Take a moment to review this one and compare it to your solution.