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Last modified by Danniar Firdausy on 2024/09/27 09:11
From version 5.1
edited by Erik Bakker
on 2023/02/07 13:45
on 2023/02/07 13:45
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To version 11.1
edited by Erik Bakker
on 2024/02/08 16:39
on 2024/02/08 16:39
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... ... @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ 1 -{{container}}{{container layoutStyle="columns"}}((( 2 - 1 +{{container}} 2 +{{container layoutStyle="columns"}} 3 +((( 3 3 eMagiz runtimes can run on local, on-premises servers. Main reason is that some systems are only accessible from within the client's infrastructure. In such scenario's that on-premises server needs to be equipped with a linux based Docker installation. 4 4 5 5 Should you have any questions, please get in touch with [[>>]]. ... ... @@ -10,24 +10,29 @@ 10 10 11 11 == 2. Key concepts == 12 12 13 -This microlearning describes how the eMagiz Deploy agent is installed on the on-premises server where a eMagiz runtime should run on. Please note that the eMagiz Deploy agent requires a valid Docker installation on the on-premises server. The detailed install guide can be found in this [[microlearning>>doc:Main.eMagiz Academy.Microlearnings.Expert Level.Solution||target="blank"]]. 14 +This microlearning describes how the eMagiz Deploy agent is installed on the on-premises server where a eMagiz runtime should run on. Please note that the eMagiz Deploy agent requires a valid Docker installation on the on-premises server. The detailed install guide can be found in this [[microlearning>>doc:Main.eMagiz Academy.Microlearnings.Expert Level.Solution||target="blank"]] for Linux and in this [[microlearning>>doc:Main.eMagiz Academy.Microlearnings.Expert Level.Solution||target="blank"]] for Windows. 14 14 16 +== 3. eMagiz Deploy agent installation == 15 15 16 - ==3. eMagiz Docker agent installation==18 +eMagiz needs to install a specific agent in the Docker instance that allows to download runtime images that need to be installed on the Docker instance. The specific command to run inside the Docker instance is specific for the machine that is configured inside eMagiz Design & Deploy Architectures. It can be found inside the eMagiz iPaaS portal under Deploy Architecture. At the runtime connector, there is a right click option called Deploy Agent. That presents either the command or the location where that agent is installed. In case the command is presented it means that this machine is not yet equipped with the eMagiz Deploy agent. The command can be executed inside the Linux command prompt on the on-premises server. 17 17 18 -e Magizneedstoinstall aspecificagentintheDockerinstance that allowstodownloadruntimeimagesthatneedstobeinstalled ontheDockerinstance.Thespecific commandtorun inside theDocker instanceisspecificforthemachinethatis configuredsideeMagizDesign & DeployArchitectures.t canbefoundnsidethe eMagiz iPaaSportal under Deploy Architecture. Attheconnector,there is arightclickoption called Deploy Agent.Thatpresentseitherthecommand orthelocation wherethat agentsinstalled.20 +Once the agent is installed, eMagiz can manage the machine to deploy new runtimes and or update runtimes as needed. Also the container runtime can be controlled with start, stop, et commands. Please consult this [[microlearning>>doc:Main.eMagiz Academy.Microlearnings.Intermediate Level.eMagiz Runtime Management.intermediate-emagiz-runtime-management-interpret-on-premise-logging.WebHome||target="blank"]] to inspect the on-premises runtime logs. 19 19 20 20 [[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@expert-solution-architecture-onpremises-installguide-deployagent.png]] 21 21 22 -After installing the agent, you can use the Docker cheat sheet below to see if the docker containers are running and/or images are available. 23 - 24 24 == 4. Key takeaways == 25 25 26 26 * The eMagiz Docker agent needs to be installed to allow runtime to be installed on the on-premises server 27 27 28 -== 6. Suggested Additional Readings ==28 +== 5. Suggested Additional Readings == 29 29 30 30 No suggested additional readings for this microlearning. 31 31 32 32 33 -)))((({{toc/}}))){{/container}}{{/container}} 33 +))) 34 + 35 +((( 36 +{{toc/}} 37 +))) 38 +{{/container}} 39 +{{/container}}