Changes for page Failover - Deploy Possibilities
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... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ 1 - FlowConfiguration1 +eMagiz Deploy agent - Parent
... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ 1 -Main.eMagiz Academy.Microlearnings.Intermediate Level. Groupingand Failover.WebHome1 +Main.eMagiz Academy.Microlearnings.Intermediate Level.eMagiz Runtime Management.WebHome - Author
... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ 1 -XWiki.e bakker1 +XWiki.etorken - Content
... ... @@ -1,12 +1,7 @@ 1 -{{container}} 2 -{{container layoutStyle="columns"}} 3 -((( 4 -eMagiz flows, or more specifically, the flow's inbound component(s), can be grouped. The effect is that you can later in [[Deploy>>doc:Main.eMagiz Academy.Microlearnings.Intermediate Level.Grouping and Failover.intermediate-grouping-and-failover-flow-configuration.WebHome||target="blank"]], control them as one entity. This is mainly beneficial when faced with substantial maintenance or outage of systems connected to your eMagiz model. 1 +{{container}}{{container layoutStyle="columns"}}((( 5 5 6 - Building on this functionality, you caneven configure the group to runinan active/passive failovermode when youactivate the multiple runtimesoption on your runtime,andeach separate runtimeis deployed onanother machine. The failover functionalityis not onlyrelevantin casesofservermaintenance. It can alsoassistyou when you wanttoxchangedata with asystemthatallows onlyoneactiveconnection.Shouldthisconnection bebusiness-critical, youcanuse thisfailoverfunctionalitytocreatea passivefailover situationthat will takeover whentheactiveconnection breaksdown (regardlessof theeason).3 +eMagiz runtimes can run on local, on-premises servers. Main reason is that some systems are only accessible from within the client's infrastructure. In such scenario's that on-premises server needs to be equipped with a linux based Docker installation. 7 7 8 -In this microlearning, we will focus on configuring the flow to group various inbound components and configure the flow (including the infra) if you want to activate the active/passive failover configuration. 9 - 10 10 Should you have any questions, please get in touch with [[>>]]. 11 11 12 12 == 1. Prerequisites == ... ... @@ -15,53 +15,16 @@ 15 15 16 16 == 2. Key concepts == 17 17 18 -This microlearning describes how t oconfigure(partsof)yourflow(s)tosetup the groupingand,ifneeded,thefailoverfunctionalityon theflowlevel. Thegroupingfunctionalityis relevantwhenfacedwith maintenanceutagesof systemsconnectedtoyourmodel.Thefailoverfunctionality notly assiststhat case butso allows youto havea fallbackoption onan activeconnection.13 +This microlearning describes how the eMagiz Deploy agent is installed on the on-premises server where a eMagiz runtime should run on. Please note that the eMagiz Deploy agent requires a valid Docker installation on the on-premises server. The detailed install guide can be found in this [[microlearning>>doc:Main.eMagiz Academy.Microlearnings.Expert Level.Solution||target="blank"]]. 19 19 20 -== 3. FlowConfiguration ==15 +== 3. eMagiz Deploy agent installation == 21 21 22 -== 3.1 Grouping == 17 +eMagiz needs to install a specific agent in the Docker instance that allows to download runtime images that need to be installed on the Docker instance. The specific command to run inside the Docker instance is specific for the machine that is configured inside eMagiz Design & Deploy Architectures. It can be found inside the eMagiz iPaaS portal under Deploy Architecture. At the runtime connector, there is a right click option called Deploy Agent. That presents either the command or the location where that agent is installed. In case the command is presented it means that this machine is not yet equipped with the eMagiz Deploy agent. The command can be executed inside the Linux command prompt on the on-premises server. 18 + 19 +Once the agent is installed, eMagiz can manage the machine to deploy new runtimes and or update runtimes as needed. Also the container runtime can be controlled with start, stop, et commands. Please consult this [[microlearning>>doc:Main.eMagiz Academy.Microlearnings.Intermediate Level.eMagiz Runtime Management.intermediate-emagiz-runtime-management-interpret-on-premise-logging.WebHome||target="blank"]] to inspect the on-premises runtime logs. 23 23 24 - To configuregrouping, weneed to open the flow designerf the flow in Create.want todit andenter"Start Editing" mode. Ontheinbound component(s)inhe flow, we now have an "Advanced" tab that allowsyou to configurehe groupinginformation.21 +[[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@expert-solution-architecture-onpremises-installguide-deployagent.png]] 25 25 26 -[[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@grouping-and-failover--intermediate-grouping-and-failover-flow-configuration-starting-point.png]] 27 - 28 -{{info}}Note that the options above are available in all inbound components. The one chosen above is simply an illustration of how to configure.{{/info}} 29 - 30 -Once on the "Advanced" tab, you must define the group name. You can determine the group name if this is the first flow you are changing. In all subsequent flows, you want to add to the same group, you must use the **same** group name. 31 - 32 -[[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@grouping-and-failover--intermediate-grouping-and-failover-flow-configuration-define-group-name.png]] 33 - 34 -Once filled in, ensure that the auto startup configuration is set to Yes to ensure that, on default, all flows within the group start up when the container is started. 35 - 36 -[[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@grouping-and-failover--intermediate-grouping-and-failover-flow-configuration-define-auto-startup.png]] 37 - 38 -Within a runtime context, you can add multiple groups that can be stopped and started separately from each other. In this example, we would also like to have a group for our exits to stop them if the connecting system undergoes maintenance or is down to store the messages in the queue. 39 - 40 -[[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@grouping-and-failover--intermediate-grouping-and-failover-flow-configuration-starting-point-exit.png]] 41 - 42 -[[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@grouping-and-failover--intermediate-grouping-and-failover-flow-configuration-other-group.png]] 43 - 44 -== 3.2 Failover == 45 - 46 -In case you want to expand the grouping functionality to include a active/passive failover component you need to change the settings on the inbound component. Apart from specifying the name of the group you need to configure the auto-startup option on "No" so the failover configuration can take the correct actions in all situations. 47 - 48 -[[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@grouping-and-failover--intermediate-grouping-and-failover-flow-configuration-failover-example-group.png]] 49 - 50 -[[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@grouping-and-failover--intermediate-grouping-and-failover-flow-configuration-failover-other-group.png]] 51 - 52 -{{info}}Note that each group within a single runtime that you want to treat differently needs to have a **unique** name.{{/info}} 53 - 54 -== 3.3 Failover Infra == 55 - 56 -The configuration of the infra flow of the runtime for which you want to configure the failover is detailed and only works in case you configured all support objects correctly. Although we explain the various steps here in the documentation we advise to utilize the store item that we created for this that will guide you in setting this up correctly. 57 - 58 -The configuration consists of at least three seperate support objects. Two of them are needed once (infinispan cache manager and clustered lock registry) were the other is needed per unique group you have defined within the context of your runtime. So if you have two unique group names within the runtime you need two leader initiator support objects. 59 - 60 -Given this let us first look at the infinispan cache manager 61 -[[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@emagiz-runtime-management--intermediate-runtime-management-deploy-agent-command.png]] 62 - 63 -Once the agent is installed, eMagiz can manage the machine to deploy new runtimes or update runtimes as needed. Also, the container runtime can be controlled with start, stop, and reset commands. Please consult this [[microlearning>>doc:Main.eMagiz Academy.Microlearnings.Intermediate Level.eMagiz Runtime Management.intermediate-emagiz-runtime-management-interpret-on-premise-logging.WebHome||target="blank"]] to inspect the on-premises runtime logs. 64 - 65 65 == 4. Key takeaways == 66 66 67 67 * The eMagiz Docker agent needs to be installed to allow runtime to be installed on the on-premises server ... ... @@ -68,9 +68,7 @@ 68 68 69 69 == 5. Suggested Additional Readings == 70 70 71 -There are no suggested additional readings for this microlearning.))) 72 -((( 73 -{{toc/}} 74 -))) 75 -{{/container}} 76 -{{/container}} 29 +No suggested additional readings for this microlearning. 30 + 31 + 32 +)))((({{toc/}}))){{/container}}{{/container}}