Changes for page Failover - Deploy Possibilities
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on 2023/02/07 13:45
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edited by Erik Bakker
on 2024/03/01 09:40
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... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ 1 - eMagiz Deployagent1 +Flow Configuration - Parent
... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ 1 -Main.eMagiz Academy.Microlearnings.Intermediate Level. eMagiz RuntimeManagement.WebHome1 +Main.eMagiz Academy.Microlearnings.Intermediate Level.Grouping and Failover.WebHome - Content
... ... @@ -1,7 +1,12 @@ 1 -{{container}}{{container layoutStyle="columns"}}((( 1 +{{container}} 2 +{{container layoutStyle="columns"}} 3 +((( 4 +eMagiz flows, or more specifically, the flow's inbound component(s), can be grouped. The effect is that you can later in [[Deploy>>doc:Main.eMagiz Academy.Microlearnings.Intermediate Level.Grouping and Failover.intermediate-grouping-and-failover-flow-configuration.WebHome||target="blank"]], control them as one entity. This is mainly beneficial when faced with substantial maintenance or outage of systems connected to your eMagiz model. 2 2 3 - eMagizruntimescan run on local,on-premises servers.Mainreasonissome systemsareonly accessiblefrom within theclient'sinfrastructure.Insuchscenario'sthat on-premisesserverneedsbeequippedwith alinuxbasedDockerinstallation.6 +Building on this functionality, you can even configure the group to run in an active/passive failover mode when you activate the multiple runtimes option on your runtime, and each separate runtime is deployed on another machine. The failover functionality is not only relevant in cases of server maintenance. It can also assist you when you want to exchange data with a system that allows only one active connection. Should this connection be business-critical, you can use this failover functionality to create a passive failover situation that will take over when the active connection breaks down (regardless of the reason). 4 4 8 +In this microlearning, we will focus on configuring the flow to group various inbound components and configure the flow (including the infra) if you want to activate the active/passive failover configuration. 9 + 5 5 Should you have any questions, please get in touch with [[>>]]. 6 6 7 7 == 1. Prerequisites == ... ... @@ -10,24 +10,53 @@ 10 10 11 11 == 2. Key concepts == 12 12 13 -This microlearning describes how t heeMagiz Deployagentisinstalledontheon-premisesserverwherea eMagizruntimeshouldrunon. Pleasenote that theeMagiz Deploy agent requires avalid Dockerinstallation on the on-premisesserver. Thedetailedinstallguidecanbe found inthis[[microlearning>>||target="blank"]].18 +This microlearning describes how to configure (parts of) your flow(s) to set up the grouping and, if needed, the failover functionality on the flow level. The grouping functionality is relevant when faced with maintenance and outages of systems connected to your model. The failover functionality not only assists in that case but also allows you to have a fallback option on an active connection. 14 14 20 +== 3. Flow Configuration == 15 15 16 -== 3. eMagiz Dockeragentinstallation==22 +== 3.1 Grouping == 17 17 18 - eMagiz needs toinstall a specific agentintheDocker instance that allowstodownloadruntime images that needstobestalledontheDockerinstance.Thespecific commandtoruninsidetheDockerinstance is specific forhemachinethatis configuredinsideeMagiz Design& Deploy Architectures.It cane foundinsideheeMagiziPaaS portal underDeployArchitecture.At the runtime connector,thereisaright click optioncalledDeploy Agent.Thatpresentseitherthecommand or thelocationwhere thatagentis installed.24 +To configure grouping, we need to open the flow designer of the flow in Create. We want to edit and enter "Start Editing" mode. On the inbound component(s) in the flow, we now have an "Advanced" tab that allows you to configure the grouping information. 19 19 20 -[[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@ expert-solution-architecture-onpremises-installguide-deployagent.png]]26 +[[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@grouping-and-failover--intermediate-grouping-and-failover-flow-configuration-starting-point.png]] 21 21 22 - Afterinstallingtheagent, you canusethe Dockercheat sheetbelowtoseeifthedockercontainers arerunningand/orimages areavailable.28 +{{info}}Note that the options above are available in all inbound components. The one chosen above is simply an illustration of how to configure.{{/info}} 23 23 24 - ==4.Key takeaways==30 +Once on the "Advanced" tab, you must define the group name. You can determine the group name if this is the first flow you are changing. In all subsequent flows, you want to add to the same group, you must use the **same** group name. 25 25 26 - * TheeMagiz Dockeragentneeds tobestalledtoallowruntimeo bestalledonheon-premises server32 +[[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@grouping-and-failover--intermediate-grouping-and-failover-flow-configuration-define-group-name.png]] 27 27 28 - ==6.SuggestedAdditionalReadings==34 +Once filled in, ensure that the auto startup configuration is set to Yes to ensure that, on default, all flows within the group start up when the container is started. 29 29 30 - No suggestedadditionaladingsforthis microlearning.36 +[[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@grouping-and-failover--intermediate-grouping-and-failover-flow-configuration-define-auto-startup.png]] 31 31 38 +Within a runtime context, you can add multiple groups that can be stopped and started separately from each other. In this example, we would also like to have a group for our exits to stop them if the connecting system undergoes maintenance or is down to store the messages in the queue. 32 32 33 -)))((({{toc/}}))){{/container}}{{/container}} 40 +[[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@grouping-and-failover--intermediate-grouping-and-failover-flow-configuration-starting-point-exit.png]] 41 + 42 +[[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@grouping-and-failover--intermediate-grouping-and-failover-flow-configuration-other-group.png]] 43 + 44 +== 3.2 Failover == 45 + 46 +When choosing this option, you will see the following pop-up (assuming the machine still needs to be configured). In this pop-up, you must choose between Linux and Windows as OS. Depending on the server OS you previously installed Docker, you must select Linux or Windows. 47 + 48 +[[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@emagiz-runtime-management--intermediate-runtime-management-os-selection.png]] 49 + 50 +Once you have selected the correct OS for you, the next step is to press "Save." This action will lead you to another pop-up showing the command that needs to be executed (with administrator rights) on the host machine. This way, the deploy agent is activated on the host machine. 51 +== 3.3 Failover Infra == 52 +[[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@emagiz-runtime-management--intermediate-runtime-management-deploy-agent-command.png]] 53 + 54 +Once the agent is installed, eMagiz can manage the machine to deploy new runtimes or update runtimes as needed. Also, the container runtime can be controlled with start, stop, and reset commands. Please consult this [[microlearning>>doc:Main.eMagiz Academy.Microlearnings.Intermediate Level.eMagiz Runtime Management.intermediate-emagiz-runtime-management-interpret-on-premise-logging.WebHome||target="blank"]] to inspect the on-premises runtime logs. 55 + 56 +== 4. Key takeaways == 57 + 58 +* The eMagiz Docker agent needs to be installed to allow runtime to be installed on the on-premises server 59 + 60 +== 5. Suggested Additional Readings == 61 + 62 +There are no suggested additional readings for this microlearning.))) 63 +((( 64 +{{toc/}} 65 +))) 66 +{{/container}} 67 +{{/container}}