Changes for page Failover - Configuration
Last modified by Erik Bakker on 2024/09/27 14:06
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edited by Danniar Firdausy
on 2024/09/25 11:50
on 2024/09/25 11:50
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To version 28.2
edited by Danniar Firdausy
on 2024/09/25 11:33
on 2024/09/25 11:33
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... ... @@ -15,17 +15,17 @@ 15 15 16 16 == 2. Key concepts == 17 17 18 -This microlearning describes how to configure (parts of) of your Design phase to enable failover for systems connecting with your model. The grouping and failover functionality is relevant when faced with maintenance and outages of systems connected to your model. The failover functionality assists in that case and allows you to have a fallback option on an active connection.18 +This microlearning describes how to configure (parts of) of your Design phase to enable failover for your model. The grouping and failover functionality is relevant when faced with maintenance and outages of systems connected to your model. The failover functionality assists in that case and allows you to have a fallback option on an active connection. 19 19 20 20 == 3. Design Phase Configuration == 21 21 22 22 == 3.1 Solution Design == 23 23 24 -To configure failoverfor systems that are connectingwith your model, wefirstneed togoto theDesignphase.In your Design>SolutionDesign,findand openthedetailsofthesystem thatyouwant to enablefailoverfor.Onceyoudothat,thenyoueedtoake sure that "Multipleruntimes"optionis selectedfor this system, which is logical sincewe want to have asecondruntime running in case of failover situations (e.g.,outage,maintenance, etc.). Once you do that,you willeethe "Numberof runtimes"and "Run in failover"fields. Toenablefailover, make sure that you fill in 2 as the"Numberf runtimes", before selectingthe "Runinailover" checkbox. Seethe screenshot below as anexample.24 +To configure grouping, we need to open the flow designer of the flow in Create. We want to edit and enter "Start Editing" mode. On the inbound component(s) in the flow, we now have an "Advanced" tab that allows you to configure the grouping information. 25 25 26 -[[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@grouping-and-failover--intermediate-grouping-and-failover- setting-up-failover-design-phase-solution-design.png]]26 +[[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@grouping-and-failover--intermediate-grouping-and-failover-flow-configuration-starting-point.png]] 27 27 28 -{{info}}Note :systems with thefailover optionenabledmust have"Numberofruntimes"exactly2 andmustbe placedonanexternal machineintheArchitecturepanel.{{/info}}28 +{{info}}Note that the options above are available in all inbound components. The one chosen above is simply an illustration of how to configure.{{/info}} 29 29 30 30 == 3.2 Design Architecture == 31 31