Last modified by Erik Bakker on 2024/02/22 12:35

From version 3.2
edited by Erik Bakker
on 2022/06/23 15:16
Change comment: Update document after refactoring.
To version 4.1
edited by Erik Bakker
on 2022/06/23 15:31
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1 -advanced-active-monitoring-determining-cause-of-log-entry
1 +Determining cause of log entry
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1 1  {{container}}{{container layoutStyle="columns"}}(((
2 -In your API Gateway solution, it is important to be able to review the API Gateway statistics. These statistics are available in Generation 3 based runtimes, and available via the Manage phase -> Monitoring Gen3
2 +When something goes wrong within the process, you want to determine what caused the error to be raised. In earlier microlearnings, we learned how to determine the cause of error messages. Now, we shift our focus to the log entries. In eMagiz, errors can show up in the dashboard and the log entries. For this microlearning, we will look at the log entries and see how we can use that information to look at the flow to determine what part of the flow is causing the error.
3 3  
4 4  Should you have any questions, please get in touch with
5 5  
6 6  == 1. Prerequisites ==
7 7  * Advanced knowledge of the eMagiz platform
8 -* Complete relevant API Gateway microlearnings from Crash course to Intermediate
8 +* Errors in the log that can be analyzed
9 9  
10 10  == 2. Key concepts ==
11 -The API Gateway statistics are geared towards understanding the level of interaction between the API callers and the webservice of the API gateway. With the objective to understand the bredth and depth of the usage of the operations published
11 +This microlearning centers around determining the cause of log entry
12 +By determining the cause, we mean: Figuring out what was responsible for generating an error.
12 12  
13 -== 3. API gateway statistics ==
14 +* The component that raises the error could differ from the component that causes the error
15 +* A log entry error could be raised on runtime level or flow level but can be related to a specific part of the process
14 14  
15 -Navigate to the Manage phase and select Monitoring Gen3. On the left hand side select API Management Statistics which opens a page as below. Ensure to select for what environment you want to see these statics
17 +== 3. Determining the cause of log entry ==
16 16  
17 -[[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@advanced-monitoring-apigateway-statistics-1.png]]
19 +When something goes wrong within the process, you want to determine what caused the error to be raised. In earlier microlearnings, we learned how to determine the cause of error messages. Now, we shift our focus to the log entries. In eMagiz, errors can show up in the dashboard and the log entries. For this microlearning, we will look at the log entries and see how we can use that information to look at the flow to determine what part of the flow is causing the error.
18 18  
19 -=== 3.1 API Requests ===
20 -This section displays the total number of requests made to the API Gateway. Can be valuable to understand if in a give timeframe requests are made or not. It contains all the requests * other sections will illustrate which requests more specifically.
21 +* The component that raises the error could differ from the component that causes the error
22 +* A log entry error could be raised on runtime level or flow level but can be related to a specific part of the process
21 21  
22 -[[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@advanced-monitoring-apigateway-statistics-7.png]]
24 +In eMagiz, you can find the log entries under Manage -> Log entries. Here you can focus your search by searching for a specific runtime. An example of an error that could be raised and shown in the log entries is any error introduced in the entry that causes the transaction to fail.
23 23  
24 -=== 3.2 Static resource request ===
25 -This shows the number of request made by the SwaggerUI which is considered a static resource. This can help to understand how often that SwaggerUI is used.
26 +[[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@advanced-active-monitoring-determining-cause-of-log-entry--example-error-log-entry.png]]
26 26  
27 -[[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@advanced-monitoring-apigateway-statistics-8.png]]
28 -
29 -=== 3.3 Status per user ===
30 -This displays per application user what the HTTP response codes where. Based on that response code insight is provided around the behavior of that user such as unauthorized requests. Users are identified by part of their access credential (first part of API key or Client ID).
28 +When you have found the log entry, it becomes time to read it to see whether you can interpret the problem. For example, in this case, we that a message has been rejected in a filter component. When we read on, we see the name of the specific filter component that is throwing the error.
31 31  
32 -[[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@advanced-monitoring-apigateway-statistics-6.png]]
30 +[[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@advanced-active-monitoring-determining-cause-of-log-entry--example-error-log-entry-identify-the-problem.png]]
33 33  
34 -=== 3.4 Resources per user ===
35 -This displays per applciation user what resources are specifically used by that user. The colors indicate the resource which are listed as legend to the graph. By selecting a resource in the legend, you can toggle that resource to not display. The graph shows the total number of requests made.
32 +Now that we know the component that raised the error, we can navigate to the flow in which this component is used. You can determine based on the naming, but the flow's name is also shown on the log entry if it is known.
36 36  
37 -[[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@advanced-monitoring-apigateway-statistics-5.png]]
34 +[[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@advanced-active-monitoring-determining-cause-of-log-entry--example-error-log-entry-find-flow.png]]
38 38  
39 -=== 3.5 Status per resource ===
40 -This display shows the HTTP response codes for every resource/operation available. Could help to understand the health and/or the validity of the operation for the application users.
36 +When we navigate to the flow that is raising the error in our example, we see that a filter is in the flow that checks before the message can be further processed by eMagiz.
41 41  
42 -[[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@advanced-monitoring-apigateway-statistics-2.png]]
43 -
44 -=== 3.7 Methods per resource ===
45 -Shows what HTTP methods are used for every resource/operation
38 +[[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@advanced-active-monitoring-determining-cause-of-log-entry--example-error-log-entry-analyze-flow.png]]
46 46  
47 -[[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@advanced-monitoring-apigateway-statistics-3.png]]
40 +When we open the filter, we can see what check is done. By analyzing the check, we can determine whether the statement itself is faulty, a configuration error occurred, or whether input created earlier in the flow was the culprit in this case. For this example, we used an obvious error to make the problem clear to you. In real-life scenarios identifying the cause might take some additional work to determine the specific reason for your particular problem.
48 48  
49 -=== 3.8 Status for status resource / methods per static resource ===
50 -Shows the HTTP response codes and what HTTP methods are used by the Swagger UI
42 +[[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@advanced-active-monitoring-determining-cause-of-log-entry--current-faulty-check.png]]
51 51  
52 -[[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@advanced-monitoring-apigateway-statistics-4.png]]
53 -
54 54  == 4. Assignment ==
55 55  
56 -Take a moment to review your API Gateway solution and find the Manage * Montoring section to see the API management metrics. Review if you can understand these values
46 +Search for problems in the log and see if you can find out what caused these problems. This assignment can be completed with the help of the (Academy) project that you have created/used in the previous assignment.
57 57  
58 58  == 5. Key takeaways ==
59 59  
60 -* The API Management statistics are geared towards understanding the actual use of the API gateway.
61 -* That insight is handy to understand who does what and how often. Yet can also be used for trouble shooting.
50 +* The log entry shows which flow has raised the error
51 +* You need to read the log entry to interpret on which component the error is raised
52 +* With the information from the log entry, you can analyze the flow starting at the component that raised the error and move back in the process step by step
62 62  
63 63  == 6. Suggested Additional Readings ==
64 64