Last modified by Erik Bakker on 2024/02/20 09:02

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eMagiz 27.1 1 {{container}}
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Erik Bakker 28.1 3 With this exercise, we continue our journey into the eMagiz platform. This exercise will explain how you can define a deployment plan for your environment and create a release based on what we have just finished in the Create phase of eMagiz.
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Erik Bakker 12.1 5 Should you have any questions, please contact [[>>]].
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7 == 1. Prerequisites ==
eMagiz 27.1 9 * Completed all previous exercises of the Crash course Platform
10 * Completed all previous microlearnings of the Crash course Platform
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eMagiz 27.1 12 == 2. Exercise ==
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Erik Bakker 30.1 14 In this exercise, please execute the following steps in Deploy to prepare your environment for deployment.
Erik Bakker 29.1 15 * Actualize Deploy Architecture by pressing "Apply to environment" in "Start Editing" mode
16 * Create a default deployment plan
17 * Create a release based on what we have just finished in the Create phase of eMagiz.
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eMagiz 27.1 19 == 3. Solution ==
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eMagiz 27.1 21 In this short movie, you will find the workout of this exercise. Take a moment to review this one and compare it to your solution.
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Erik Bakker 28.1 23 {{video attachment="crashcourse-platform-exercise-define-deployment-plan-and-create-release.mp4" reference="Main.Videos.Microlearning.WebHome"/}}
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