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... ... @@ -14,48 +14,60 @@ 14 14 15 15 == 2. Key concepts == 16 16 17 -Th e eMagiz Store isaconceptinthe eMagizplatformthat allowsuserstoimport reusablecontentintoa specificILM phase.The Storehaselementsforeachofthe modelphases Capture, Design,and Create,and isfocusedonexpeditingthedeliveryof integrationsforusers.17 +This microlearning centers around importing store items in the Design Phase. With eMagiz Store, we mean A content library available to the community to select re-usable solutions within the eMagiz platform. 18 18 19 -== 3. eMagiz Store - Introduction == 19 +* To import a store item in Design, you need to follow the import wizard 20 +* When importing in Design, you can import the system message and accompanying flow fragments 20 20 21 -== =3.1StoreforCreate ===22 +== 3. Importing Store Items - Design Phase == 22 22 23 - TheeMagizstoreforthe Create phaseallowsuserstodrag&dropflowfragmentsintotheflowthatquiresediting.Aflow fragmentisacombination of1 ormore modelcomponentsthattogethercanexecute acertainpieceof workinsidethatflow.Forexample,afilepickupthatincludesanarchive optionandspecificfile filters.Ortherequiredcomponentsthat are neededtosend a messagetoaREST/JSON webservicethatis securedwithOAuth2.0.24 +In contrast with the Create phase store items (which provide you a set of components to achieve a particular objective), the Design Phase store items give you the additional functionality to import the system message(s). For example, to import a system message from the Store in Design, you must navigate to the system message via the context menu. When doing so for the first time, eMagiz will show you the following options after entering the "Start Editing" mode. 24 24 25 - The Store for the Createphasebefoundin theleft-handpaneloftheFlowdesigner-at the same locationaswhereyouselecttheodel components.26 +[[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@novice-emagiz-store-importing-store-items-design--import-options-system-message.png]] 26 26 27 - ===3.2StoreforDesign===28 +When you select the option Store, eMagiz will show you all alternatives within the eMagiz store to which a Message Definition is linked. Note that you can search by Name and by Brand in this overview. 28 28 29 - The eMagiz store for the Design phase allows selectingspecific operations fromvailableystems such as Exact online, or Salesforce. So these are moredatamodel-orienteditems and more target/source systemoriented. The general idea is that youimport storecontent whilst defining your datamodel message and System definitions. Atthat moment, you can select toimportone or more message definitions. eMagiz will then guide the usertoimport thesystemmessagedefinition, aswell as toimport the mappingbetweenthe data model and message definition. Areusable merge definition can becreated between the existing data model (CDM, Gateway model, or Event model) and thesystem definition so that the data model can be updated ina proper way.30 +[[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@novice-emagiz-store-importing-store-items-design--store-overview-design.png]] 30 30 31 - Pleasenotethat when theStoreitem isselectedin thisphase,the associatedflowfragments fortheCreate phaseare automatically attached totheintegration.Thatanswhen theintegration is transferredtoCreate these flowfragmentswill automatically begeneratedinto theappropriateflows.eMagizconsidersputting theseflowfragmentsintothe rightflowdepending onthe typeofflowfragment.32 +Once you have found the item of your liking, you can select it by clicking on it. This action will lead you to the details page associated with the store item. Here you will find the relevant information related to this store item. On top of that, we provide you with a Versions & Variants tab that shows you all existing versions you could import. 32 32 33 -* Connectivity flow fragments will be imported in exit gates, entry flow, event processors, and exit flows 34 -* Processing flow fragments will be imported in exit gates, event processors, offramp flows, and onramp flows 35 -* Universal flows can be imported into any flow 34 +[[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@novice-emagiz-store-importing-store-items-design--information-store-item-after-selection.png]] 36 36 37 - ===3.3Store for Capture===36 +In cases where you want the latest version use the button titled "Use latest version" on the Information tab. Once you have selected a version, eMagiz will show the following step of the process. Here you can choose whether you want to import the message definition(s), and it will ask you whether you wish to select accompanying flow fragments which are of use later on in Create. Since it is a GET operation, we only have a response definition to import. On top of that, we have two flow fragments. One that handles the authentication and one that holds the logic of the store item. 38 38 39 - The eMagiz Storewill be expanded to the Capturephasein upcomingquarters.Thecurrentideaallow theselection of systems and integrationson level up sothat the work on Design and Createbecomesven easier. Once we havemade that step, we'll update this sectionwiththerightpositioning.38 +[[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@novice-emagiz-store-importing-store-items-design--making-choices-on-the-store-item.png]] 40 40 41 - ===3.4ContentManagement forStore items===40 +It is up to you what you exactly want to import. Maybe only the definition is enough for you, or perhaps you want the whole package. So here you have the choice to do so. Once you are satisfied with your selection, press "Use message(s)." This will start the import process. As a result, eMagiz will import the model on the canvas and define the system message(s) in the right panel. 42 42 43 - At thismoment, the Store content is provided by the eMagiz team only.The concept of a company or privatetoreis underconsideration, and forow,intra-company contentcan bemoderated by the Copy-Pastefunctionalityinthe Create phase. Suggestions fornew content can besent to [[>>]] / questions can be askedvia theQA forum which may include feedback on astoreitem.42 +[[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@novice-emagiz-store-importing-store-items-design--import-result-in-design.png]] 44 44 45 - ===3.5LicensingStore===44 +Now you should create the mapping from your data model to the system message(s) yourself, and when you are finished, you can transfer the solution to Create just as you are used to doing. 46 46 47 - Storecontentcan be imported by any user except for storeitems that are licensed.For instance, theData Sink isa licensedfeature, and theStoreitemforData Sink can only beimported incasethislicenseis granted in the integration model.46 +=== 3.1 Importing Design Store Item - Effect in Create === 48 48 49 - The disclaimer for usingStorecontentcan befoundhere:48 +Once you have transferred the solution to the Create phase and open the relevant flow for which you have imported the store item, you will see a "Pending configuration" button on the bottom of your canvas. 50 50 50 +[[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@novice-emagiz-store-importing-store-items--pending-configuration.png]] 51 + 52 +After pressing this button, you will see a pop-up showing all flow fragments to import. You can select each flow fragment separately by pressing the Setup button. Note that if you want to configure this at a later moment, you can choose the option "Do this later" and come back later to finish the job. On top of that, you can press Cancel if you change your mind and don't want to import the flow fragments. 53 + 54 +[[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@novice-emagiz-store-importing-store-items--importing-flow-fragments.png]] 55 + 56 +When pressing this, eMagiz will show you the import wizard. This configuration wizard finishes the import process. 57 + 58 +[[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@novice-emagiz-store-importing-store-items--configuration-wizard.png]] 59 + 60 +For all the details on this wizard, please check out the following microlearning. 61 + 51 51 == 4. Assignment == 52 52 53 - There isnoassignmentfor this microlearning. Please refer to thenextmicrolearning inthis moduleso that youcanexperience it properly.64 +Import a Store item in Design to import the system message(s) and subsequently transfer it to Create to see how to import the pending configurations. This assignment can be completed with the help of the (Academy) project that you have created/used in the previous assignment. 54 54 55 55 == 5. Key takeaways == 56 56 57 -* Each phase in eMagiz holds store items that will aid you in building your solution in eMagiz 58 -* eMagiz Store Content will be managed by eMagiz. 68 +* To import a store item in Design, you need to follow the import wizard 69 +* When importing in Design, you can import the system message and accompanying flow fragments 70 +* After importing the system message in Design, you can configure the flow fragments in Create with the help of the button called "Pending configurations." 59 59 60 60 == 6. Suggested Additional Readings == 61 61 ... ... @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ 63 63 64 64 == 7. Silent demonstration video == 65 65 66 - Therenodemonstrationvideoof thisfunctionality.)))78 +{{video attachment="novice-emagiz-store-importing-store-items-design.mp4" reference="Main.Videos.Microlearning.WebHome"/}}))) 67 67 68 68 ((({{toc/}}))){{/container}} 69 69 {{/container}}