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edited by Erik Bakker
on 2022/06/10 13:12
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To version 22.2
edited by Erik Bakker
on 2022/06/10 13:05
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... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ 1 - Headerline1 +novice-devops-perspectives-annotations - Content
... ... @@ -1,9 +1,11 @@ 1 1 {{container}}{{container layoutStyle="columns"}}((( 2 - Inthis microlearning, we will learn how you can define a header line in which you specifythe naming ofthe various columns.Some external systems require a header line when you supply them with data via a flat file that is placed somewhere.2 += Annotations = 3 3 4 +In this microlearning, we will focus on using annotations to clarify your thought process. In the annotation, you either describe a best practice everyone should follow when they change that flow (i.e. within the asynchronous routing), describe how the (more complex) parts of the flow work or describe (parts of) of your message definitions (i.e. CDM, API Gateway Data model, system message, etc.). This will help yourself and others every time changes are needed. 5 + 4 4 Should you have any questions, please contact [[>>]]. 5 5 6 -* Last update: May 28th, 20218 +* Last update: May 9th, 2021 7 7 * Required reading time: 5 minutes 8 8 9 9 == 1. Prerequisites == ... ... @@ -12,51 +12,64 @@ 12 12 13 13 == 2. Key concepts == 14 14 15 -This microlearning centers around learning how to place a header line on a flat-file output. 17 +This microlearning centers around using annotations. 18 +With annotations, we mean: A piece of text to explain something to yourself and others 16 16 17 - By header line we mean:Aline intheoutput thatdefinesthe namingof thevariouscolumns20 +Annotations can be used for: 18 18 19 -Some external parties require that the first line in the flat file output (i.e. CSV) is filled with column names (i.e. headers). In eMagiz, we call this line a header line. 22 +* Describing a best practice everyone should follow 23 +* Describing (more complex) parts of the flow 24 +* Describe (parts of) your message definitions 20 20 21 -== 3. Header line == 22 22 23 -In this microlearning, we will learn how you can define a header line in which you specify the naming of the various columns. Some external systems require a header line when you supply them with data via a flat file that is placed somewhere. The header line is the first line in the flat file output. Within this line, the various column names are specified for clarity. 24 24 25 - Toadd such a header line in eMagiz you need to navigate to the Create phase of eMagiz and open the exit flow in which you want to drop the file to a certain location.Withinthe contextofthis flow, we need toadd functionality that will ensurethat a header line is written to the output before any functional lines are added. To do so first enter "Start Editing" mode on flow level. After you have done so please add a file outbound channel adapter to the flow including an input channel. We will use this component to write our header line to the flat file output.28 +== 3. Annotations == 26 26 27 - Ensure that thedirectorytowhich youreference is thesame asin yourfunctional file outbound channeladapter.30 +In this microlearning, we will focus on using annotations on the flow level to clarify our thought process. In the annotation, you either describe a best practice everyone should follow when they change that flow (i.e. within the asynchronous routing) or describe how the (more complex) parts of the flow work. This will help yourself and others every time changes are needed within the flow. 28 28 29 - [[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@novice-file-based-connectivity-header-line--file-outbound-channel-header-line.png]]32 +Annotations can be used for: 30 30 31 -Now it is time to turn our attention to the Advanced tab. For the Mode select Ignore. Select this option to ensure that the header line is only written down once when there is no output created yet and not somewhere in the middle, in the end, or every time. Furthermore, select the option Append New Line to ensure that the remainder of the information is not appended to the same line. 34 +* Describing a best practice everyone should follow 35 +* Describing (more complex) parts of the flow 36 +* Describe (parts of) your message definitions 32 32 33 - [[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@novice-file-based-connectivity-header-line--file-outbound-channel-header-line-advanced.png]]38 +To clarify the use cases let us take a look at how annotations can be added within the eMagiz platform. In our first example, we will take a look at asynchronous routing. In many eMagiz projects, a best practice is followed on how to add something to the asynchronous routing (or change something within the asynchronous routing). Because the best practice contains multiple steps it makes sense to use the annotation functionality of eMagiz to define all these steps and register them at the place you need them (i.e. the asynchronous routing). Having done so will result in something like this: 34 34 35 - After you havedone so we need toadd a standard transformer that definesthe variouscolumnames tobewrittentothe flat fileoutput. Todoo add thestandard transformercomponent tohe canvasincludinganinputchannel. After you have doneo definetherelevantSpEL expression. In thiscase, weadvise using a property valuethat represents a stringof column names.The value of theproperty should be somethingas follows:40 +[[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@novice-devops-perspectives-annotations--annotation-best-practice-async-routing.png]] 36 36 37 - 'Header1;Header2;Header3;Header4'42 +The second example is about using annotations on the flow level to describe parts of the flow. In this example, we will use the annotation to describe that we use a filter to determine which messages are picked up from a local directory and how we filter. That way anyway opening the flow has to merely read the annotation to get the context. Having done so will result in something like this: 38 38 39 - Do note that theseparator,inthis case, needsto match therequirementsof thexternalsystem. At the flowconfiguration level, thestandardtransformerhould look asfollows.44 +[[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@novice-devops-perspectives-annotations--describe-parts-of-flow.png]] 40 40 41 - [[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@novice-file-based-connectivity-header-line--define-columns-names.png]]46 +The third example does not take place on the flow level but the message definition level. Therefore instead of going to Create, we go to Design. In Design when you navigate to the CDM, API Gateway Data model, Event Streaming Data model, message definitions, etc. you have the option to add annotations to the canvas. In this example, we want to make clear to all that make changes that a certain part of our CDM is used by a lot of integrations within eMagiz and therefore everyone should be careful and think twice before adjusting anything related to that part. Having done so will result in something like this: 42 42 43 - Our last stepis to ensure that this piece of logic is tied to themain flow and is executed before writingthefunctional line(s) to the output file.Tomakethat happen we need to add a wiretap tothe flow. With thehelp of this functionality, you candefinewhich partof thelogictakes precedence over anotherart of thelogic. To do so double click onthechannelon which you wantto place a wiretap, select the optionwiretap andselect theorrect wiretapchannel. Afteryou have donethis the result shouldbe somethingas follows:48 +[[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@novice-devops-perspectives-annotations--describe-crucial-part-of-cdm.png]] 44 44 45 - [[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@novice-file-based-connectivity-header-line--wiretap-result.png]]50 +Now that we saw some examples let us turn our attention to the how. How can I add an annotation and how can I link it. Adding the annotation is simple. You drag the annotation icon from the left context menu onto the canvas. As a result, an empty annotation will be shown on the canvas. By double-clicking on it you can type whatever you want. Note that you need to be in "Start Editing" mode to change anything, including annotations. 46 46 47 - With theseupleof steps, you havew successfully added logico your flow that willensure thatheader line isdded before any functional line(s) are writteno theoutput file.52 +[[image:Main.Images.Microlearning.WebHome@novice-devops-perspectives-annotations--annotation-icon-context-menu.png]] 48 48 54 +When you are satisfied with what you have written down you can press the Save button. After you have done so you can rescale the annotation to ensure that the complete text is visible. To link the annotation to a component (on flow level) or an entity (on message definition level) you hover over the annotation until your mouse indicator changes to a + icon, execute a right-click and drag from the annotation to the component in question. 55 + 56 +Now you know what annotations are good for and how you can add them within the eMagiz platform. 57 + 58 + 59 + 49 49 == 4. Assignment == 50 50 51 - Configureanexitwhichyoudefineand write aheaderlineto aflat-fileoutput beforeaddingfunctionallines.62 +Add annotation on the flow level that describes how (a part of) a flow works. 52 52 This assignment can be completed with the help of the (Academy) project that you have created/used in the previous assignment. 53 53 54 54 == 5. Key takeaways == 55 55 56 -* The header line contains the names of the columns of the flat file output 57 -* Use the Ignore mode to ensure the header line is created once 58 -* Use the wiretap to ensure the header line is created first 67 +* Annotations can be used for: 68 + * Describing a best practice everyone should follow 69 + * Describing (more complex) parts of the flow 70 + * Describe (parts of) your message definitions 71 +* You can add annotations by dragging and dropping the annotation icon on the canvas. 59 59 73 + 74 + 60 60 == 6. Suggested Additional Readings == 61 61 62 62 There are no suggested additional readings on this topic ... ... @@ -65,6 +65,6 @@ 65 65 66 66 This video demonstrates how you could have handled the assignment and gives you some context on what you have just learned. 67 67 68 -{{video attachment="novice- file-based-connectivity-header-line.mp4" reference="Main.Videos.Microlearning.WebHome"/}}83 +{{video attachment="novice-devops-perspectives-annotations.mp4" reference="Main.Videos.Microlearning.WebHome"/}} 69 69 70 70 )))((({{toc/}}))){{/container}}{{/container}}
- novice-devops-perspectives-annotations--annotation-best-practice-async-routing.png
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- novice-devops-perspectives-annotations--annotation-icon-context-menu.png
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- novice-devops-perspectives-annotations--describe-crucial-part-of-cdm.png
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- novice-devops-perspectives-annotations--describe-parts-of-flow.png
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