Changes for page Topic Management
Last modified by Erik Bakker on 2024/09/24 16:27
From version 37.1
edited by Erik Bakker
on 2022/05/05 08:27
on 2022/05/05 08:27
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To version 36.1
edited by Erik Bakker
on 2022/05/05 08:25
on 2022/05/05 08:25
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... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ 1 - Topic Management1 +Calling a REST Web service - Content
... ... @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ 1 -In this course, you will find the collection of the relevant Microlearnings that you can refer to when designing,creating,andmanaging yourtopicsacrossenvironments. You can study these microlearnings in the order as presented here to learn in one go all abouttopicmanagementin eMagiz. Note that the referenced microlearnings are identical to those under the Microlearning section.1 +In this course, you will find the collection of the relevant Microlearnings that you can refer to when sending data to a REST Webservice. You can study these microlearnings in the order as presented here to learn in one go all about sending data to a REST web service in eMagiz. Note that the referenced microlearnings are identical to those under the Microlearning section. 2 2 3 3 * **Total time:** between 40 and 60 minutes 4 4 ... ... @@ -11,50 +11,46 @@ 11 11 <main class="master"> 12 12 <ul class="strip-container"> 13 13 <li class="strip"> 14 - <a href="../../docs/microlearning/ crashcourse-eventstreaming-topic-and-topic-properties" class="strip__link">14 + <a href="../../docs/microlearning/intermediate-rest-webservice-connectivity-call-a-rest-webservice" class="strip__link"> 15 15 <label for="" class="strip__label"> 16 - <span> 6</span>17 - TopicandTopicProperties16 + <span>5</span> 17 + Call a REST Web service 18 18 </label> 19 19 <div class="strip__attribute"> 20 20 <img class="strip__attribute-icon strip__attribute-icon--duration" src="/bin/download/Main/Images/General/WebHome/icon-duration32.svg"/> 21 - <div class="strip__attribute-label"> 9minutes</div>21 + <div class="strip__attribute-label">7 minutes</div> 22 22 </div> 23 23 <div class="strip__attribute"> 24 24 <img class="strip__attribute-icon strip__attribute-icon--roles" src="/bin/download/Main/Images/General/WebHome/icon-roles32.svg"/> 25 - <div class="strip__attribute-label"> All</div>25 + <div class="strip__attribute-label">Developer</div> 26 26 </div> 27 27 </a> 28 - </li> 28 + </li> 29 29 <li class="strip"> 30 - <a href="../../docs/microlearning/intermediate-s olution-architecture-topic-storage" class="strip__link">30 + <a href="../../docs/microlearning/intermediate-rest-webservice-connectivity-authorization-basic-authentication" class="strip__link"> 31 31 <label for="" class="strip__label"> 32 - <span> 6</span>33 - Topic Storage32 + <span>5</span> 33 + Authorization - Basic Authentication 34 34 </label> 35 35 <div class="strip__attribute"> 36 36 <img class="strip__attribute-icon strip__attribute-icon--duration" src="/bin/download/Main/Images/General/WebHome/icon-duration32.svg"/> 37 - <div class="strip__attribute-label"> 5minutes</div>37 + <div class="strip__attribute-label">6 minutes</div> 38 38 </div> 39 39 <div class="strip__attribute"> 40 40 <img class="strip__attribute-icon strip__attribute-icon--roles" src="/bin/download/Main/Images/General/WebHome/icon-roles32.svg"/> 41 41 <div class="strip__attribute-label">Developer</div> 42 42 </div> 43 - <div class="strip__attribute"> 44 - <img class="strip__attribute-icon strip__attribute-icon--roles" src="/bin/download/Main/Images/General/WebHome/icon-roles32.svg"/> 45 - <div class="strip__attribute-label">Architect</div> 46 - </div> 47 47 </a> 48 - </li> 44 + </li> 49 49 <li class="strip"> 50 - <a href="../../docs/microlearning/ crashcourse-eventstreaming-create-your-topic" class="strip__link">46 + <a href="../../docs/microlearning/intermediate-rest-webservice-connectivity-authorization-oauth-client-credentials" class="strip__link"> 51 51 <label for="" class="strip__label"> 52 - <span> 6</span>53 - Create yourTopic48 + <span>5</span> 49 + Authorization - OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials 54 54 </label> 55 55 <div class="strip__attribute"> 56 56 <img class="strip__attribute-icon strip__attribute-icon--duration" src="/bin/download/Main/Images/General/WebHome/icon-duration32.svg"/> 57 - <div class="strip__attribute-label"> 5minutes</div>53 + <div class="strip__attribute-label">7 minutes</div> 58 58 </div> 59 59 <div class="strip__attribute"> 60 60 <img class="strip__attribute-icon strip__attribute-icon--roles" src="/bin/download/Main/Images/General/WebHome/icon-roles32.svg"/> ... ... @@ -61,36 +61,36 @@ 61 61 <div class="strip__attribute-label">Developer</div> 62 62 </div> 63 63 </a> 64 - </li> 60 + </li> 65 65 <li class="strip"> 66 - <a href="../../docs/microlearning/ advanced-monitoring-eventstreaming-monitor-topicsize" class="strip__link">62 + <a href="../../docs/microlearning/intermediate-rest-webservice-connectivity-authorization-oauth-authorization-code" class="strip__link"> 67 67 <label for="" class="strip__label"> 68 - <span> 6</span>69 - MonitoringTopic size64 + <span>5</span> 65 + Authorization - OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code 70 70 </label> 71 71 <div class="strip__attribute"> 72 72 <img class="strip__attribute-icon strip__attribute-icon--duration" src="/bin/download/Main/Images/General/WebHome/icon-duration32.svg"/> 73 - <div class="strip__attribute-label"> 5minutes</div>69 + <div class="strip__attribute-label">7 minutes</div> 74 74 </div> 75 75 <div class="strip__attribute"> 76 76 <img class="strip__attribute-icon strip__attribute-icon--roles" src="/bin/download/Main/Images/General/WebHome/icon-roles32.svg"/> 77 - <div class="strip__attribute-label"> All</div>73 + <div class="strip__attribute-label">Developer</div> 78 78 </div> 79 79 </a> 80 80 </li> 81 81 <li class="strip"> 82 - <a href="../../docs/microlearning/ advanced-monitoring-eventstreaming-monitor-consumerlag" class="strip__link">78 + <a href="../../docs/microlearning/intermediate-rest-webservice-connectivity-certificates-when-calling-a-rest-webservice" class="strip__link"> 83 83 <label for="" class="strip__label"> 84 - <span> 6</span>85 - Monitoring consumerlaginEventStreaming80 + <span>5</span> 81 + Sending certificates to a REST web service 86 86 </label> 87 87 <div class="strip__attribute"> 88 88 <img class="strip__attribute-icon strip__attribute-icon--duration" src="/bin/download/Main/Images/General/WebHome/icon-duration32.svg"/> 89 - <div class="strip__attribute-label"> 5minutes</div>85 + <div class="strip__attribute-label">6 minutes</div> 90 90 </div> 91 91 <div class="strip__attribute"> 92 92 <img class="strip__attribute-icon strip__attribute-icon--roles" src="/bin/download/Main/Images/General/WebHome/icon-roles32.svg"/> 93 - <div class="strip__attribute-label"> All</div>89 + <div class="strip__attribute-label">Developer</div> 94 94 </div> 95 95 </a> 96 96 </li>