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Last modified by Erik Bakker on 2023/01/31 10:28
From version 5.1
edited by Erik Bakker
on 2022/05/02 08:20
on 2022/05/02 08:20
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To version 3.1
edited by Erik Bakker
on 2022/04/29 15:21
on 2022/04/29 15:21
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... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ 1 -S OAPWebserviceConnectivity1 +REST - Request & Response - Content
... ... @@ -1,23 +1,17 @@ 1 1 {{container}} 2 2 {{container layoutStyle="columns"}} 3 -((( 4 -= About = 5 -This store element will allow you to create an easy connection to SOAP based web services. XML data can be send to these web services, and for each connectivity type there is a Flow Fragment available. 3 +(((**~1. How to use** 4 +With this store component, you can easily set up a connection to a REST endpoint using various authentication mechanisms while taking the response into account. 6 6 7 -= Documentation = 8 - 9 - **~1. How to use** 10 -Ensure to locate the right connectivity method and import the right flow fragment. 11 - 12 12 **2. Keynotes & restrictions ** 13 13 14 -a. These flow fragmentswill contain only the eMagiz componentstomake a call outto theSOAP basedwebservice- Thesecomponentsdo notold any systemmessages - The basicauthenticationflow fragment requires empty key andtruststorethat areto beadded separately. These arenot includedin thisorecomponent.8 +a. Note that you need to select the valid authentication based on the requirement of the external system. 15 15 16 16 **3. License Information** 17 17 Part of the standard license agreement as agreed upon when using the store for the first time. 18 18 19 19 **4. Relevant eMagiz Academy Microlearnings** 20 -[[https:~~/~~/ ovice-soap-webservice-connectivity-authorization-calling-a-soap-webservice>>url:]]14 +[[https:~~/~~/>>url:]] 21 21 22 22 23 23 Would you please consult the privacy policy of eMagiz at the following link: [[https:~~/~~/>>url:]]))) ... ... @@ -26,15 +26,15 @@ 26 26 27 27 ((((% border="2" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="10" style="width:292px" %) 28 28 |=(% style="width: 45px;" %)#|=(% style="width: 241px;" %)Option 29 -|(% style="width:45px" %) a|(% style="width:241px" %) BasicAuthentication30 -|(% style="width:45px" %) b|(% style="width:241px" %) WSAddressing-Call back31 -|(% style="width:45px" %) c|(% style="width:241px" %) Client certificate32 -|(% style="width:45px" %) d|(% style="width:241px" %) Mappedheaders33 -|(% style="width:45px" %) e|(% style="width:241px" %) Tokenbased- static34 -|(% style="width:45px" %) f|(% style="width:241px" %) T okenbased-dynamic35 -|(% style="width:45px" %) g|(% style="width:241px" %) SSL36 -|(% style="width:45px" %) h|(% style="width:241px" %) Noauthentication37 -|(% style="width:45px" %) i|(% style="width:241px" %) DynamicURL23 +|(% style="width:45px" %) a|(% style="width:241px" %) OAuth 2.0 - Authorization Code 24 +|(% style="width:45px" %) b|(% style="width:241px" %) REST - Basic Auth 25 +|(% style="width:45px" %) c|(% style="width:241px" %) REST - Client Certificate 26 +|(% style="width:45px" %) d|(% style="width:241px" %) REST - Header Mapper 27 +|(% style="width:45px" %) e|(% style="width:241px" %) OAuth 2.0 - Client Credentials 28 +|(% style="width:45px" %) f|(% style="width:241px" %) REST - SSL 29 +|(% style="width:45px" %) g|(% style="width:241px" %) Dynamic Token 30 +|(% style="width:45px" %) h|(% style="width:241px" %) Token 31 +|(% style="width:45px" %) i|(% style="width:241px" %) No Authentication (Fire & Forget) 38 38 ))) 39 39 {{/container}} 40 40 {{/container}}