Last modified by Erik Bakker on 2023/01/23 13:58

Small update that adds OAuth 2.0 resource server support and improves JSON transformations.

New Features
  • Added support for several new OAuth2 related flow designer components: Secured channels, Access decision manager, Channel security interceptor, Filter chain proxy, OAuth2 bearer token authentication filter, Authentication manager, OAuth2 JWT authentication provider.
Major Changes
  • eMagiz transformations that output JSON now automatically use the JSON data type (string, number or boolean) that best matches the data type specified in your eMagiz data model. (Previously, all attributes were written to JSON using a string representation.)
Minor Changes
  • Added bundle 'com.emagiz.bundles.asm' 5.2.1
  • Added bundle 'com.emagiz.bundles.minidev-json' 2.3.1
  • Added bundle 'com.emagiz.bundles.nimbus-jose-jwt'
  • Added bundle 'com.emagiz.bundles.spring-integration-security'
  • Added bundle 'com.emagiz.bundles.spring-security-oauth2-jose'
  • Added bundle 'com.emagiz.bundles.spring-security-oauth2-resource-server'
  • Added bundle 'com.emagiz.osgi.extender.core-web' 1.0.0
  • Added bundle 'com.emagiz.osgi.extender.security' 1.0.0
  • Updated bundle 'com.emagiz.components.http' from 7.0.1 to 7.1.0
  • Updated bundle 'com.emagiz.components.staxon' from 1.0.0 to 1.1.0