R26 - Single lane
Last modified by Carlijn Kokkeler on 2023/10/11 16:05
Service affecting R26 template that improve NFS performance.
We upgrade in one step to use the new R26 release of the cloud template. This step is service affecting.
This version contains performance improvements for NFS.
- Ubuntu version update including latest security patches.
- This upgrade is service-affecting, as all instances have to be recreated.
Update Steps
- Use the final template (service affecting) (duration: 10 minutes)
- This step will upgrade the primary machines in the first Availability Zone in your Cloudslot.
- The runtimes on the machines will be restored using the active release in the eMagiz portal.
- User actions after applying the final template:
- Check if all runtimes are reachable by Deploy Architecture.
- Check if all flows have been installed according to the active release.
- Check if messages pass through the model by verifying a critical message flow in external systems.