193 - Fan Out

Last modified by Erik Bakker on 2023/03/03 11:35

The release introduces REST/XML as an option for your gateway operations and new features for our 3rd generation runtime, a new runtime image, and new cloud templates. Subsequently, we will release several minor feedback points and bug fixes.

Please find out more on our Release blog.

New features
  • A new runtime image for customer models running on the 3rd generation runtime. Please learn more about our Runtime Image release notes.
  • Design - Settings: We added XML support to API Management. To enable this feature, change the 'Default message format' in the Design settings section. You can change individual operations by changing the message format of your gateway message. Migrating existing operations requires a reset of the exit flow and a change in the catalog in Design. For more information, see the release blog post. (#815)
  • Deploy - Releases: New release properties pop-up that shows all properties in your release, grouped by containers that they are assigned to. This pop-up can be accessed by pressing the wrench-shaped icon, which becomes available once a release is set as active.
Minor changes
  • Design - API Gateway: OData API type exclusively selectable for system admin. (#816)
  • Design - API Catalog: When you change a path in the Design phase, your HTTP inbound gateways that use the changed path will also be updated in Create phase if you have edit rights. (#524)
  • Deploy - Cloud Templates: New Cloud Templates are available for single-lane and double-lane environments. Please check out the cloud template release notes for more information.
  • Manage - Error messages: Message history is sorted by timestamp descending.

Bug fixes

  • Create - Message Definition: Attribute can be declared as JSON array in API Gateway and Event Streaming. (#908)
  • Create - Migration: We fixed a third-generation migration issue where the legacy error handling flow components were not removed from the asynchronous routing flow.
  • Create - Flow designer: when migrating a container’s flows from gen2 to gen 3, “global wire tap” components and their relevant components will be removed.
  • Deploy - Release: We fixed an issue that caused images not to be built in specific situations when running in the new runtime generation runtime.
  • Deploy - User management: Fixed an issue where 'Apply to environment' would take very long to finish. (#797)