195 - Easter Party

Last modified by Erik Bakker on 2023/04/13 14:31

As the quarter has ended, we went silent for a couple of weeks to plan for the upcoming quarter during our PI rituals. This time we added the famous "Hackathon" to the end of the PI week so we could start the Easter break with excellent spirit after solving several smaller feedback items and bugs reported by you. Several of those stories will be included in this and the upcoming release. On top of that, we introduce various improvements to our API Gateway pattern and our 3rd generation runtime architecture. Subsequently, we will release a new runtime image supporting the multiple improvements.

Please find out more on our Release blog.

New features
  • Deploy - Releases: We take the first step to fix properties to a release. This gives users more control over properties. For example, they can ensure that the release contains suitable properties that are more manageable.
    • When this release reaches production, the first new release that users activate and have Gen3 containers/properties, the new feature becomes active. Users will see a wrench icon on the release. When they click on it, they will see an overview of the attached Gen3 properties.
    • These properties cannot be altered for that specific release. This only counts for Gen3 properties, properties for Gen2 runtimes/machines will still be fetched from the Deploy-Properties list and can still be altered. If users notice that a specific Gen3 property of a release not contains the correct value, users can edit the value by opening the property overview of the release. At the bottom of the overview, the option ‘Change properties’ allows users to edit the properties of a release.
    • A new ‘property’ release will be created when users use that option. A ‘property’ release can be identified by a suffix that contains a letter. Users can change the properties, and when they are done, they can directly activate and deploy the release. With our new improvements to the deployment plan, only the affected containers by the property change(s) will be redeployed. This will result in faster deployments.

Important to note is that

  • While changing a property in a ‘property’ release, users also have the option to alter the value in the Deploy-Properties list. By default, this is set to Yes, because when a new release is created, the values of Deploy-Properties will be used and not properties of an earlier release. When a user closes the screen for editing a property, the change will immediately be implemented.
  • The auto-clean release functionality is unaffected by this change, ‘property’ releases will not be counted as a release.
  • There is a maximum of twenty-six ‘property’ releases. (twenty-six letters of the alphabet)
  • Only the latest release can be edited. This can be identified by checking the suffix. The suffix with the latest letter of the alphabet is editable.
Minor changes
  • General - Control Tower: Changed several generic triggers for more predictable behavior.
  • Administration - License Tracker: The license tracker has been updated for new license models and features.
  • Administration - License Tracker: When the feature ‘Data sink’ is enabled, the number of message packs of the contract will be displayed when you hover with the mouse over the feature.
  • Capture - Settings: Editing message types are now consistent between new and existing ones. (#884)
  • Design - API Gateway: Default HTTP responses are generated automatically (#417)
  • Design - Solution design: An additional option is added to the context menu that navigates to the message definition added to event streaming topics without processors. (#850)
  • Create - Add Integrations: We used the name of the API integration that you set in the Design phase to display on the Transfer screen. That helps you choose the correct integrations to add to the Create phase more quickly.
  • Create - 3rd Generation Migration: You can toggle the custom error handling option for your event processors while migrating your event processing container to the 3rd Generation Runtime.
  • Deploy - Deployment plan: When you run your deployment plan in your model using the new generation runtimes, you will be able to be the logs that relate to an executing deployment step.
  • Deploy - Deployment plan: The "Prepare release" is not scheduled automatically anymore, so you can be in control of your deployment plan.
  • Deploy - Architecture: Certificates only editable by system admin.
  • Manage - Jobs: In case the model has containers that contain jobs in one of its flows, users can inspect job managers, job executions, and job step executions. Note that this only works for the 3rd generation runtime.

Bug fixes

  • General - Runtime Image: A new runtime image for customer models running on the 3rd generation runtime. Please learn more about our Runtime Image release notes.
  • Design - API Gateway: Improved generation of Open API JSON and example messages for API gateway operations to handle cases where an element in your gateway definition is used multiple times. (#440)
  • Design - API Gateway: We fixed an issue where changing the message format of a gateway message did not result in an update of the OpenAPI (i.e., Swagger) document.
  • Design - System message: We fixed an issue that led to importing towards the wrong message definition when the option "Import from XSD" was chosen on a synchronous message. (#818)
  • Create - Message: When viewing or editing an enumeration, it is no longer deleted when the cancel button is pressed.


  • Deploy - Releases: We removed the existing snapshots of release property values.