Changes for page 169 - Check, Act
Last modified by Carlijn Kokkeler on 2024/05/22 13:50
From version 9.1
edited by Erik Bakker
on 2022/06/16 12:30
on 2022/06/16 12:30
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To version 5.1
edited by Erik Bakker
on 2022/06/16 12:08
on 2022/06/16 12:08
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There is no comment for this version
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- Page properties
- Title
... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ 1 -Feedback Galore1 +Feedback Fiesta - Content
... ... @@ -1,36 +1,60 @@ 1 - TheFeedback Galorereleaseintroducesversion10.38.0of eMagizportal.Thisreleasebrings improvements on theStoreonCreatephaseandFlow Testing. Furthermore, this release includes several other improvements and tackles some minor issues.1 +Release that improves the usability of the UI. Furthermore, we have some improvements on the MFA configuration. In addition, this release includes several other improvements, and tackles some minor issues. 2 2 3 3 To benefit from the improvements, please make sure to clear your browser cache (Ctrl+Shift+Del) before signing in the first time. 4 4 5 -Find out more in our [release blog] 5 +Find out more on our release blog here: 6 + 6 6 7 7 8 -===== Newfeatures =====9 +===== Runtime Release Notes ===== 9 9 10 - * DesignandCreate overview:Thestate of 'showtasks'optionisremembered permodelandperuser sothenexttime whenyou navigateyourmodel,theselection ofshowingtaskswillbeapplied.11 +The 5.1.0 release of the eMagiz Mendix connector (EMC) has two small bug fixes and updates most of the userlib libraries to include the latest security fixes. For specific information please check out this link to the [release notes] 11 11 12 -===== Minor Changes ===== 13 13 14 -* User Management-Model Permission: Model owners can change the ownership of the model by using the 'Change contact' button. (#403) 15 -* Create - Flow Designer: The Data source transaction manager component has now help texts that will guide you through the usage of the component. (#427) 16 -* Create – Flow Designer: When opening the flow designer and the flow is on read-only mode, the left palette will be closed and vice versa. 17 -* Create – Store: As default, the Store shows only the items that do not contain design resources such as definitions, data models and transformations. The filter has one more option "Show design store items". This option brings the items that include design resources back to the list. 18 -* Create - Flow Testing: When testing a flow where one of the attached resources has a very long name, you will not get a warning anymore. eMagiz truncates the resource’s name for you and carries on with the test execution. This truncation only happens in the context of the execution of the test. 19 -* Create - Transformations: The source filter condition is displayed without empty space strings. (#431) 20 -* Create - Flow Testing: JSON messages are prettified so that is easier to read and compare actual vs expected messages. (#494) 21 -* Deploy - Releases: The option "Do not show again" can be selected when the pop-up about the autodelete behavior of releases appear. An explanation text is always accessible by clicking on Help in Deploy phase. 14 +===== Major Changes ===== 22 22 16 +* The UI has gotten several improvements for usability. 17 +* Portal: After logging in, users who have not configured MFA will be prompted with the page for setting up the Google Authenticator. Users who do not configure it will not be allowed to access anything until they follow the procedure. 23 23 24 -===== Bug Fixes ===== 25 25 26 -* Design - Solution: Tenants without technical names will raise validation errors. 27 -* Create - Event streaming: Transformations that read or write JSON messages with elements that are lists, work now for event processors. Additionally, the 'Change message format' button has been added to the design phase message definition to keep consistency. The new default message format for event streaming message definitions is JSON. (#445) 28 -* Create - Overview: Tooltips of validation errors of event streaming processors are shown above systems and topics. 29 -* Create - Transformation: You can change the type of Static Input from parameter to constant. 30 -* Create - Flow Testing: The times displayed in the execution logs are shown in UTC time. (#482) 31 -* Store: The path to access the content of the old store is not available anymore. (#533) 20 +===== Minor Changes ===== 32 32 33 -===== Remarks ===== 22 +* Design - Architecture: Added help text on the Gen3 attribute of the container. 23 +* Design - CDM: You cannot import models from Mendix in CDM from now on. 24 +* Design - API Catalog: A confirmation pop-up will popup on the screen when you do a deletion of resources. (#613) 25 +* Create - Processes: The tags were not being ordered in any way, and now they are being ordered alphabetically for it to be easier to search for them. (#346) 26 +* Create - Flow testing: A message pop-up can be used to see your input message even if you have not defined an expected message. (#599) 27 +* Deploy - Releases: The release attribute to prevent deletion of the release can be edited if the release is locked. 28 +* Deploy - Architecture: Name change of the Status tab on the runtime popup. 29 +* Deploy - Architecture: Improved feedback when trying to deploy Gen3 runtimes to offline machines. 30 +* Deploy - Event Streaming: The event streaming tab in the Deploy phase has been removed. (#542) 31 +* Deploy - User management: Access key, access certificate, and Keystore filenames are generated with the corresponding deploy user’s name. (#426) 32 +* Manage - Dashboard: A new button “Refresh“ is added to the right panel of the Dashboard. It helps you to refresh a view and update the errors in the meantime. (#589) 33 +* Manage - Monitoring: Gen3 monitoring pages merged with the Gen2 monitoring pages. 34 +* Portal: Improved the auto-generation of technical names by only removing the vowels if the length limit requires it. (#339) 35 +* MFA: You can type in your MFA code and press enter key to validate your code. (#132) 36 +* License tracker: On-premises and Data sink (Cloud) information removed. (#611) 37 +* Capture - Consumer API integration: Improved name validation when adding a new consumer API integration. 38 +* Design - API management: Finding resources in the Catalog API is easier from now on. The list has been sorted by a resource's path. (#607) 39 +* Design - System Message: a progress bar will be shown when the root of the message is changing. (#534) 40 +* Design - Consumer API Integration: Improved functionality for enabling consumer API Integration. 34 34 35 -* Mendix Runtime has been upgraded to Mendix 9.10.0. 36 36 43 +===== Bug Fixes ===== 44 + 45 +* Design - Solution: It is possible to go to response message mapping from the context menu. (#587) 46 +* Design - Processors: The list of event streaming topics will be sorted alphabetically when you create or edit the event processors. (#568) 47 +* Create - Flow Designer: In the popup, the comparator of messages will take all the available space. (#483) 48 +* Create - Flow designer: A wrong description of the XML validating filter component has been removed. (#567) 49 +* Create - Flow testing: When testing flows with multiple output messages (by using splitters) the result always showed “failure” even though visually the expected and actual messages appeared to be 100% identical. This has been fixed: if all messages are identical and in the same order, the result is “success” as you’d expect. (#454) 50 +* Create - Flow testing: We align some buttons at the bottom of the Flow designer and Flow testing. 51 +* Create - Flow testing: We displayed 3 missing buttons (Test messages, Build flow, and Help) on the Flow testing again. 52 +* Create - Flow testing: We fixed an issue where flows that contain debug components could not be tested. 53 +* Deploy - Releases: Creating a new release is easier. You only need to press once to select or change a flow version. (#594) 54 +* Deploy - Architecture: We fixed a bug where upgrading to the latest Gen3 cloud release caused JMS connectivity issues. 55 +* Deploy - Architecture: Improved Route generation so the streaming container will no longer be added to the existing gateway routes. If you encountered this bug, please remove the streaming container from your gateway routes and delete the 'entry.port' property created for the streaming container. 56 +* Deploy - Containers: The gateway entry flow will not be randomly added to the streaming container anymore. (#578) 57 +* Manage - Topic Statistics: Navigating to topic statistics does not show an error message if you have not authenticated your MFA yet. (#376) 58 +* eMagiz Mendix connector: Version 5.1.0 fixes the String-only functionality of synchronous exit configurations. We also updated the user lib dependencies to bring them in line with build 60. (#536) 59 +* Deploy - Releases: Build version is not being displayed multiple times when hovering over the integrations in the releases screen. (#513) 60 +