Feedback Galore
Version 9.1 by Erik Bakker on 2022/06/16 12:30
The Feedback Galore release introduces version 10.38.0 of eMagiz portal. This release brings improvements on the Store on Create phase and Flow Testing. Furthermore, this release includes several other improvements and tackles some minor issues.
To benefit from the improvements, please make sure to clear your browser cache (Ctrl+Shift+Del) before signing in the first time.
Find out more in our [release blog]
New features
- Design and Create overview: The state of 'show tasks' option is remembered per model and per user so the next time when you navigate your model, the selection of showing tasks will be applied.
Minor Changes
- User Management-Model Permission: Model owners can change the ownership of the model by using the 'Change contact' button. (#403)
- Create - Flow Designer: The Data source transaction manager component has now help texts that will guide you through the usage of the component. (#427)
- Create – Flow Designer: When opening the flow designer and the flow is on read-only mode, the left palette will be closed and vice versa.
- Create – Store: As default, the Store shows only the items that do not contain design resources such as definitions, data models and transformations. The filter has one more option "Show design store items". This option brings the items that include design resources back to the list.
- Create - Flow Testing: When testing a flow where one of the attached resources has a very long name, you will not get a warning anymore. eMagiz truncates the resource’s name for you and carries on with the test execution. This truncation only happens in the context of the execution of the test.
- Create - Transformations: The source filter condition is displayed without empty space strings. (#431)
- Create - Flow Testing: JSON messages are prettified so that is easier to read and compare actual vs expected messages. (#494)
- Deploy - Releases: The option "Do not show again" can be selected when the pop-up about the autodelete behavior of releases appear. An explanation text is always accessible by clicking on Help in Deploy phase.
Bug Fixes
- Design - Solution: Tenants without technical names will raise validation errors.
- Create - Event streaming: Transformations that read or write JSON messages with elements that are lists, work now for event processors. Additionally, the 'Change message format' button has been added to the design phase message definition to keep consistency. The new default message format for event streaming message definitions is JSON. (#445)
- Create - Overview: Tooltips of validation errors of event streaming processors are shown above systems and topics.
- Create - Transformation: You can change the type of Static Input from parameter to constant.
- Create - Flow Testing: The times displayed in the execution logs are shown in UTC time. (#482)
- Store: The path to access the content of the old store is not available anymore. (#533)
- Mendix Runtime has been upgraded to Mendix 9.10.0.