Changes for page 169 - Check, Act
Last modified by Carlijn Kokkeler on 2024/05/22 13:50
From version 9.1
edited by Erik Bakker
on 2022/06/16 12:30
on 2022/06/16 12:30
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To version 8.1
edited by Erik Bakker
on 2022/06/16 12:28
on 2022/06/16 12:28
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- Title
... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ 1 - FeedbackGalore1 +Hide and Seek - Content
... ... @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ 1 - TheFeedback Galorerelease introduces version 10.38.0 of eMagiz portal.Thisrelease brings improvements on theStoreon CreatephaseandFlow Testing. Furthermore, this release includes several other improvements and tackles some minor issues.1 +Release that introduces a visual refresh on the Capture widget. In addition, this release includes several other improvements and tackles some minor issues. 2 2 3 3 To benefit from the improvements, please make sure to clear your browser cache (Ctrl+Shift+Del) before signing in the first time. 4 4 ... ... @@ -11,26 +11,25 @@ 11 11 12 12 ===== Minor Changes ===== 13 13 14 -* UserManagement-ModelPermission:Modelownerscanchangethewnershipof themodel by using the 'Changecontact' button.(#403)15 -* Create - Flow Designer:The Data source transaction manager component has now help texts that will guide you through the usage of the component. (#427)16 -* Create– Flow Designer:When openingtheflow designerand theflowis onread-onlymode,theleftpalettewillbeclosedand viceversa.17 - *Create–Store: As default, the Store shows only the items that donot contain design resources such asdefinitions,data modelsand transformations. The filterhasone more option "Show design store items".Thisoptionbrings theitemsthat include design resources backto the list.18 -* Create- Flow Testing: Whentestingaflow whereoneofthe attached resources has a very long name, you will notget a warning anymore. eMagiztruncatesheresource’snameforyouandcarrieson with thetestexecution.Thisruncation only happens in thecontextof theexecution of the test.19 -* Create- Transformations:The sourcefilterconditionisdisplayedwithoutemptyspacestrings.(#431)20 -* Create - FlowTesting:JSON messagesareprettifiedsothat iseasiertoreadandcomparectual vsexpectedmessages.(#494)21 -* Deploy - R eleases: The option"Do notshowagain" can be selectedwhen thepop-up about theautodelete behaviorofreleasesppear.Anexplanation text is alwaysaccessibleby clickingonHelpinDeployphase.14 +* Deploy - History: Improved the loading performance of the page. 15 +* Create - Flow designer: 16 + ** The 'encode URL' setting in HTTP outbound components has been replaced by the 'encoding mode' setting. See the help text for more information. 17 + ** Removed obsolete support object 'Management'. 18 + ** Removed obsolete "SOAP over JMS" functionality, i.e., the 'JMS listener container' and 'Web service message listener' support objects. 19 + ** Added many new (advanced) settings to the support object 'Apache ActiveMQ Artemis server'. See the build number 59 release notes for details. 20 +* Create - Add Integrations: The right panel got a visual refresh that is also consistent with the Design and Create phase. 21 +* Deploy - Runtime Dashboard: Improved user feedback messages when runtimes are not reachable for wake-up, sleep and deploy actions. 22 22 23 23 24 24 ===== Bug Fixes ===== 25 25 26 -* Design - Solution: Tenants without technical names will raise validation errors. 27 -* Create - Event streaming: Transformations that read or write JSON messages with elements that are lists, work now for event processors. Additionally, the 'Change message format' button has been added to the design phase message definition to keep consistency. The new default message format for event streaming message definitions is JSON. (#445) 28 -* Create - Overview: Tooltips of validation errors of event streaming processors are shown above systems and topics. 29 -* Create - Transformation: You can change the type of Static Input from parameter to constant. 30 -* Create - Flow Testing: The times displayed in the execution logs are shown in UTC time. (#482) 31 -* Store: The path to access the content of the old store is not available anymore. (#533) 26 +* Capture - Requirement designer: Closing a system edit page for a new system without saving changes will not show an error popup. 27 +* Manage: When navigating from Manage to any other menu, you won’t see any errors arising from the Manage phase (#510) 28 +* Create - Flow designer: Considreably improved the behaviour, where after adding multiple headers via the standard header enricher or adding multiple value mappings via the header value router in a flow, some of them would disappear. (#334) 29 +* Design - Store: After importing the system message definition from the store, the view will be redirected to the system message screen. 30 +* Manage - Message redelivery: The build nr 58 did not work correctly with redelivery messages. The build number 59 fixes the redelivery messages functionality. 32 32 33 33 ===== Remarks ===== 34 34 35 -* MendixRuntime hasbeenupgradedtoMendix +* This release comes with a new build number (59): check the "build numbers" section of the release notes for more information. 36 36