Time Saver

Version 6.1 by Erik Bakker on 2022/06/16 12:11

Release that brings flow testing available for Gen3 API management flows. In addition, this release includes several other improvements across the portal.

To benefit from the improvements, please make sure to clear your browser cache (Ctrl+Shift+Del) before signing in the first time.

Find out more on our release blog here:

Minor Changes
  • Design - CDM: Save and add new button added for new entity attributes. (#203)
  • Create - Flow testing: Flow testing is now enabled for API management flows designed to run Gen3 runtimes.
  • Deploy - Properties: You can not create properties with reserved property names.
Bug Fixes
  • Design - Data/Message modeling: You can only delete data model entities that are not part of a message definition. (#601)
  • Create - JMS flow: Artemis server connection settings are generated correctly in a failover setup for build number 60 and higher. You need to reset your JMS flows in order to generate them with correct settings.
  • Manage - Code mapping: Fixed an issue where custom attributes on CDM code mappings were not saved. (#604)
  • Manage - Error Messages: You can select multiple or all messages at the time and assign a status. (#428)
  • Fixed that the Create, Deploy & Manage screen layouts sometimes rendered incorrectly until the cache was refreshed manually.