Wiki source code of 230 - Petite Peaks

Last modified by Carlijn Kokkeler on 2024/09/27 09:35

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4 [[image:Main.Images.Release Blog.WebHome@release-blog-intro.png]]
6 **Hi there, eMagiz developers!** In this release, we have some small improvements and bug fixes. First of all, the pop-up when adding an integration to an existing API in Design has been improved. Secondly, queues with illegal characters will not cause errors anymore. Thirdly, an issue has been fixed where a deployment step would get blocked. Please find out all below!
8 {{info}}Please note that during this deployment, Kafka metrics will be unavailable and lost for the duration of the deployment. After the deployment is complete, Kafka metrics will resume and be reflected in the monitoring graphs, but no metrics will be present corresponding to the deployment period.{{/info}}
10 == **Feedback Items** ==
11 //__Add integration__//
12 When adding an integration to an existing API in Design, the pop-up now shows that a new integration is being added, instead of an existing integration being edited.
14 [[image:Main.Images.Release Blog.WebHome@release-230-add-integration.png]]
16 //__Failover__//
17 We have introduced a new failover feature, allowing you to enable failover on messaging flows with minimal setup required. Including in this feature is a new deployment plan step to automatically balance all of your failover connectors based on your configuration. The old failover deployment step has been deprecated and replaced by the aforemention new deployment plan step. Please find out more [[here>>doc:Main.eMagiz Academy.Microlearnings.Intermediate Level.Grouping and Failover.WebHome||target="blank"]].
19 == **Bug Fixes** ==
20 //__Queues with illegal characters__//
21 Existing queues with illegal characters will not generate errors anymore. They can now be searched, deleted, explored, wiretapped, etc. in Manage -> Explore.
23 //__Blocked deployment step__//
24 We fixed an issue that blocked executing a deployment step in some occasions when an earlier step was not succeeded on time.
26 == **Fancy Forum Answers** ==
28 As always, this is a gentle reminder to ask questions via the Q&A forum. The Q&A forum is available in the eMagiz iPaaS portal, so we can all benefit from the knowledge within the community. For some inspiration, take a look at these forum answers:
30 * [[Error being stamped on the wrong "last flow">>||target="blank"]]
31 * [[AMQP broker hostname for JMS-host instead of IP>>||target="blank"]]
32 * [[Calling a soap webservice that is secured with a client certificate>>||target="blank"]]
34 == **Key Takeaways** ==
36 Thanks to all who helped build and those who tested and gave feedback to improve the product. To end this post, here are some key takeaways for you:
38 * If you have questions surrounding our Program Increment Planning, please get in touch with [[>>]]
39 * If you have feedback or ideas for us, talk to the Platypus
40 * Please inform us of new additions to the store ([[>>]]) so we can all benefit from these.
41 * Clear your browser cache (Ctrl + Shift + Del)
42 * Check out the release notes [[here>>doc:Main.Release Information.Portal.230 - Petite Peaks.WebHome||target="blank"]]
43 * Start thinking about how the license tracker can aid your development
44 * Start thinking about major, minor, and patch
45 * Keep making great integrations
47 Let's stay in touch and till next time!
49 {{info}}
50 ~* Indicates a Beta feature. If you would like to get access to this beta feature, please contact [[>>]]
52 {{/info}}
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