Wiki source code of 233 - Policy Polish

Last modified by Carlijn Kokkeler on 2024/11/06 14:06

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4 [[image:Main.Images.Release Blog.WebHome@release-blog-intro.png]]
6 **Hi there, eMagiz developers!** This release, we have done several improvements for our Failover functionality and added two configuration options for our SMB session factory support objects. We have also updated our password policy, so from now on you are required to have a password with a minimum length of 14 characters! Apart from these improvements, we have done several bug fixes. Please find out all below!
8 == **Feedback Items** ==
9 //__Password policy__//
10 Our password policy has been updated such that the minimum length is 14 characters, other requirements have remained the same. All users will be required to update their password when logging in. You will not be able to close this popup until your password has been updated successfully.
12 //__Failover__//
13 Several improvements for our failover functionality have been done:
14 * We have improved the warning message for the balance failover deployment plan step, making it more clear how to solve this issue should it occur during your deployment.
15 [[image:Main.Images.Release Blog.WebHome@release-233-balance-failover.png]]
16 * We have added the option to manually initiate the failover balancing process, saving you from having to execute your deployment. This action can be found in Deploy Architecture, when right clicking on the white canvas.
17 * We have added a visualization of connector systems that are pending a failover enable or disable in Deploy Architecture. Besides that, you will also see this shown in the pending changes list when you apply your changes to the environment.
18 [[image:Main.Images.Release Blog.WebHome@release-233-failover-system.png]]
20 //__Empty status__//
21 The status of error messages can now be reset to empty.
22 [[image:Main.Images.Release Blog.WebHome@release-233-reset-status.png]]
24 //__SMB session factory__//
25 We have added two additional configuration options to the SMB session factory support object.
26 * Connect as guest: We have added the option to toggle whether the session factory should attempt to connect as a guest if the login attempt with the provided username and password is rejected.
27 * Force SMB version 2: We have added the option to enforce the usage of SMB version 2. This effectively disables backwards-compatible version negotiation.
29 == **Bug Fixes** ==
30 //__Support object alert__//
31 If a component misses a support object, an alert is now shown in the Flow Designer, displaying which support object is missing.
33 [[image:Main.Images.Release Blog.WebHome@release-233-support-object-alert.png]]
35 //__XML to flat file__//
36 The XML to flat file and flat file to XML transformers have been restyled, such that they are similar to all other components.
38 //__Queue browser__//
39 When clicking the queue browser button, the user will not be redirected to the home page anymore.
41 //__Edit freeze__//
42 We fixed an issue where the browser page would get frozen when editing a flow component.
44 //__Release version__//
45 The version number of releases that have been activated, cannot be reused anymore for new releases. Note that this check only applies to release version numbers that are activated since this Release 233.
47 == **Fancy Forum Answers** ==
49 As always, this is a gentle reminder to ask questions via the Q&A forum. The Q&A forum is available in the eMagiz iPaaS portal, so we can all benefit from the knowledge within the community. For some inspiration, take a look at these forum answers:
51 * [[JSON-TO-JSON java.lang.NumberFormatException in string field>>||target="blank"]]
53 == **Key Takeaways** ==
55 Thanks to all who helped build and those who tested and gave feedback to improve the product. To end this post, here are some key takeaways for you:
57 * If you have questions surrounding our Program Increment Planning, please get in touch with [[>>]]
58 * If you have feedback or ideas for us, talk to the Platypus
59 * Please inform us of new additions to the store ([[>>]]) so we can all benefit from these.
60 * Clear your browser cache (Ctrl + Shift + Del)
61 * Check out the release notes [[here>>doc:Main.Release Information.Portal.233 - Policy Polish.WebHome||target="blank"]]
62 * Start thinking about how the license tracker can aid your development
63 * Start thinking about major, minor, and patch
64 * Keep making great integrations
66 Let's stay in touch and till next time!
68 {{info}}
69 ~* Indicates a Beta feature. If you would like to get access to this beta feature, please contact [[>>]]
71 {{/info}}
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