Search: "deployment plan"

Last modified by Rico Kieboom on 2022/04/11 14:18

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211 - Log Luminary

Last modified by Carlijn Kokkeler on 2024/05/22 13:36
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New features Deploy - Runtime overview: We added a new overview in the Deploy phase, called 'Runtime Overview', which shows the information of all runtimes on running machines. Deploy - Deployment plan: Before executing the deployment plan to deploy machines, a pop-up will be shown with a list of the affected runtimes.
Bug fixes Deploy - Deployment plan: We fixed an issue where an error was given when trying to display an error message regarding deployment plan execution errors. This has been fixed by now showing a generic error in the deployment plan and logging the full error in the Deploy history.
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It is now possible to see an overview of all runtimes on running machines, see runtimes and flow versions in the missing properties overview, and see which runtimes will be restarted or redeployed in a pop-up displayed when starting the deployment plan. Moreover, crash handling has been improved, as well as runtime logging and the display of the deployment execution error message.
====New features==== * Deploy - Runtime overview: We added a new overview in the Deploy phase, called 'Runtime Overview', which shows the information of all runtimes on running machines. * Deploy - Deployment plan: Before executing the deployment plan to deploy machines, a pop-up will be shown with a list of the affected runtimes.
====Bug fixes==== * Deploy - Deployment plan: We fixed an issue where an error was given when trying to display an error message regarding deployment plan execution errors.

200 - Uncharted Territories

Last modified by Carlijn Kokkeler on 2024/05/22 13:40
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The automated upgrade feature replaces it alongside the "Upgrade" functionality in Deploy - Architecture. Deploy - Deployment plan: We updated the right pane of the deployment plan to make it more compatible with the new runtime generation.
You can use the filter logs icons at the top of the list to show more information. Deploy - Deployment plan: We updated the logic within our deployment plan functionality. The deployment step that disables all enabled triggers from the Manage phase disables triggers till you exit the deployment plan overview. That means that those triggers will be re-enabled after you move away from the deployment process or close the browser.
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The automated upgrade feature replaces it alongside the "Upgrade" functionality in Deploy - Architecture. * Deploy - Deployment plan: We updated the right pane of the deployment plan to make it more compatible with the new runtime generation.
You can use the filter logs icons at the top of the list to show more information. * Deploy - Deployment plan: We updated the logic within our deployment plan functionality. The deployment step that disables all enabled triggers from the Manage phase disables triggers till you exit the deployment plan overview. That means that those triggers will be re-enabled after you move away from the deployment process or close the browser.

209 - Max Verstappen

Last modified by Carlijn Kokkeler on 2024/05/22 13:37
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In the last sprint cycle, we focused on improving the speed of the deployment plan and making the next generation architecture the default.
Minor changes Deploy - Releases: We sped up the process of preparing runtime images in executing the deployment plan. The step in the deployment plan concerning the preparation of runtime images will now be executed more quickly and reliably.
Bug fixes Create - Flow Designer: An issue has been fixed, where, previously, the connection line for drawing channels did not work well after the user scrolls or zooms in/out on the canvas. Deploy - Deployment plan: We fixed an issue of the release preparation step taking longer than necessary which is caused by the machine deployment steps to be executed when they could have been skipped.
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In the last sprint cycle, we focused on improving the speed of the deployment plan and making the next generation architecture the default.
====Minor changes==== * Deploy - Releases: We sped up the process of preparing runtime images in executing the deployment plan. The step in the deployment plan concerning the preparation of runtime images will now be executed more quickly and reliably. * Manage - Monitoring: The queue browser now displays milliseconds in the timestamps. * Manage - Alerting: Alerts will only be generated for queues that are created and managed by the eMagiz JMS server. ====Bug fixes==== * Create - Flow Designer: An issue has been fixed, where, previously, the connection line for drawing channels did not work well after the user scrolls or zooms in/out on the canvas. * Deploy - Deployment plan: We fixed an issue of the release preparation step taking longer than necessary which is caused by the machine deployment steps to be executed when they could have been skipped. * Manage - Monitoring - We fixed a rare case where a runtime either (1) could not start, or (2) logging, errors, and metrics could not be seen in the portal for a model that had just migrated to the next generation architecture.

189 - Private Eye

Last modified by Carlijn Kokkeler on 2024/05/22 13:43
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Deploy - Check properties: Informative error messages when saving or creating a property. (#576) Deploy - Deployment plan: We improved the deployment plan to avoid it causing problems when executing a deployment plan containing loads of steps.
Deploy - User management: Fixed an issue where 'Apply to environment' would take very long to finish. Deploy - Deployment plan: While generating a default plan, flow type steps will not be created for OSGi runtimes that run on a Docker machine. (#798) Deploy - Architecture: Cloud slots now wake up without potential need to apply to environment.
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. (#576) * Deploy - Deployment plan: We improved the deployment plan to avoid it causing problems when executing a deployment plan containing loads of steps. * Deploy - Architecture: Added reset feature for 3rd generation runtimes. ====Bug fixes==== * Create - Settings: We fixed an issue where changing the connection type did not update all relevant flows. * Create - Flow designer: Newly generated flows were configured with incorrect resource locations under specific circumstances. * Deploy - User management: Fixed an issue where 'Apply to environment' would take very long to finish. * Deploy - Deployment plan: While generating a default plan, flow type steps will not be created for OSGi runtimes that run on a Docker machine. (#798) * Deploy - Architecture: Cloud slots now wake up without potential need to apply to environment. * Deploy - Architecture: 3rd generation runtimes are included in runtime checks while upgrading your cloud environment.

229 - XPath Alignment

Last modified by Erik Bakker on 2024/09/10 12:53
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We also made some small changes to various XPath-related parts of the portal and updated our deployment plan. Please find all our changes and bug fixes below.
Minor changes Deploy - Deployment plan: We updated the deployment step that temporarily disables the triggers in your model.
On top of that, we reintroduced the automatic "enable trigger" step, which can be added as the last step of your deployment plan to automatically re-enable triggers. Be aware that you still need to enable triggers manually if you have manually disabled them before deploying.
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We also made some small changes to various XPath-related parts of the portal and updated our deployment plan. Please find all our changes and bug fixes below.
====Minor changes==== * Deploy - Deployment plan: We updated the deployment step that temporarily disables the triggers in your model.
On top of that, we reintroduced the automatic "enable trigger" step, which can be added as the last step of your deployment plan to automatically re-enable triggers. Be aware that you **still** need to enable triggers manually if you have manually disabled them before deploying.

228 - Monitoring Mania

Last modified by Carlijn Kokkeler on 2024/08/26 16:09
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. (#1423) Deploy - Architecture: The helptext of volume mappings has been improved. (#1405) Deploy - Deployment Plan: The deployment plan steps with type 'Failover' are now deprecated, meaning they can no longer be added to a deployment plan.
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. (#1405) * Deploy - Deployment Plan: The deployment plan steps with type 'Failover' are now deprecated, meaning they can no longer be added to a deployment plan. * Deploy - History: We added logging for when properties are deleted from the unused properties screen. (#1428) * Deploy - Missing Properties Overview: Setting the value of a missing property will now automatically remove it from the missing properties overview.

230 - Petite Peaks

Last modified by Carlijn Kokkeler on 2024/09/27 09:36
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Including in this feature is a new deployment plan step to automatically balance all of your failover connectors based on your configuration. The old failover deployment step has been deprecated and replaced by the aforemention new deployment plan step. Please find out more here. Minor changes Design - Solution Design: When adding an integration to an existing API in Design, the pop-up now shows that a new integration is being added, instead of an existing integration being edited.
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Including in this feature is a new deployment plan step to automatically balance all of your failover connectors based on your configuration. The old failover deployment step has been deprecated and replaced by the aforemention new deployment plan step. Please find out more [[here>>doc:Main.eMagiz Academy.Microlearnings.Intermediate Level.Grouping and Failover.WebHome||target="blank"]].

197 - Pay Attention

Last modified by Carlijn Kokkeler on 2024/05/22 13:41
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Minor changes Create - Flow Testing: we add some minor UI improvements and validation to prevent a test case from being in live mode and automated. Deploy - Deployment plan: If you run the deployment plan to deploy machines and run into issues, your deployment plan will be stopped at the step that gets a warning, and you can see a warning message on the left side.
Note that to make this functionality available a new "base image" was created which will automatically be applied to all gen two karaf containers when you create a new release and deploy it via the deployment plan causing redeployments. Design - Message Definitions: "Message format" button is also available in view mode. (#919) Remarks Manage - Statistics: Improved rollup and storage of metrics when running your solution in the next generation archticture.
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====Minor changes==== * Create - Flow Testing: we add some minor UI improvements and validation to prevent a test case from being in live mode and automated. * Deploy - Deployment plan: If you run the deployment plan to deploy machines and run into issues, your deployment plan will be stopped at the step that gets a warning, and you can see a warning message on the left side.
Note that to make this functionality available a new "base image" was created which will automatically be applied to all gen two karaf containers when you create a new release and deploy it via the deployment plan causing redeployments. * Design - Message Definitions: "Message format" button is also available in view mode. (#919) ====Remarks==== * Manage - Statistics: Improved rollup and storage of metrics when running your solution in the next generation archticture.

195 - Easter Party

Last modified by Carlijn Kokkeler on 2024/05/22 13:41
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With our new improvements to the deployment plan, only the affected containers by the property change(s) will be redeployed.
Create - 3rd Generation Migration: You can toggle the custom error handling option for your event processors while migrating your event processing container to the 3rd Generation Runtime. Deploy - Deployment plan: When you run your deployment plan in your model using the new generation runtimes, you will be able to be the logs that relate to an executing deployment step. Deploy - Deployment plan: The "Prepare release" is not scheduled automatically anymore, so you can be in control of your deployment plan.
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With our new improvements to the deployment plan, only the affected containers by the property change(s) will be redeployed.
That helps you choose the correct integrations to add to the Create phase more quickly. * Create - 3rd Generation Migration: You can toggle the custom error handling option for your event processors while migrating your event processing container to the 3rd Generation Runtime. * Deploy - Deployment plan: When you run your deployment plan in your model using the new generation runtimes, you will be able to be the logs that relate to an executing deployment step. * Deploy - Deployment plan: The "Prepare release" is not scheduled automatically anymore, so you can be in control of your deployment plan. * Deploy - Architecture: Certificates only editable by system admin. * Manage - Jobs: In case the model has containers that contain jobs in one of its flows, users can inspect job managers, job executions, and job step executions.

206 - Situational Deployment

Last modified by Carlijn Kokkeler on 2024/05/22 13:38
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In the last sprint cycle, we focused on improving our deployment plan. On top of that, we made several improvements to the store.
Deploy - Architecture: The description users see when adapting the topic retention size has been changed to be less confusing. Deploy - Deployment plan: The algorithm for genarating a default deployment plan is improved to keep JMS downtime and alerting to a minimum. (#1009) Deploy - Deployment plan: A change in the memory settings of a container triggers a redeployment of the container. (#993) Deploy - Properties: We removed the deprecated tab Properties in the Deploy phase.
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In the last sprint cycle, we focused on improving our deployment plan. On top of that, we made several improvements to the store.
====Minor changes==== * Design - Channels: Moving already attached channels in the flow designer has been made sligthly easier. (#845) * Create - Framework: The framework used in the flow designer has been updated, improving performance. * Deploy - Architecture: The description users see when adapting the topic retention size has been changed to be less confusing. * Deploy - Deployment plan: The algorithm for genarating a default deployment plan is improved to keep JMS downtime and alerting to a minimum. (#1009) * Deploy - Deployment plan: A change in the memory settings of a container triggers a redeployment of the container. (#993) * Deploy - Properties: We removed the deprecated tab Properties in the Deploy phase. * Deploy - Release properties: The description of a property can be changed by editing the property. (#1064) * Deploy - Release: The start/stop/restart machine deployment steps are now also executed correctly for AWS and on-premises machines. * Deploy - Release: When a release is removed, the related unused images in the on-premises machines will be removed as well. * Deploy - Release: Performance improvements have been implemented for loading releases in Deploy. * Manage - Alerting: If alerting has been paused manually, it will not be activated automatically after a release deployment. (#1024) * Manage - Alerting: Inactivated users should be removed from all alert settings (including “disabled“ settings) to avoid undesirable notifications. * Manage - Monitoring: Graphs showing problematic runtimes, queues and requests have been updated to be sorted by “Process CPU usage”, “Messages in queue” and “Unsuccessful requests” by default respectively for 3rd generation runtimes. (#1069) * Manage - Monitoring: The 3rd generation runtime dashboards have been changed to show data on UTC time zone by default. (#1070) * Manage - Monitoring: Variables in the 3rd generation runtimes HTTP statistics detail pages are now sorted case insensitive. (#1063) * Administration - My account: When an account password change request is made, even when this fails, a mail is sent to the account owner to inform on the action. * Administration - My account: When changing a password, it is compared to a list of known database breaches for security.
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