eMagiz Store

Last modified by Carlijn Kokkeler on 2024/03/14 14:50

In this fundamental, we will zoom in on the concepts of the eMagiz Store and how it can benefit our community while developing within the platform. Building on this fundamental, we have several microlearnings related to the eMagiz Store that gives a more in-depth explanation of the technicalities when working with the store.

Should you have any questions, please get in touch with academy@emagiz.com.

1. Prerequisites

  • Some context on cloud functionality will be helpful.

2. Key concepts

  • The eMagiz Store is accessible from various phases of the ILM
  • The eMagiz Store is designed for reusability, speed, and transferring best-practices
  • EMagiz maintains generic content. Our partners maintain their content.
  • The eMagiz content is divided into connectors and accelerators

3. eMagiz Store

We have designed the eMagiz Store to support our users while developing in the Design and Create phase of eMagiz in creating a functional integration. Store items developed by eMagiz and by our partners focus on increasing the speed of delivery, promoting reusability across models, and instilling best practices in the hearts and minds of our users.

The eMagiz Store currently hosts many connectors connecting to systems such as Exact Online, Salesforce, SAP, Microsoft Graph, and more. On top of that, we offer a wide range of accelerators that contain often-used transformations, standardized connectivity methods (i.e., REST, SOAP, SFTP), and technically challenging solutions that could come in handy (i.e., Groovy solutions).


3.1 Content Management

Within the eMagiz store, we have two streams of content that can be published. The first stream of content is maintained and managed by ourselves as eMagiz. This stream focuses on accelerators (i.e., store items that simplify something in Create, such as calling a REST endpoint) and generic connectors (i.e., connectors used in various markets, such as Salesforce). Each of our partners maintains and manages the secondary stream of content. As partners, they can export relevant content for their customer base to the eMagiz store to enhance the platform's experience and add value faster.

3.2 Suggestions, Questions, and Feedback

Suggestions, questions, and feedback might arise when using the store or simply browsing through what the store can offer you. In each of these cases, we appreciate you contacting us in a specific manner. In case you have suggestions for new feedback, do not hesitate to contact us at academy@emagiz.com. In case of questions, please use our Q&A forum within the portal. In case of feedback, you can use the feedback button in the portal to report your feedback so we can look at it.

3.3 Example usage

Within the documentation portal, we have a list of connectors and accelerators managed and maintained by eMagiz. The list can be found here. On top of that, we have some example videos in which we demonstrate how you can use the store to your advantage through some use cases. Please check out the links below for some of these use cases.

3.4 Key benefits

Now that we have explained the eMagiz Store from a conceptual level, we will wrap up this fundamental by looking at the key benefits of the eMagiz Store within the eMagiz platform. Below we have summarized these key benefits:

  • The store (items) are designed to increase speed, reusability, and the use of best-practices
  • Both eMagiz and partners actively maintain the content provided in the store.
  • Many store items are already available to kickstart your development right now.

4. Key takeaways

  • The eMagiz Store is accessible from various phases of the ILM
  • The eMagiz Store is designed for reusability, speed, and transferring best-practices
  • EMagiz maintains generic content. Our partners maintain their content.
  • The eMagiz content is divided into connectors and accelerators

5. Suggested Additional Readings

If you are interested in this topic and want to learn how you can utilize the eMagiz Store while developing in the eMagiz platform, please check out the following videos on the eMagiz Store:

If you want a more in-depth and guided experience in how to work with the Store please check out the following course: