
Version 1.1 by eMagiz on 2023/03/31 12:38

With this exercise, we start our journey into the eMagiz platform. This exercise will explain the business case used throughout all exercises linked to the Crash Course Platform Course. In the following exercises, we will guide you step by step through the platform so you can learn how to use it.

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1. Prerequisites

2. Exercise

To kickstart your journey into the eMagiz platform, we have selected a set of exercises linked to the Crash Course Platform course that will guide you through the platform in building and validating your first integration. To start things off, we will introduce the business case in this exercise that will be used to model out the correct solution in eMagiz.

2.1 Business Case

Read and understand the following business case

As eMagiz Ltd. we want to directly receive information from three external sources (FMS, OMS and Country Validator). We expect to get an immediate response in both success as well as failure cases. See below for specifications per system.

  • FMS
    • Retrieve Invoice Information
  • OMS
    • Retrieve carrier information
    • Retrieve parcel status
  • Country Validator
    • Retrieve ISO3 code


3. Solution