Edit Flow Test

Last modified by Eva Torken on 2024/03/19 13:55

With this exercise, we continue our journey into the eMagiz platform. This exercise will show you how to edit your existing flow tests in such a way that you achieve a succesfull test in which the actual output matches the expected output. Following that we will see how we can use the expected output as starting point to test a following flow.

Should you have any questions, please contact academy@emagiz.com.

1. Prerequisites

  • Completed all previous exercises of the Crash course Platform
  • Completed all previous microlearnings of the Crash course Platform

2. Exercise

In this exercise, please ensure that the flow test you created for the previous exercise is edited in such a way that the actual output matches the expected output. Following that build a flow test for the offramp that uses one of the expected outputs as an input for that flow test and test and edit it in such a way you also achieve a success on this flow.

To validate your flow test in the offramp we provide you with the expected result of the flow based on the first order as supplied in the Example Message (Multiple Orders CAPE). The expect result is the following Example Message (Expected Output TMS Order #1)

3. Solution

In this short movie, you will find the workout of this exercise. Take a moment to review this one and compare it to your solution.
